What are your rights against trespassers?

Published 2019-02-22
What is the legal extent you can go to protect your property?

All Comments (21)
  • @STR8L8CED
    My property is fenced and gated with posted no trespassing signs. I open carry at all times. Usually does the trick 99% of times. If that doesnt work I just turn my six dogs loose and watch them run like hell.
  • @cac7549
    The law does not protect the tax paying property owner, but they do get mad when you dont pay your property taxes. It all comes down to the polticians that you people vote for.
  • There’s no law against holding a gun and telling someone to leave your property in any state in the United States. If he did not points a gun at the person in a threatening matter no law was broken and he was falsely arrested.
  • Let me say this: we are being invaded from our southern border. Trespassing may become a way of life for more folks than usual. Multi-lingual signs are a necessity.
  • @jodieryan7704
    Oh Hell no stay off that man’s property!! Till you get right away access
  • @Greatday68
    The solution: When you see a trespasser first call the cops. Then confront the criminal with your gun drawn and pointed at the criminal. Tell the police that when you kindly asked the criminal to leave your property he threatened you and lunged at you so you pulled you weapon. and waited for law enforcement to arrive. Also in some state you can actually sue a trespasser for damages. Like any property damage they may or what you claim they did. Emotional distress things like that. Plus you can get a protective order that says the criminal needs to stay away from your property and family. If the Police will not charge the criminal for trespassing, then you demand the officer to do so. If the officer refuses, get the officers name and badge number and file a complaint against the officer for dereliction of duty. And then tell the officer at the police station that you want to press charges against the criminal. It is your right to do this. They cannot refuse when there was a clear violation of the law. And again check your local laws to see what the possibilities are of suing these criminals.
  • @Miss5250
    I don't know who OWNS this EASEMENT... but HOW does the man ACCESS his Property? The STORY wasn't CLEAR on that. I'm SO SICK of LAZY or MISLEADING Reporting. This is Sad & One-Sided & seems to Tell or STEAR the Story into a certain direction. She never SAID WHY she was so AFRAID of this guy. Neither did the Guy that FELT it was Necessary to wave a Gun around. Something is very obviously Missing from this piece.
  • Stalkers and Crazy people know ALL of the law loopholes to get around the law/courts. Trust me my ex is on the loose as we speak with warrants & orders of protection and doesn't care at all.
  • When someone chooses to trespass my rights, they've alienated their own. Plain and simple.
  • @spanky1026
    With a name like conman, I can clearly see why you are against property owners have firearms for protection
  • @jjqb13
    Fence it in dude. Way cheaper than the bs your gonna deal with now.
  • @user-wf9cz5tz1c
    Right, that's where they messed up the shoot of called on a trash passer. They would have arrested the trash passer. After 3 or 4 times of him trash passing, they will enhance that. Trust me he'll stop trash passing
  • All the land in the US was stolen to begin with, guns exist that's a fact, i don't condone criminal acts on either side, as a tresspasser myself who does it for excitement not to steal or destroy and who knows where tresspass laws come from it's my contention that your "private property" isnt really yours and if i want to get to where I'm going and your "peoperty" is in the way in gonna go through it, also of it's abandoned it's fair game. Guns do exists though that is a fact.
  • @FurryEskimo
    What's the point of having the roght to a gun if you cant use to defend your rights? I know, food, but you know what i mean. Do you really think the founding fathers, who actively fought a war against their government, would agree with this interpretation of their laws?
  • 😂 There are no private easements ... that guy is not knowledgeable of the law.
  • Man, you never know when someone's caseing your home for a crime so defend your stuff. Just don't be a hothead and get trigger happy. Use force next time but don't with a pipe or a stun gun😊
  • If I have video from a hidden camera of people going through my stuff what should i do?
  • @jstravelers4094
    I have a goofy neighbor who thinks he owns property on my side of a fence he had put up. His wife (and man of the family) has him convinced that I moved property marker pins prior to his fence being installed. She claims I fooled their fence installers into putting the fence in the wrong place. She's completely nutz!!!! She has him mow on my side of his fence......coocoo for coacoa puffs.
  • @JimmyGunXD556
    Proving that public service only make matters worse for the citizens.. a public servant should address the situation so it didn't happen repeatedly