The Power of Silence--Why Shutting Up Is Good For You | Michael Angelo Caruso | TEDxOcala

Published 2022-12-13
Expression is sexy, but silence speaks volumes. Use quiet to improve relationships, gain respect, and have a rewarding career. Michael teaches people how to be better speakers and
presenters, so they can help more people and amp up their careers.
He utilizes his unique background in the technology sector and a separate career in the entertainment business to deliver keynote speeches that feel like a combination of your best teacher and your favorite comedian. He has spoken on five continents and in 49 of the 50 states. He can make anyone a better communicator.
Caruso is the founder and President of Edison House, an international consulting firm specializing in corporate and personal improvement. Edison House clients include Hallmark, Bank of America, Verizon Wireless, Rayovac, Citgo, Nissan, and the United States Navy.
Michael has authored Work Hacks and the audiobook, Dear Michael Angelo -- A Father’s Life Letters to His Son. He also has an online speaker coaching masterclass titled, Present Like a Pro.
A lifetime Rotarian, Michael loves giving back. He is a lifetime Rotarian and enjoys giving back. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

All Comments (21)
  • @C.S.99
    "but the comfort of silence is your gateway to better relationships..." enjoyed your talk live in Ocala. excellent!
  • @ejudith
    Great wisdom here. Silence is such a powerful tool in communication. Most of us don't use it nearly enough.
  • I can't be silent! Michal knocked it out of the park with his wise words about the power of silence.
  • Let me be quiet and think about this. Excellent presentation!
  • I have always had a hard time not oversharing. It has affected my work situations, mostly. I've been trying really hard lately not to talk. I even switched jobs to be able to start fresh and keep my life more private. It's hard because I have always been too trusting of others. I don't really think before I speak, and it's gotten me into really awkward situations. Thank you for this.
  • Totally captivated for the entire 10 minutes and loved, Loved, LOVED how Michael both demonstrated the tactical benefits of silence and used humorous stories to reinforce his points!
  • @susanswinny588
    After James Nestor's book Breath came out, I tried his suggestion to tape my lips together to force myself to breathe through my nose for health reasons. Over a week off from work, I taped my lips together most of the time. It was so therapeutic. My energy, compassion, and inner peace increased. My impulsivity and ego decreased. Similar to meditation. I recommend it to the curious.
  • @DrKingaMnich
    What a great talk. And I am a big fan of the space between. It’s also the space in which we can understand the difference between what we feel and what we are expected to feel.
  • @DempCoaching
    Excellent presentation Michael! I hope that you and your loved ones have a wonderful holiday season. Barry
  • @rollzolo
    Im not a big tall guy, and was in construction for 30 years, on my second year as an apprentice boy my shop steward said don't go to bed thinking i should have said something and i didn't. Those were the words i never forget that my dad should have taught me. My dad never talked to me other than do this do that, he only talks to my older brother