Every Common Misconception Debunked in 9 Minutes

Published 2024-03-03
Every famous common misconception gets explained in 9 minutes!

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Do not use this video as your only source of information. This video is for entertainment purposes and some information could be too oversimplified or incorrect. This channel's goal is to spark your curiosity and let you do your own research on these topics

All Comments (21)
  • @miser2570
    The irony about the "Lightning cant strike the same place twice" is that in reality, lighting strikes the same places fairly often, because if it struck there in the first place is often because of favorable conditions in the spot for it to happen.
  • @lexif.5463
    'She didn't die from radiation exposure...just something caused by radiation exposure'
  • For those confused about 61, Mt. Everest is the HIGHEST, relative to sea level, not tallest, from base to summit.
  • a lot of these seem less like misconceptions and more like slight generalizations Ex: "the titanic is unsinkable" vs "the titanic is practically unsinkable", or "the coliseum hosted gladiator events" vs "the coliseum hosted other combat-related events as well as gladiator events" , or "Marie Curie died from radiation poisoning" vs "Marie Curie eventually died from an illness caused by radiation poisoning".
  • @whitneysmiltank
    "The Coliseum wasn't primarily a site for gladiator battles..." Ah! "...it hosted a variety of events including animal hunts, executions..." Ah...
  • Another thing about the Salem Witch Trials: Only 19 people were convicted and hanged. One man refused to plead guilty or not guilty, so he was slowly crushed until he ended up dying
  • @Jenna_Talia
    Seeing the mere IDEA that Coca-Cola invented Santa Claus hit me harder than I thought it could. That's beyond depressing that people think he's owned by Coca-Cola.
  • @trishugnish
    When you said “Cinco de Mayo” I fell to my knees and yelled, grasping the air with my hands, tears pouring out of my eyes
  • @Canada_Goose
    5:57 Slight addition: the inventors of the fortune cookie were most likely Japanese immigrants to California.
  • @MoempfLP
    3:35 Einstein moved to Switzerland where the grading system is reversed. Some Germans think he was really bad in Mathematics although he was really good.
  • @TheRavenLord1
    Another misconception: There isn’t a goose watching you. There very much is one. And they are approaching you and know wherever you go.
  • @jdotoz
    2:04 Giles Corey, who was pressed to death, was not convicted. He refused to submit a plea and was undergoing torture to force him to plead one way or the other. Instead, his only response was what became his last words, "More weight."
  • @pixelpython7567
    The fact that Rosa Parks wasn't even breaking rules in the first place makes it even worse, it really does
  • @matyfenixcarmine
    so you're telling me that Coca Cola's best ever advertising campaign wasn't creating Santa Claus, but rather saying that they did?
  • @Risenphantom
    "the Titanic wasn't advertised as unsinkable, it was advertised as unsinkable"
  • 3:35 2 fun facts about this: 1: the fruit is actually implied to be a fig 2: the false belief came from the mistranslation of the latin word malum (it came from malus, -i which means evil since it was the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but was mistook with malum, -i which means apple)
  • @frtzkng
    To elaborate: 3- the 'fat' character depicted is Budai, a folklore character from China, meant to represent a future incarnation of Buddha. 7- the Bible states magi bringing three gifts, gold, incense and myrrh; many seem to have reasoned there was one magus per gift, thus "three magi". The depiction as "three kings" is probably linked to an error in translation from Hebrew or Greek into other languages. 16- vomitorium comes from Latin vomitare, meaning to expel or to pour out [of]. In this sense, vomiting meant exiting [a building]. 23- Different brain regions are active for different tasks, so over the course, 100% of the brain is used. Everything else would be a waste as the brain alone makes up 1/5th of our daily energy requirements. Therefore 'unnecessary' brain mass would be eliminated very quickly as not having stuff that wastes energy is a large evolutionary advantage. 25- This misconception comes from Germany, where grading ranged from 1 to 5, with 1 equivalent to an A and 5 equivalent to F. Einstein went to school in neighboring Switzerland which used the grades in reverse order: 5 was A, 1 was F. Einstein had grades of 4 and 5 in math. 27- This one has two etymological causes: first, many Indo-European languages refered to all fruits or produce as apples in the past. Some languages retained this in words for potato, such as pomme de terre in French or aardappel in Dutch, both meaning earth apple. Second, the Latin word for apple is malum, which is also the neuter form of the adjective for evil, malus. The Bible originally mentioned the Evil causing the corruption of Adam and Eve. Them eating a fruit comes from this homophone/homograph, and them eating an apple in turn from the narrowing of what the word apple means in modern English. 42- The saying stands in metaphorically for something to be unlikely to happen (again). On a flat or shrouded surface, repeating lightning strikes are extremely unlikely, while at exposed surfaces such as spires or radio towers, lightning strikes very often in the same place. 51- Alcohol drank when suffering from hypothermia causes a flush because it widens blood vessels, which at first causes a warming sensation, but also makes you lose your body heat much quicker. Drinking booze when freezing will make you freeze to death even faster. 55- It only may increase the chances of being infected by viruses, as prolonged exposure to coldness weakens the immune system a bit. 56- Falling objects in air eventually reach a terminal velocity, where the acceleration from gravity is counter balanced by friction from air resistance. At terminal velocity, the kinetic energy of the coin is proportional to its mass and thus stays constant, and, as it's.. well, a coin, its kinetic energy is not sufficient to cause lethal injuries by impact alone. 70- Diamond is an allotrope of carbon, just like coal/graphite is. Carbon ends up as diamond if sufficient pressure is applied at sufficient temperature.
  • The difference between the vertical and horizontal diameter of the Earth is 42 miles. So, while it is technically an oblate spheroid if you're far enough away to see the whole Earth it would appear a perfect sphere to your eyes.You wouldn't be able to tell by looking.