My Dog Has Megaesophagus // Learn How We Take Care Of Him

Published 2021-02-06

All Comments (21)
  • @2474raju
    Thank you soo much n God bless kind papa n mama...your sacrifice for Miko is soo beautiful...God bless Miko with good health.
  • @TheCosyNest
    This is very helpful. My youngest was recently diagnosed with megaesophagus and it’s feels good to see your dog healthy and happy 😁
  • @kikifire9113
    Your love for your dog is so awesome. Thank you for making these videos! I've had a MegaE puppy for 2 weeks now, we're getting used to a routine now. He sits in his chair for 20 mins. after every meal (I feed him canned food mixed with water- it's the consistency of a Frosty) and when he has water, I usually hold him for 5 mins. He hasn't regurged since.
  • @conor_94_
    We are still waiting on our dog having tests for this, it looks like it may be the case. He’s a French Bulldog. I actually ordered a ‘baby walker’ to try but wasn’t too successful, I will try again soon. If he is diagnosed I will invest in a chair. I have been treating him this past week as if he has already been diagnosed and just sitting him upright on my legs and holding him. I know that may not be practical long term but it’ll do for now. Praying it isn’t the case but you just know these things sometimes don’t you 💔 He is literally my child, it’s going to be so difficult but I will do anything and everything.
  • @x.3153
    how is your dog??? exactly the same situation and my Chocos, now 10 years old, was diagnosed with MA. for 5 years now, exactly the same daily life as yours, but we love him very much! We give him Viagra, it helps, with a shovel and a broom we saved something from the kitchen paper😁, he survived 2 serious pneumonias and a bronchopneumonia, he is a hero and we are going strong! I wish you are all well!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Thank you for posting this and your last video! I adopted a puppy (5 months old at the time) who had been hit by a car and her owners at the time weren't going to take her to the vet, so I did and ended up adopting her. She was a big puker since the day I got her but attributed it to her food until I switched her food time and time again before finally having her diagnosed with ME when she was just over a year old. I now feed her FreshPet dog food rolls in HUGE chunks (as the vet recommended) because they're bigger and easier for her to get doen than kibble, and she doesn't need a Bailey's chair just yet because I have her stand on her 2 back legs with her front paws up on a tall bench or stool until a few minutes after she's done eating. The stool eating combined with the huge chunks of soft food have helped her so much. She used to go from throwing up 7+ times per day to now MAYBE 1-2 times per month (and that is only if she eating something she shouldn't have or drinks too much water after a big hike and we don't stand her up quickly enough after. I have always been so worried about how she will do as she ages, but this video and hearing your story gave me so much hope that I will be able to manage it as she ages and adjust as needed. She is my GIRIL and my baby and she's so awesome so I know I will do whatever I need to do. Thank you so much again, and good luck with your family. The love you and your wife have for both of your dogs is evident and admirable.
  • @samboles3670
    I cant tell you how much these videos have meant/done for me Thank You from the bottom of my heart.
  • My dog might have megaesophagus Google said 90 day to live your video gives me hope God I love my boy so much it's 4 am and I'm unable to sleep out of fear
  • @briantripp8064
    Our dog is 7 years old and has recently been diagnosed with mega oesophagus and we have a picnic blanket that is waterproof on one side and has fleece on the other, we use it to cover the bed where our dog sleeps and it gets washed most days but it saves the majority of the rest of the bedding, also we use a squeegee and a dustpan with a rubber edge to scoop up his puke and then we have a spray disinfectant that we use to clean with. We love our dog too and we are trying our hardest to keep him safe, thanks for sharing your story.
  • When you love someone the way you love them you will always do what you can to take care of them
  • @marylongoria9431
    Thank you for sharing your pain your love and your joy for your dog. Our German Shepherd shepherd was just diagnosed with MG, he is 2 years old and a joy to have, but I know it’s not an easy thing to go through! Blessings for you and your wife!❤
  • @steelers429ful
    My dog has megasophagus he was diagnosed at about 5 months.They originally did surgery for a diaphragm just to tell me he actually had megaesophagus.The vets still charged me $2,000.smh Aspiration Pneumonia absolutely scares me.What was the treatment process like? And cost? Hope your pup is doing good.
  • @Jesse796
    That was very helpful and hat's off to you for taking such good care of your dog🥹 Just a suggestion, why not remove/ empty all water bowls at night and latch up bathroom doors too in case he tries drinking out of the toilet bowl. It would atleast save you from these unexpected midnight pukes🥺
  • @anele4932
    Hey Keith and Everyone here! I need your help, I am thankful for any kind of heart felt advise for my situation: I just came back from the vet because my dog (11) suffers from megaösophagus and aspirational Pneumonia, he has to stay there the whole night because he was almost suffocating today. I moved to a new country 3 months ago, and shortly afterwards my dog was Diagnosed with megaösophagus. The last months were horrible, I am on the last bit of my mental energy with this situation. I dont know if I can manage all the physical and mental struggles that come along for Paul and me when I try to learn him at his age to be put in a chair many times a day. He is an irish setter, he weighs 40 kg and is very, very tall (1.70m when he is upright), he has weak hind legs because of arthritis. I have some friends here but I have no family here to support me with teaching him this. I work 40 h week (from home though so could be worse). I had such an amazing and beautiful life with my dog and the last months he just wasnt himself anymore because of all the suffering. It is slowly killing his spirit and I am suffering with him. I dont know what to do. I dont know if I can manage and also if its GOOD for him to put him through this procedure of vomiting every day, eating in a chair, being up at night all the time, eventually suffocating at his age. I am crying my eyes out because I want to do what is right and good for him, but I feel like I can no more and I would need some help with all this. So please do not judge me, I am seriously devastated and am really asking for some advice on what to do in my situation.. it looks amazing what you guys do for your dog Miko and I would love to so the same, but at the same time I realize my situation is just different. I am an 29 year old single woman who lives away from her family, I dont have a stable home anymore because my landlord sold my apartment, my car has been crashed to total damage a week ago so I could not even go back home if I wanted to because my dog is too big to fly, I am on my last money because I paid thousands of vet bills in the last months and I need to buy a new car to be able to just move on with life. I did all my life my best for my dog since I was 18 and now I am just not sure anymore on how to go from here. Please, if you can help, help me!! 🙏🏼 THANK YOU SO MUCH ❤
  • @calissaorg
    I use a squeegee with handle and dust pan for my English Bulldog. It helps picking up large amounts and save on pager towels. I’m still looking for a strong enough cordless wet vac that can pick up all the slimy consistency to make it easier.
  • @shonacole2124
    Do you have him on Sildenafil? It opens up the Esophagus we give it to Marta about 15min before we put her on her chair to eat.
  • @jeff1967ist
    My pit was said to have this, but she can drink water fine, just can not eat