What’s Next For ASML?

Published 2024-06-06

All Comments (21)
  • @CatFish107
    LoL, can you imagine asml doing youtube sponsorships? "Next time you're setting up a fab, consider asml" as though they were a meal delivery or vpn service. Hahaha.
  • Misread that as “what’s next for asmr” and I was prepared for some hard hitting analysis of an entirely different kind of
  • @NickCohn
    I'm glad you could visit us. Thanks for all your work explaining the industry! 💙🙂
  • @AdityaMehendale
    I wonder how many companies have murdered their potential when trying to "unlock shareholder value" :/
  • @nhibbs3
    Philips is such a terribly run and managed company. They have squandered so much that they had in tech and medical.
  • @JohnHLundin
    Thanks Jon... Being a "systems" type (been using computers since my original 8088), my mind is blown by the complexity and organization that make something that will alter the course of history. Thanks for sharing your visit to ASML with us! PS 'hardware leads software'
  • @Google_Is_Evil
    Maybe the history of Philips and all the spinoffs they did (ASML, NXP and such) as a future subject?
  • @peterjansen4826
    I am Dutch, I can confirm that the culture here is quite "blunt" as he says it. The Flemish people use the term direct for it which means something like people speaking their mind and using less tact. I have been in touch with a few people who work(ed) for ASML, I know that they liked it that they were lower profile, I know that they are aware that they will loose their lead if they would take it easy, some company would catch up eventually.
  • @McKon.
    Fun how you call the High-NA machine "the beast". I remember being in the auditorium when Martin and Peter had their retiring event at the company and Martin would refer to the machine as "the monster". He talked about that every time he'd coordinate the release of a new machine type (Like was done with twinscan and EUV) there would always be some months or even years of issues where the new machine wouldn't function well in some way or another. But in the end it comes to show that if you allow such a thing to happen, and develop through it, you will create a marvel of craft engineering. Glad to see you enjoyed the tour, unfortunately I wasn't aware you were visiting or I'd gladly have tried to take you in some more places.
  • I'm glad you loved your stay! I live and work in Eindhoven region (I work at the train station). You can realy see the influence of ASML and it's growth on this city. ASML expects if they want to continue their growth the region needs to get 80.000 extra inhabitants in less than 15 years, wich is an insane growth rate for this region. The Eindhoven city council is planning to build 17 more appartment skyscrapers (7 are 100m+) and they will also build a Bus Rapid Transit line to the ASML campus in Veldhoven.
  • @fissavids8767
    I work at asml, would have loved to meet you there!
  • @gus473
    Impressive tour and overview, Jon! Thanks! 😎✌️
  • @milutinke
    Super cool that you have gotten an opportunity to visit it, love your videos.
  • I worked in Vaccine manufacturing and is habituated with cleanroom. Surprisingly, the ASML cleanrooms loosk surprisingly 'familiar' to me.
  • @rydplrs71
    When I worked with them I was invited to Germany, the Netherlands, Wilton and San Diego, but my managers would not approve the travel so I never got to see the inside. I’m very jealous. I also completely agree with the company culture. They absolutely trust you to be the expert in what you do, and find a way to get it done. If you fail to deliver what you promise they will find someone else who doesn’t. If you exceed expectations you are rewarded with as much additional work and responsibility as you are willing to take on. I thank you for reminding me of this, I will be using it in discussions I will be having in a week or two.
  • After watching you for awhile it's so much fun too see you visited the place I live!
  • @Gameboygenius
    I was just about to sleep when a wild and excited, although I have to say very polite, deer rushed into my room and said: I went to ASML! I guess sleep can wait a little bit.
  • "Unlock shareholder value" 😂 Absolute chumps bean counters are. I feel like AMD made a mistake spinning off GloFo, though it was sort of justified given how much they were struggling financially at that point.
  • @miniman3112
    That's so nice you got to visit ASML and with such a great tour! Recently had the luxury of briefly visiting ASML, imec and NXP as kind of a student trip and while my limited knowledge was a hurdle to ask meaningful questions it was absolutely fascinating to grasp that there is (still) so much high-end technology development cooking in the middle of Europe.
  • @skyblueo
    It's a company, not a cult. Very different from the Silicon Valley cults of personality, like Jobs, Musk, Zuck, etc.