Silent Hunter 5 Gameplay (HD)

Published 2010-03-10
Windows 7 Ultimate x64
4GB Ram
Recorded with Fraps.

All Comments (21)
  • @ArmyDogtag6
    @pelvist Thanks for takeing time and answering my question :) I bought Silent Hunter IV on eBay for 7 Euros Cant wait to play it ::::))))
  • @SammEater
    Awesome series. I love simulators like this.
  • @bandorthild
    Great video. No annoying voice over nor webcam. Nicely done.
  • @pelvist
    You are right, but the game does have a fast forward/time warp feature to turn those days into minuites.
  • @Skelosk
    The graphics look pretty good, I like the ocean waves....really well made. I'm not into simulation games normally, but this game makes me want to try it, because it doesn't look too complicated, but still detailed.
  • @SlyDessertFox
    that must have been one great torpedo shot. The ship went down in seconds.
  • @kalatapie
    Playing Silent Hunter and listening to Rammstein: Reise Reise. Epic.
  • @pelvist
    Some prefer the older ones b/c of the extra details regarding simulation they have. SH V generated a lot of hate b/c of the DRM or b/c of its steep system requirements vs the older games. Many of the people who talk down on it havent even played the game or have played a buggy and restricted pirate version. SH V has much greater immersion and is a great sub sim IMO but it is less of a sim than the previous ones were. Just to clarify, the video above is set to noob mode not simulation .
  • @Nickuncle
    I had another good moment! :) This was actually before my failure. I positioned my sub in the middle of an enemy convoy, went up to periscope depth and started tracking a merchant ship. In the meantime a destroyer was right behind me at about 1-2km trying to use depth charges on me. I fired two torpedoes at the merchant ship and tube 5 at the destroyer, then dove. I got three confirmed torpedo hits. The destroyer went down fast!
  • @RAiNfORAiNbOW
    Very nice game, I bought it too (: and it works really fine! I will recommend it for everyone - the game is really interesting, it has good graphics and nice story too! And just to say, you shoot really good ;-) , you shot the torpedo really accurate at 2:50!
  • @Nickuncle
    So I learned that some warships have awesome range. I was sailing back to base when I ran into an enemy convoy. The warships started shooting at me and damaged my underwater propulsion. But I was already diving and I had no choice. So I dove. Everything was good for a while until suddenly the pressure hull cracked and my ship flooded and everyone died. It was sad.
  • @Devilz1089
    3 is the best among these you've listed
  • @warrenlikesboats
    List of my favorite games PC : Far Cry 2, Arma 2, BBC2 and SILENT HUNTER 5, yeah thats right, that is how fucking awsome this game really is, Thumbs Up to Ubisoft
  • @pelvist
    I love intense moments like that, its unfortunate that it didnt end well though. Ahh well, load up a save! lol.
  • @mike22486
    do you still get the commands bar at the bottom like in SH3 and SH4?
  • @TheBl0rp
    I just watched the 5-hour cut of Das Boot with my father (who is currently playing SH3) and I'm seriously thinking about buying SH5, now.
  • @ArmyDogtag6
    @pelvist I love playing these types of games game and it dosnt get boring... not after 30 mins not after 2 years. I`ve been playing Silent Hunter III for 2 and a hal years but I am planning to buy Silent Hunter IV or Silent Hunter V which is worth it better?
  • @SubaruB4RSK
    I like all the Silent hunter games last one I played was 4 but 5 looks good, but I wish they would have something on the line of Sub Command it would be pretty cool.