Cards We Insta-Cut | EDHRECast 273

Published 2023-07-21
We gave them a shot, but we had to cut these cards after just one game!

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All Comments (21)
  • @chaffenbake
    Talking about win-more cards was brief, but could that be flushed out into a full episode in the future? What defines a win-more card, what some of the most played ones are (and commanders that could actually use them outside of win-more situations), etc.
  • The cards I end up cutting immediately are ones that I put in because I got too deep in the weeds of Magical Christmasland, and how theoretically powerful cards are when I have particular board states and fancy interactions. When I get them they come out by themselves, and then... just do nothing. Now I have a rule of synergy-seeking that any card in a deck has to be good when it's just by itself, unless it also has the potential to instantly end the game without much other support.
  • @DonTheKoala
    Lidless gays was a better dad joke that the vegetable ones, I hate to break it to you Matt
  • @bartoffer
    Probably the smoothest challenge the stats segway I've ever seen tbh, props to Matt
  • @vgpatman9728
    Lmao that lidless gaze joke made me laugh way too much
  • @cfrydlewicz
    I focus on the FEELING I get when I draw the card in context. Relative to each deck, I imagine how it'll feel for me to see a card in my opener, in midgame, or late game when I'm top-decking. And however that makes me FEEL is how I determine those final cuts.
  • @greekPharaoh666
    I've started actively cutting cards from my decks that i don't want to play against. Trying to be the change i wish to see in other people
  • @rcarlson787
    Fierce Guardianship. Not because it was bad, but I felt bad casting it. Even among "free" counterspells, it is TOO free.
  • Important to remember that these experiences are personal. I just played a game yesterday where for about 10 straight turns in a row, my opponents cast two spells per turn. I know because one player had Mangara and was triggering it every turn. I remember thinking " man i wish i had a Monologue Tax right now"
  • @UrielColeridge
    I cut Expropriate from my Yuriko list when I first played it and realized it would never do the cool thing of taking extra turns/permanents - people would just scoop.
  • @MegaGrip13
    9:03 Yes! Vesuvan Drifter has a very important place in Kenessos, Priest of Thassa. It is an all star in that deck! Especially with brainstorm/worldy tutor shenanigans to set your top card to be a huge sea monster. You can worldly tutor up a spawning kraken for instance, attack with drifter (now a spawning kraken with flying) and then activate kenessos before combat damage to get two 9/9 krakens. It is HILARIOUS (for you).
  • @froggystrap1232
    Monologue tax is great! It’s never removed like Smothering Tithe and make like 5-10 mana each game
  • @BrootalMetalBanjo
    My favorite cunning rhetoric moment was when I countered a friends spell with memory lapse, he got mad attacked me thus giving me the card I countered. It was the perfect moment for my sphinx deck
  • @AaKkisa
    I once cut an entire deck because it was far too strong for my playgroup. Sleep well sweet Elsha of the Infinite.
  • @elguapobandito2833
    I actually had a positive experience with monologue tax last night, In my Marneus Calgar deck. With my commander in play it generated five treasure tokens, and drew five cards. I bought a pack shortly after ended up pulling a Lotho and swapped it out immediately after
  • @jacquesdespadas
    More in the vein of Matt’s first example: Worldslayer equipped to Zurgo Helmsmasher not only did the Worldslayer return to the box never to be seen again, but the whole deck was deconstructed.
  • @CrabBaskets
    At first glance I thought Kaho, Minamo Historian was bonkers for my spellslinger deck. I found it was just too slow for what I was wanting to do, so it got cut after trying it once.
  • Monologue Tax: I have a group hug deck that, among other things, gives everyone extra mana and draws on their turn. Monologue Tax is amazing, because everyone has the resources to play extra spells, so I’m coming back to my turn with several treasures, which gets me to my win condition bombs very quick. It also helps that my pod has up to 6 people, so having an extra five mana when my turn hits is always nice.