Obama tax hikes

Published 2011-09-12
Obama claims his new jobs plan will lower taxes for small businesses, but with so many taxes he's implemented, and already implemented, how can anyone trust him?

All Comments (21)
  • @pseudohippie55
    @aztecadog I work in a hospital in the telemetry department, and the EKG leads alone cots over $1000 because they're so intricate and hi-tech. We have 64 of them, making it $64,000 just for that. Health care costs more because of Obama's spending. The dollar is weak. Everything becomes more expensive. Just think about the electricity costs for a hosiptal. Many lights run 24/7/365. Then there's cable for tvs in every room, lumbing for bathrooms in ever room, A/C for every room. It adds up quick.
  • @aztecadog
    the problem with medicare/aid is the same problem everyone (aside the rich) is facing, skyrocketing healthcare cost- no one mentions the absurd amount of money doctors/nurses/hospitals/pharmas/health techs.... its crazy that we spend over 16% of our GDP (& growing) for substandard healthcare (ranked 32nd in the world) while the number 1 ranked country, france, spends 12% & COVERS EVERYONE
  • @pseudohippie55
    @aztecadog And I'd love to know what that ranking is based on and how we're lower than England when the PM said nat'l health care doesn't work. Seems a bit weird to me that no one knows what that is based on.
  • @aztecadog
    taxes are still at levels not seen since the run up to the great depression- during this time we should be raising taxes on EVERBODY, but most especially on the 1%ers, who are actually doing better economically (the rich have never been richer, the rich/poor gap never been bigger) than before the 07/08' crash while the rest of us & the nations struggles- can you imagine current america during WWII? just simply with the rationing.... we would be goosestepping & speaking german
  • @pseudohippie55
    @aztecadog I agree we need to try to get jobs back in America, but what we need to do is give tax BREAKS to small businesses that start here in America and hire Americans.
  • @aztecadog
    @pseudohippie55 the rankings are based on several factors, infant mortality rate per citizens (which the US is ranked 34th), life expectancy, availibility of medicines/docs.... you can check it our yourself at the WTO website- i believe our problem in the US is that private big biz has gotten too powerful & puts $ over country at the same time our gov has become corrupt & is controlled by private big biz $- so when the right argues against gov & the left against biz, theyre both right
  • @pseudohippie55
    @pseudohippie55 plumbing*. There's also the cost of food for every patient 3 times a day, then there's employee wages, various machines (MRI, X-Ray,) medicnes for every patient every day. If you look at everything in a hospital, you have to pay for it all, and it's expensive. Would you rather pay the thousands of dollars for each MRI treatment (onsidering they cost millions) or pay for health care?
  • @pseudohippie55
    @aztecadog Why do we need to raise taxes when there are so many programs with millions in waste like medicare and medicaid? Why don't we take the waste out instead of taxing Americans when there's 16% unemployment (when you count those who gave up looking for jobs). And why don't we force the Congressman to stop taking their yearly pay raises and make companies like GE ACTUALLY PAY taxes like you want everyone to do? Let's stop the waste before we tax America.
  • @pseudohippie55
    @aztecadog Yes it indeed is. So when Obama tried a simulus pack AFTER Bush's failed epically, that's not insane? OR what about his new "American Jobs Act". That's another stimulus. But it will more than likely fail too. Ergo, he's insane.
  • @pseudohippie55
    I support them, but I don't think they're going after the right people all the time.
  • @aztecadog
    btw, im no liberal, nor do i watch cnn/msnbc
  • @pseudohippie55
    @aztecadog We need to cut the waste Obama has caused. He needs to pay for his own vacations and for his wife's $1 MILLION in spending on his vacations. We paid for him to relax in Martha's vineyard. Is that fair?
  • @aztecadog
    @pseudohippie55 do you know why the bottom 40% of americans dont pay taxes? because they dont make enough to do so- during WWII not only did we raise taxes on everyone, especially the rich, but we also rationed food, gasoline, materials (like the lack of pantyhose to use the material for parachutes)- can you imagine present day selfish americans during that era? this is a time when we all need to make some sacrifices for our nations future, including the rich who havent made any, none-
  • @aztecadog
    @pseudohippie55 to conclude, tax cuts, deregulation, trickle down policys have been tried for the last 30 years, look where we are at- yet, the right wants more tax cuts, deregulation, trickle down policys- isnt trying something over & over again expecting a diferent result one definition of insanity? you want real solutions? first & foremost, implement profit busting tariffs, thereby bringing back millions of decent jobs, raise taxes & regulate the fuck out of our finacial system- to start
  • @pseudohippie55
    @aztecadog Doctors make $200,000 anually on average. That's alot, but look at people like Jobbs. He makes millions of dollars a year. These doctos help people. They save lives. and they should make more money. They go through 12 years of medical school. And hospital visits are expensive because there are machines that cost MILLIONS of dollars each, and many hospitals have more than one of them.
  • @aztecadog
    @pseudohippie55 i agree there is waste we should be trimming- but, it doesnt make sense that the poor & middle class are paying for this economic crash through unemployment/underemployment, stanganted wages, loss of benefits, loss of wealth (housing market)... while the rich are enjoying the best of times, the richer have never been richer on record, the rich/poor gap & poverty level has never been bigger on record- to be honest, taxes should be raised on everyone, but espeically the rich
  • @pseudohippie55
    @aztecadog read the bills. obama is taxing everyone. but according to him and his buddies, taxes are baad. and hes bringing in a tax for anyone making more than $250,000 a year! is that a rich person? i dont think so
  • @pseudohippie55
    @aztecadog Why have you failed to answer my question? Is it because you're that of Liberal? The kind of fool who blindly follows the dumb asses at CNN and MSNBS?
  • @pseudohippie55
    Ah., No wonder you voted for Obama. You're a fucking idiot.