03 Aqua Wind - Album: AMoLPC

Published 2015-05-03
Link where you can download my Album:


Track from my first Music Album that I made few years ago.
Its Ambient/Dark Ambient style.

I had in mind one story that I wanted to put in this music, dream walk through lost city, but I decided to create few random track and after that sort them, so they would stick to this story that I had in my mind.
To be honest I dont remember why exacly I started making this Album. I just remember that in this time I was in love with Lustmord music and overall in Ambient & Dark Ambient music, and I was thinking: why not to try it? I had massive amount of ideas for it, but lets be honest, having ideas and making them real is huge difference. So to boost a bit my approach to make it real,
I started to work on Album Arts, because graphic stuff is easier for me to do. After few weeks I end with this album... I think its not that bad, hope you like it.

More info about my Albums: akinaro.pl/music.html

Track and whole Album is made only by me using good old Sony ACID 7 and Audacity programs.
I used some sounds and samples from totally free collections that I gathered for past 12 years.

I share this tracks without any copyright "bla bla bla", feel free to use it and modify, but I ask only to mention from where you get it :]

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