Channeled Message: Establishing Your 5D Values For Stability and Strength

Published 2024-07-15
The global evolution is underway, offering opportunities to expand into new potentials as you further define your 5D values. Opportunities to bring together internal and external division is strong. Stay curious and mindful of when judgment arrives as we're also deconditioning centuries of programming that has created division, fear, control, and power dynamics.

Aquarian Diamond Lightcode Meditation: In this guided visualization, you will connect with more of your cosmic talents, flush out and release expired cellular energy, call in more of your star family connections and gifts from other dimensions, embed the earth's ley lines with higher cosmic frequencies, re-align your relationships with solar consciousness, and immerse into newly encoded diamond frequency potentials.
Check it out:

The Nodes of Fate move through Aries and Libra from July 2023 to January 2025, bringing energy and focus to where you are ready to grow into more of your true self. Let's dive into what this means for you personally as we explore the energies of Aries and Libra in your natal chart by expression, house placement, and previous cycles of growth. Please bring your astrology chart to this course.

~~ How To Read Your Solar Return Chart – Discover the main astrology themes and energies on your birthday as Molly teaches you how to interpret your solar return chart over 8 online courses. Use code BIRTHDAY to get it for 50% off now!

~ Channeling Your Cosmic Connections - A guided visualization and meditation for opening up to your cosmic support team.

~ 2024 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2024 and how the energies will show up in your natal chart, including the 4 Mercury retrogrades, powerful Venus energy in June, 4 eclipse points, a Galactic Grand Trine, Sedna in Gemini, Pluto in Aquarius, Jupiter in Gemini, and more.

~~~~ Mastering Abundance In Your Spiritual Business -- In nine easy-to-follow sections, I lead you through 11 essential points for mastering abundance and opening up to more flows of financial income in your business. Use code MANIFEST to get the full program on sale!

~~ 50% off for a limited time: How To Read Your Progressed Astrology Chart – Discover the main astrology milestones and soul growth in this lifetime as Molly teaches you how to interpret your progressed astrology chart over a series of online classes. No coupon code required.

~~~~~ Beginner: Astrology 101 Course For Your Soul's Growth
Learn to interpret your natal chart in this on-demand course with 6 classes. More info here:

On Sale! ~~~~ Beginner to Intermediate: Learn Transits In Your Astrology Chart
Discover how the transiting planets are working with your natal chart and planets through 6 teaching videos, including understanding the 12 astrological houses, aspects, and how to read an ephemeris. Use code TRANSITS for 50% off this online course.

Molly McCord, M.A., has been studying and professionally practicing Western Tropical astrology for over 30 years. She is a bestselling author of ten books, professional intuitive astrologer, podcaster, business strategist, and modern consciousness teacher. Molly has a B.A. in Political Science and Women’s Studies, and a Master’s degree in International Relations and Diplomacy as a formal channel for understanding Global Consciousness with a Jungian perspective. With over 25 years of sales, marketing, business development, and leadership experience, Molly aims to support more entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, healers, and authors build their dream business in practical, solid ways.

All Comments (21)
  • @enoch4499
    Yesterday offered a big shift for me and mine. Out of the blue, a big storm blew in, lightning struck power sources, whole town blacked out. We had 5 hours of blissful stillness and silence. Just so happened to be our day off work together ❤❤❤
  • I believe that there are many on the ascension path that found themselves surprised at how they managed their energy in these times of upheaval. Of course, there was thankfulness and maybe even joy that a life was spared in a miraculous way, yet the ability to stay centered and observational remained. I know many will agree with me that Molly has been instrumental in 'lighting up' our ascension path, and we are so grateful for her teaching and mentoring! Step by step, we walk together in UNITY!
  • @jennilove912
    I went for my evening walk while listening to this. I was greeted by animals behaving "abnormally" towards me. I was approached fearlessly by a bird, a fox, and a mouse.😮❤
  • It just blows my mind sometimes when I am having a hard time with something and then I listen to Molly and it’s exactly what I need to hear! Thank you for the guidance when I am so overwhelmed with the world today. 💜🙏🏻
  • As a polarity practitioner I love this poem by Rumi; “ out beyond the idea of wrong doing or right doing, There’s a field I will meet you there.” Unity of the heart rather than two sides of the brain. ♥️🕊️🌿
  • @raventree333
    Much needed energy coming to the planet for us to incorporate, self-heal and channel to Gaia.
  • @lasallemj
    I say thank you to those who have worked the 3D the best they could and brought us to this point where here we are…able to be at a point where we are ready to chose the 5D on this precipice and do what we came to do. Thank you 🙏🏾 ❤
  • Your messages often resonate deeply for me...none more so than this one. My mother has recently passed and I have found myself dropping into the division that has been a common theme in my family. I have been aware of it, but seemed unable to do anything about it. However listening to your message, I realise that I must avoid coming down to this level. I am more powerful than that and I must see this as a huge opportunity for me to shift to non-judgement and unity consciousness. A big thank you, Molly❤
  • due to a medical condition i had to lern to be left handed. Life changing! i saw things from a perspective i never saw before. worth trying!❤
  • @ClaireKin115
    Wow this is amazing Molly thanks so much! ❤ My Key 🗝️ takeaways: 🪶 Alignment, using less dominant side to create new neural connections and bring balance 🪶 get clear on 5D values ✨ 🪶 create process to raise frequency on the denser days 🪶 use sound, Ie bang shamanic drum or play crystal bowl, to clear energy and 0-point to 5D values 🪶 observe judgment 🪶 allow to dream without all that I’ve known in 3D
  • A teacher used to tell me you can do simple things like if you always put your left shoe on first, put the right shoe on first. Small actions can create change and balance.
  • @andrearoy4658
    Yahhhhhhhhhh, on the move again. 😂😂😂😂 8 suit cases in the truck of 5d. I'm moving again. This grid work stuff is awesome. Of course, there is fear of the unknown every time, almost like the first day of school. Sagittarius in sun and venus Aires moon 😂. Gentle journeys family. Thank you for making the time so relatable. Loving kindness ❤❤❤❤❤❤
  • @annt8203
    Thankyou, Molly, with gratitude for the grace and upliftment of your faithful " showing up" for all of us❤
  • This message is a treasure... Thanks a lot, beautiful Molly 💕💞💞🌊🌀✨
  • @xefirah8753
    🎉🎉🎉 this is crazy. I took a break from my walk and was wondering about what happened yesterday. I saw that you had a channeled message but never did find it. I must have skipped a beat here.
  • Thank you, Molly! Your insight and encouragement to stay curious about our judgments are exactly what I needed to hear. Blessings to you, dear Molly. You are so loved and appreciated.
  • Molly, thank you. This is my message, thank you. You have no idea how important your role is with this jewel right here. Thank you for following your chi and sharing your purpose with the world.
  • I have a song that immediately connects me to my heart, my guides, and oneness. It's been my go-to, especially when I am needing to ground & re-center ❤
  • Yes. I have been saying much of this for a few days. Some can see it, some can't. Seeing it from birds-eye view, seeing past, present, future all at once , plus seeing all the beings on earth and elsewhere, gives perspective, helps us heed the call, maintain balance, so we can help build. I sent your message to an awakened friend who is feeling distracted by politics, and told her this: Listen to this, after taking some deep slow breaths. It's good, it helps us see the current issues from above, how to maintain our stability, how to hear/see creative solutions, how to help the destabilizing forces make sense and gain balance. I was just talking to Bridget about this, about seeing it all from above... that in usual election years, by this time in the cycle there wouldn't be changes in candidacy or positions, or changes in how the humans respond to it, but this year is different in every way possible. From a human, American viewpoint, we have a comedy of errors. From the human American view who buys into and holds onto everything any news agency emphasizes, it looks like a literal bloodbath with death camps to follow. From an above-view, where you can more clearly see past, present, future... how we got here, what good could come out of it (there is good that comes out of bottoming-out), and seeing the humans as just humans. That viewpoint gives us the ability to FEEL balance, to understand how people on all sides feel/see things the way they do, and how to help the situation move forward. In my view, our view? One of those things is definitely meditation, love, refusing to argue, refusing to fight. It also includes holding tight to your new values and abilities, to meditate, to KNOW that it will all be OK, seriously, to be ok with huge changes. My partner in 2016 left me and I was fired, my health was horrid. Bottoming out, tearing the house down, left space for a new, vibrant, more appropriate and balanced house to be built. If the USA, on all sides, had been more comfortable making the legal changes that needed/need to be made, then perhaps we wouldn't have had to tear down the house. The country wasn't comfortable with nor empowered to make those changes, so deadlocks became Trump's people storming the white house. When we were young, congress and senate often passed laws that most agreed on. That hasn't happened consistently for years. The polarization became more extreme. The news, the representatives, the corporations paying for both, increased the demands to increase the division to pay the bills. No news agencies are objective now. None. That is part of a termite-infested house, in my opinion. For me to go say things on line would only increase division, and it's only a view-point, not a list of things to do. We all need to give ourselves the oxygen first, breathe deeply, stabilize the part of the plane that we can control, and then send those vibrations, expectations, comforting words to others so that more help stabilize. That way, instead of crashing the plane(s), we can bump on the tarmac and realize it's time for a new plane without it bursting into flames.