D-Day - Omaha Beach / Normandy 1944 - Call of Duty WW2 - 4K

Published 2020-01-21
#normandylanding #dday #operationoverlord

On June 6, 1944, Allies begin Invasion of Normandy. Daniels, along with the whole 1st Infantry Division is on a landing craft, nearing heavily defended Omaha beach. At one point, the machine gunner of Daniels's boat is killed by a shot to the head, which prompts everybody on the boat to duck. Turner orders the driver to gain full speed so they can reach the beach as fast as possible and breach the seawall. When the boat reaches the shore, the ramp is dropped and a destroyed boat rams into Daniels' boat, throwing him on the floor. While most of Daniels' comrades from the boat are killed violently by machine gun fire, Daniels escapes by flipping over the side of the boat. Turner guides Daniels to the nearest cover on the beach, where he takes him out of a shell shock state and orders him to pick up a bangalore from a dismembered soldier and finish his job by taking it to the seawall so they can make a breach.
The US forces suffer heavy casualties on the beach, due to lack of proper cover and constant artillery fire. Daniels reaches the seawall and, despite struggling with connecting two pieces of the bangalore, manages to make the explosion with help of Zussman. The explosion blows up the barbed wire and the US forces use the passage to make a push to the bunkers. Daniels participates in the clearance of four German bunkers on the beach cliffs. Upon clearing the fourth bunker, Pierson orders Zussman and Daniels to retake the fifth, smallest one. Daniels enters through the door and gets melee attacked by a Wehrmacht soldier, but is saved by Zussman who tackles the soldier and wrestles him. However, the German soldier stabs Zussman in the abdomen, and attacks Daniels again. Daniels manages to subdue the soldier by smashing his head with his helmet. Daniels then grabs Zussman's pistol and kills the German soldier rushing towards them.

Zussman bleeds heavily from the knife wound, and can't walk. Daniels drags him out of the bunker, through trenches and to the nearby field hospital. While Daniels tries to keep him alive, Zussman starts losing consciousness, as all medics are busy with treating other wounded soldiers. After some time a medic finally arrives to assist Zussman, after which Turner brings the rest of the squad to a nearby farm, where they keep off German reinforcements and destroy a GPF cannon shelling the beach. After the cannon is disabled, Daniels returns to Zussman who was treated successfuly. Surviving German soldiers surrender, and the beach is safe.

All Comments (21)
  • @Sportsgeek1991
    Can't imagine the fear those men felt waiting for that ramp to come down
  • @jopa6676
    Imagine a situation that you are 18 and you have to go to the war and your first battle is on Normandy and you dont get one step off that boat cause you were hit and your life ends...scary things guys scary things
  • @ryancohn6625
    Imagine being a D-Day veteran watching your grandchild play out this part in the game
  • @Christique09
    2 Very disturbing facts about d day: The average survival time of a us soldier on D-day was 3 minutes and 24 seconds The average age of soldiers in d day was 20 years old Its generally awful to think about
  • @chops999
    if it’s this hard surviving on a video game imagine how hard it is surviving in real life ... crazy to think about
  • It's scary to think that every time you take a single damage in the game, you would be dead in real life
  • @dabertv7273
    My great grandpa survived D-Day. He died this year. I’m so glad God was with him on that bloody day and the whole war.
  • @vitamind2387
    My grandpa was too young for WWII but his two brothers went and both survived. One was a Diver that made repairs on ships. The other was part of C Company and dropped into a Normandy, the fact he survived was amazing.
  • @Del-Canada
    My grandfather stormed Juno beach. He passed away in 2010. Amazing man with a great sense of humor.
  • @MarkLac
    My Mother’s Uncle was in the First Assault Wave at Omaha Beach. That first wave alone suffered 90% Casualties (the first wave literally got wiped out by the defenders). My Mom’s Uncle was one of the lucky ones to have survived in that first assault wave and made it to the sea wall and would take part in the rest of the Normandy Invasion. But that day stuck with him for the rest of his life. He told my mother when she was still young how he recalled the surf turning blood red from all the bodies in the water and how the dead soldiers corpses would just roll up onto the beach in the surf. I never met him as he passed away just before I was born. Currently he’s buried out in Calverton National Cemetery in Long Island, New York. There is no way any video game or movie can recreate the horror of those eight hours on that beach and that’s a fact.
  • @perfectionbox
    I played the original back in 2000, died several times on the beach before getting my act together. The opening level was brutally hard. I'm not even gonna pretend to imagine how terrifying it had to be for the actual soldiers.
  • @Monscent
    This also makes me want to see this whole thing from the other side. Because this seems like such pure horror, to go onto a beach where youre so likely to just die.. But from the other side, to have this horde of men just running against you, and even when you mow them down, just more come until theyre on you, and you have to try to stop them somehow, but its impossible...
  • @joshhdtx
    Imagine if they made a remastered WaW, I'd buy that in a heartbeat.
  • What I find hilarious is that the squad has all these combat support items for Daniels only, like he's the chosen one.
  • @McFlakies
    Can we talk about how much effort they put into these cutscenes, they almost look real!
  • I remember during my basic this call of duty campaign came out and it hit me hard after the training and learning the same things these guys did. The whole “I’m up-he sees me-I’m down” the whole shoot move and communicate. It was impactful. I’m grateful for the guys who did it before me and continue to be grateful for them every day
  • @kevinm2365
    My Great Uncle was a Captain (he later became a Captain after the war) in the second world war and was a beach master on Omaha. He went in before the first wave in the attack. He directed the landing on that beach and helped soldiers out of the boats. He served on the beach with just a Colt 1911 and a dagger. He also got Poppy Boyntons Ivory pistol grips during a poker game. He was one of the first American soldiers to land in France that day. He also helped land General Patton in the invasion of Sicily and Salerno (on the USS Dickman) and got Italian Officer's knife there. He also served in North Africa. On Omaha, he was standing under heavy German fire. Somehow he made it out alive that day. He later served in the Korean War. After WWII, he served in the Coast Guard (in Korea), served in the Marine Corps (in WWII), and I have family who has served Navy and the Army. He went to VMI (class of 32) and graduated at age 22 and was 35 in 44. After the war, he became a sheriff. Rest in Peace Captain F Perry Williams and his fellow soldiers who didn't make it home. Jesus Christ. You guys keep saying this is a lie but it isn’t. There are some things that don’t make sense from the story being passed down generations. What do you even benefit from this? You have no proof. You won’t expose me for lying if I’m not lying. I am proud of what my Great Grandfather did in the war and nothing will change what I think of that. I do appreciate the reply’s of people sharing their own stories of their ancestors in the war. It takes guts to do what these brave men did
  • @Deagnetic
    It's like they saw Saving Private Ryan and thought "How can we remake this but not make it immersive?" Then succeeded in doing that.
  • @brunoescoto9630
    Saving private Ryan is such a great movie that even 20 years later movies try to replicate that D day scene. Mind blowing