What made you Quit League of legends?

Published 2024-07-08
I know a lot of you guys don't have the time to grind solo queue these days so I hope this can help give you a fix. This is the true Solo queue Experience! Hope you enjoy it, like, comment, & Subscribe.

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0:00 Leona Abuses Taric
7:15 AD Sion TOP
10:08 This Braum is Special
13:43 Double Jungle Sion
17:15 Leona the Headless Chicken

#leagueoflegends #tilterella #ranked
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All Comments (21)
  • "What made you Quit League of legends?" The simple fact that it was bringing large amounts of rage and unhappiness into my life and I finally decided to cut it out. Vanguard is just a cherry on top that keeps me from ever thinking of coming back.
  • @razamondo
    From vanguard to the gaslighting and lies riot spew all the time, to the inconsistent design philosophy (communication is important, lets add more pings! communication is toxic, lets remove pings! ect...) and other gameplay choices and design both for the normal game and for fun gamemodes that feel like they are made by people who don't even play games let alone league. Don't think I'll ever play again personally, probably just going to treat them as a music/animation production company.
  • @FizzleIsGaming
    no friends to play with since we are all working adults, toxic community, bored of the repetitive games and metas that stale quickly, a combination of a lot of reasons honestly. i quit a long time before vanguard, but that would be another thing. kernel level access from a game owned by a company like tencent.. miss me with that
  • @keyman3131
    The event passes are what got me. It's one thing to have to choose rewards, or spend a lot of time grinding. But the sheer amount of grind time required for so little payoff killed it for me with my need to collect limited time stuff.
  • @HaSuOrbs
    "What made you Quit League of Legends?" Vanguard was really the last nail in the coffin for me. I uninstalled LoL as it got announced to be a requirement to play it, and all other Riot games I played at the time (LoR, TFT) because they require Vanguard too. And to be clear: I avoid kernal level stuff because I am not keen of installing a weak point into my system at such a deep level -- Especially from a company that gets data breached all the time. And I only played aram's anyways (Because my ranked experience was always a toxic mess) so the "loss" in LoL is not a big deal for me. I still consume LOL content tho, mainly because my friends still play it and I am at least somewhat invested in character design, lore and world building. LoL has a vast universe, just sad that they don't do much with it any more. Since I stepped away from LoL I started to work out again, lost 15 kg// 33 pounds because of it, have a better mental health graph and am enjoying myself far more. For that: Thanks riot for helping me fixing myself. Can only recommend.
  • @camjo13
    To answer your question about coming back: I stopped playing because of Vanguard. I have ethical qualms about software with kernel level access being required to start up on boot, that sounds a lot like a rootkit. Its also why I swapped to Linux as my main driver so I can have more control over stuff like that, which coincidentally with the Vanguard requirement, no longer works with League. So I guess the only way I am coming back is if either Vanguard is no longer required to start on boot for Windows or if they make the game work on Linux again without Vanguard.
  • Remove Vanguard, and I'd probably start playing again. As soon as that software was installed on my computer, my FPS dropped from a stable 80 to fluctuating between 40-60. Additionally, several of my friends have experienced their computers freezing completely while playing League, even though they never had that problem before Vanguard.
  • @pointynives
    I quit for two reasons. When playing alone I hated having to put every game on my back and feeling like team mates where putting me behind (had an 80% winrate but had junglers coming into my lane when I backed and taking the bounce back and setting up a freeze for the enemy) and when playing with friends, one friend got that abusive that it caused an irreparable rift that means we haven't talked for 2 years now. Vanguard is a big reason I won't return. Whilst the lowest level of scripters being banished is nice, as a software dev I don't like root level access to machines. We've already had issues with this between things like genshin impacts anti-cheat getting hacked and recent situations in web dev world where software was bought out by Chinese companies and then malware being placed in existing codbases that were used by thousands of companies and millions of people. The general feeling of greed coming from skins and battlepasses doesn't help either
  • @Foxr-
    I quit because of vanguard because even if it is somewhat effective, having a kernel level software is a one way ticket to getting easily compromised by malicous third parties
  • @boldnbrash7028
    Riots response to toxicity just made things worse. But ultimately it was the fact one teammate can cost you the entire game and you lose all the LP regardless but it's much harder for one person to win you the game
  • @DaeDroug
    I was already only playing sporadically but then the vanguard update came out and I was like nah, don't wanna deal with that. Don't have issues with it that a lot of people have with it but the always on must restart to get it working nature of it is shady to me. Just not worth it for a game I play 1 or 2 times a month.
  • @asrielowski
    it might be 1:30 am but new tilterella vid just dropped
  • @OhBrother17
    The only thing that would bring me back is another durability update the burst in this game is so frustrating. other than that riot would have to actually ban griefers, not people trying new things or having a bad game but people who legit say in chat that theyre inting and then go 0/27, they still get to play games after that its insane and boring as shit when it happens
  • @pmodd
    Played a couple of games late in the evenings when time permitted since season 3 iirc, but stopped when Vanguard was introduced. I don't care about having one scripter every 30 games or so, but granting an untrustworthy software company affiliated with the CCP root-0 access to my home PC is unacceptable. The risk of losing a video game to a scripter is vastly outweighed by the risk of having personal identity documentation being used by Tencent or anyone who manages to gain access to my PC via an exploit in Vanguard. Ironically, Vanguard won't even prevent scripters, it will simply ban them after 10 games or whatever, and Riot doesn't refund LP when you prove the opposition was scripting. Most of my losses were team diff or from griefers anyway.
  • I love off meta play styles when people are able to have some success with them despite the struggle. Your games are always an interesting watch. Thanks!
  • @Jozzo
    I stopped playing when Vanguard* was enforced. It sucks because I still really liked the game, but I can't play it on my system. I played arams 90% of the time so I didn't even need the anti cheat.
  • @765craven4
    That Ezreal in the first game was a bloodhound. Dude could smell blood a mile away, he just couldn't tell if it was his own. That Kennen in the last game was defs an unsung hero. Dude didn't do well early but his Ult definitely clutched some fights near the end
  • @aki5876
    Ur music choice is just impeccable. Every single video of yours have nostalgic amazing songs from the games I played previously.
  • @rimblink5473
    Personally i stopped LoL because of vanguard. It was the last straw