Testing Scary Minecraft Seeds To Prove Them Wrong

Publicado 2024-04-12

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Tankozilla12
    I know all of this fake but 1:42 a redstone tree wow 4:58 The villager in the corner 8:10 there was a red camel 8:24 there was a red camel again 9:47 there was a red camel and how did you not see it? 11:46 a red camel again on the right 1:57 red camel on the right 12:08 red camel on the left
  • @Tankozilla12
    The amounts of Cuts the video has is hilarious🤣
  • @left3rr
    5:00 there’s a villager in the up left corner 8:27 I don’t remember ever encountering such a large plains biome. In fact, I don’t even think that plains should be that large. 10:50 gold blocks and diamond blocks are a bit strange to be found in a desert temple. Actually, I don’t even think that these blocks should be spawned in temples whatsoever 11:47 there’s a red camel in the bottom right 11:57 another one of these red camels bottom right 12:09 a third red camel in the background
  • @Dumb_ways_to_play
    the amount of people not realising this is a parody is scary. like he shows the thing very obviously, and he is always reacting the same way even when something scary happens. how can people even believe it's real ?
  • In 11:10 i saw him opening chests but there is a camel spwan egg in his inventory so its fake
  • @GoldenBlocked
    Eider: “I don’t see mobs!” Blud you probably set the gamemode to peaceful
  • @saltyjawa4145
    You missed a lot of red camels,random red blocks,camels randomly spawning and disappearing, an oak tree, but the stem was Redstone,RED CAMELS TOO.
  • @elijahsyers4543
    I have an idea for your video.: Google translate Minecraft dimensions 100 times.