Historian Robert Kagan: U.S. passivity 'encouraged' Putin

Published 2023-01-12
In his comprehensive new book "The Ghost At The Feast," Kagan draws a line from nineteenth century American parochialism to today's superpower status. #CNN #News

All Comments (21)
  • @asahola8750
    Very true the west has failed to support Ukraine to win the war. Very sad to see dragging their feet while the Ukrainian people suffer so much.
  • we were too soft at the beggining, and now what a tragedy!!! al the bloodshed happening when it could have been stopped if we had given Ukraine what they needed to stop this monster.
  • @lestefani9517
    Letting a bully have his way turned him into a socio path
  • @quantumeseboy
    Ukrainians aren't even asking us to put boots on the ground, just give them tanks at least!
  • @geothon
    Eventually USA is going to realize that now is the time to deal with what's left of the Soviet Union.
  • @dlanska
    Yes, passivity and appeasement didn't work with Hitler either. Amanpour is, and has been, a true and positive force, an intelligent and insightful seeker of the truth, with an unswerving humanitarian focus. Kagan answered even the tough questions clearly and appropriately, and with tremendous insight.
  • Gee I called this nearly at the start of this entire mess. He's a bully, you don't back down whimpering like a battered dog. It just makes the bully angrier and more abusive. Hand Ukraine missiles that can hit Moscow and watch how fast that bully pulls back.
  • @Sir1626
    This is why it is so important that the US and the West support Ukraine. Putin isn't going to stop at Ukraine
  • @saarinmaki
    This character Angela Merkel was so enchanted by Russia 's annexation of Krim in 2014 that she approved the building of Nord Stream 2 making Germany and Europe even more dependent on Russian energy. Not surprising Putin felt she had given him green light to annex more Ukrainian lands.
  • We watched this happen in the 30s and 40s, and we got WWII when Western Europe and the US failed to show its teeth. We need to be more proactive in preventing invasions, rather than wasting lives and treasure carrying out our own for selfish reasons.
  • @deecee1522
    Thousands of Russians going home in bodybags
  • @229Mike
    Well said. This should be shared in schools.
  • @DavidJ222
    Trump definitely encouraged Putin. Remember Helsinki?
  • @rick4976
    "we have been a little too reluctant to provide Ukraine with everything the Ukrainians can possibly use...". I have been puzzled by the reluctance as well.
  • @spelunkerd
    The turning point was the way Ukrainians chose to fight for their own country. In contrast with allies in Afghanistan and even Iraq, Ukrainians feel they have something to fight for, something worth dying for. Instead of dropping their guns and running way, they proved themselves to be capable adversaries. Of course, support them.
  • @ChildofC-53
    I wonder how much longer Russia will be able to keep its units in Syria. With them getting mopped up in Ukraine.