Bedtime story for kids in English : Sleeping Beauty | full in English

Published 2024-07-10
🌙Story Summary
Once upon a time, a king and queen had a baby girl and invited fairies to celebrate. An angry, uninvited fairy cursed the princess to prick her finger on a spinning wheel on her sixteenth birthday and fall asleep for one hundred years. A kind fairy softened the curse, saying a prince’s kiss would wake her.
On her sixteenth birthday, the princess pricked her finger and fell asleep, along with everyone in the castle. A thick forest grew around the castle, hiding it. After one hundred years, a brave prince found the hidden castle, kissed the princess, and broke the spell. The princess and the prince married and lived happily ever after.

🌙Learning Points for Children
1.The Power of Kindness: The kind fairy's gift helped to soften the curse, showing that kindness can make a big difference and help overcome difficult situations.

2.Hope and Patience: Despite the curse, the story teaches that there is always hope. The princess and the kingdom were eventually saved, illustrating that patience can lead to positive outcomes.

3.Courage and Determination: The prince's bravery and determination to find and rescue the princess demonstrate the importance of being courageous and persistent in the face of challenges.

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