This is my New Years Resolution.

Published 2024-01-06
Plus a few other things!

I originally said this in the video but I cut it out in order to keep it snappy and they didn't seem really relevant to my YouTube channel. Two of those things is I want to release six albums this year. Be they three songs or ten songs, I want to be involved with six different releases. I went to South Dakota last year for a week some friends with the intent to make an album but I dropped the ball there and it didn't pan out like I was hoping. That's fine though! Just gonna pivot into a different direction. I've been taking singing lessons to get over my stage freight and piano lessons just because I think that would be cool to learn. Been practicing guitar again, I was never astounding with it, but I was alright! Super rusty though.

I also want to try doing a different art piece every week that pushes me into being a better artist. I feel like I have a lot of technical know-how but I lack the skills to fully back them up. I might end up doing every other week with this but if you're curious about that just check out my Newgrounds account! The music I'll probably post here when it's relevant.

And the rest of my resolutions are for me! Maybe I'll share them at the end of the year to see if I reached them or not, but for now I think that's enough sharing. I'll see you around, later!

All Comments (4)
  • @8bitvelociraptor
    Exciting! I'm looking forward to the Cave Story episode :) The risograph one too!
  • @ramenboop
    cool sweater
    your riso comic was cool too but i missed my chance to say it last video
  • @Korcenton
    Good Luck! 🟊
    Looking forward to the Stuff You Will Make. (TWEWY being first is icing on the cake!)