Malware (Paranoia but Ms M/Miss Malware and Gf sing it, ft Boyfriend) (Description for Lore)

Published 2024-07-03
Ms M/Miss Malware - Mr V/Mr Virtual
Gf - Bf

Miss Malware was once a young woman in her mid twenties, she was very open about herself and she was genuinely very friendly and a good person to be around, at some point around her 22 birthday, she got into a relationship with a young man named Alex, and at the start, the relationship was going smoothly between the 2, but after a few months, Alex’s true colors began to show, on the regular he would physically harm her, leaving her with a lot of bruises on the daily, even sometimes mentally abuse her, until one day, this went too far, on a Saturday, the day before her 24 birthday, he physically abused her to the point where she was bleeding heavily, and was unconscious, Alex left her to die, due to her being unresponsive to anything, but she ended up dying right by his virtual boy, and her soul ended up inside of it, becoming Miss Malware, one day, Alex put on his virtual boy, Miss Malware, seeing this as her chance to get revenge, talked to Alex without him even realizing where the voice was coming from, eventually driving him insane, where she then made him kill himself by snapping his own neck

No one could make sense of Alex’s death, the police were confused as there was no sign of a struggle or forced break in, but no poison on anything in the house, Alex’s sister, Marylin, mentioned that he had a girlfriend who went missing before his death, the police went to interview Miss Malware’s family, who said that she never came home for her birthday, one of the policemen, who was left to guard the house, saw the virtual boy, he was curious about it, and decided to try it on, Miss Malware, ended up doing the same thing to the policemen that she did to Alex, driving him insane before making him snap his own neck, when the rest of the police returned, they were shocked to see the one they left guarding the house dead, his case was the same as Alex’s no sign of a struggle and no forced entry, they were confused, and ended up closing the case, only 2 days after they started investigating, with no leads on what caused Alex’s or the Policemen’s deaths, from that day on, Miss Malware developed a hatred towards men of all kinds, and any male who put on the virtual boy she haunted, who end up dead a few minutes later, rumors spreading that you were only safe from this curse, if you were female…


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