Why Having Fun Is the Secret to a Healthier Life | Catherine Price | TED

Published 2022-07-21
Have you had your daily dose of fun? It's not just enjoyable, it's also essential for your health and happiness, says science journalist Catherine Price. She proposes a new definition of fun -- what she calls "true fun" -- and shares easy, evidence-backed ways to weave playfulness, flow and connection into your everyday life.

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   • Why Having Fun Is the Secret to a Hea...  

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All Comments (21)
  • One of the GREATEST tips on having fun that has worked wonders in my life, and uplifted my friends when I told them is this: "It's only embarrassing if you're embarrassed'. Far too often, do we miss out on having fun due to the fear of what other people will think or perceive us. For example, I used to hate dances. I thought, why would it be fun at all to go out in front of everyone without a plan and let them judge me on what a bad dancer I am. Now as I've matured, I've realized that the key to having fun is just not caring. I've recently had so much fun at dances by just feeling the music and letting my body do whatever it wants. Smiling and laughing with friends and just sort of meditating in the feeling of bliss. Feeling the vibrations of the music and not caring about what other people thought. Plus, when you exuberate confidence, people tend to think higher of you because they think subconsciously: if she's not embarrassed, it must not be embarrassing, just silly and fun
  • @JovonWNY
    The start of fun is not taking yourself too serious ALL the time.
  • Glad to hear fun visualized as sunshine. People often call me “sunshine”, because I naturally emit such energy to uplift people without trying. Smiling is my default expression. So I guess I’m not fun seeking. I’m fun living.
  • @som956
    I love how she is actually having fun while talking in TED ! Love her speech and the topic so much!
  • @hoanghuy385
    WHY HAVING FUN IS THE SECRET TO A HEALTHIER LIFE ** 1. The secret to long-term happiness is just to have more everyday moment of fun. 2. Ingredients of fun: - playfulness: having a lighthearted attitude of doing things for the sake of doing them and not care too much about the outcome. - connection: shared, interact people. - flow: the state that we so engaged and focused that we even lose track of time. 3. the most effective things you can do to have more fun is focus on its ingredients and fill your life with every moment of its: - reduce distraction - ex : don’t constantly on your phone. - try to connect more with people. - finding oppoturnities to rebel - get yourself permission to kick out of your life. - prioritize fun - carve out time for the activity or people often generate playful connected flow for you in your schedule.
  • Some of my fondest memories, are some of the hardest times in life. Like that time I tipped my kayak in a freezing river. It took 4 hours of wet and freezing to get to my truck. SO MUCH FUN! I never felt so alive
  • @DonYutuc
    Who's watching in 2024? This is such a fun topic! Thank you so much!
  • @gladiator229
    Key ingredients of having fun:- 1. Playfulness 2. Connection 3. Flow
  • @janedieuart
    Since I quit my job in banking to be an artist full time I've had a LOT more fun!!! We only live once, let's make it enjoyable!
  • @zekefreed8258
    finally i see someone vocalize what ive been feeling for a long time. Learning to have fun is one of THE most important things anyone can stive for in life
  • @mariaclaras88
    I felt fun yesterday night! Me and a long-term friend went out for the first time in years. After leaving the metro, our conversation has led to a giant amout of laughs. At the end, we didn't remember the reason that made us laugh first, but it was genuine and truly fun! This TED talk made me feel conscious and excited to the next funny moment :D
  • @Becky_Cal
    I love the comment about doing things to do them and not caring too much about the outcome! That’s how I approach my personal life (clearly, not my professional one)… especially when I try new things (like roller skating in my 40s). So many people I’ve met, especially once they hit 40, are like “I don’t really like doing that. It’s never been my thing. I feel like people will be watching me thinking what is he/she doing. Etc etc.” How boring and how sad! Get over yourself and get out and try new things. Otherwise, you’ll have a very sad, boring & lonely life…one that was hardly lived. You’ll be more prone to illness & physically, you’re more likely to end up with chronic disease. Live a little!
  • @azrani2023
    Thank you SO MUCH. This put into words a yearning I've felt for a couple of months or even years now, after recovering from a difficult time in my life. I've always felt like having fun actually helps me feeling better and more myself again, but when I worded it in the presence of others the reactions were sometimes like "oh but that's egoistic and trivial and not a good goal to live up to at all, you should strive for more important things and be productive". That devastated me and it also makes me angry! Now, if I could, I would print that TED talk out and hang it on a wall for everyone to see. I'm gonna share and reshare it, until everybody understands how good it is for all of us to have fun. Again - thank you. So, so much. I loved watching this.
  • @user-bc1kk8dm3w
    I love this reminder to stop and smell the roses. When life gets busy, I tend to put fun on the back burner and forget to live. When i get a chance to do it, I always come back rejuvenated , refreshed and become more productive. Thank you.
  • Watched this, thought "very nice! Good talk" Incorporating a "fun ethic" into my days has made life more worth living! No longer am I anguishing in decision paralysis, trying to tailor each decision I make towards being better than I was before. I've rediscovered what it feels like to play pretend and have fun. It feels like being a kid again
  • @beldonhuang
    Indeed, one thing that is SO often neglected in the world of hustle culture today is to have fun and enjoy the journey. It is exactly this that motivates us to continue and produce not just more but even better work, with more enjoyment, fulfillment and satisfaction
  • @GaryLiseo
    This is me when I’m with friends in the gym after a night of training or when I’m writing fiction. It definitely helps in many areas of life
  • Very profound her daughter said the colour of fun would be “ sunshine”
  • @maureenos
    Thank you for the important reminder. I tend to drive myself so hard that I often completely forget about the magic of fun! Appreciate your talk & message!