Fallout 4 WASN'T BAD

Published 2024-05-26
Not rage bait or anything I just think Fallout 4 is under appreciated.



All Comments (16)
  • Am i being gaslit or something everytime people talk about fallout 4 i just year complaints but when i make a video about it apparently there is no discourse and fallout 4 was always loved?? Like?? 😭
  • @valor1omega
    The real issue with FO4 was that it's main story was weak but then again so we're the others in the series. Where it shines is it's side stories, the environmental story telling, game play, the actual power armor, crafting, and the best dlc of all fo games, far harbour. I think if the main story was handled like Far harbour instead of like NV, and FO3 it would have been better. All of the older fo game had the following main story lines; •Find missing family(3&4) •Revenge for being wronged(NV) •Fetch quest(1&2) As you can see every single one of them had the basic generic story. What sets them all apart is how you handle the second part of the story. The second part of NV, and 4 was what faction will you ally yourself with and what ending you wanted. In NV however you could lower the difficulty with getting help for the final fight with one of the four factions endings (NCR, Legion, House, Yes man). FO4 second half was interesting to say the least. In it one faction gives four possible endings in of themselves. The Minutemen ending is the most unique of the later 3 games one of the following MM •RR/BOS dead •RR dead/BOS alive •RR Alive/BOS dead •RR/BOS alive No where in the other two titles does it offer you so many choices of ending the main storyline. Fo 4 also has the best dlcs as well, Far Harbour and the many ways to end it and many different ways of reaching those endings. NV and 3 lacks such diversity in ending choices that FH and the possible main quest endings of FO4 gives you. For all it's flaws(it has so many) it in the end doesn't lack in choices and options. And if you are capable of RPGer then you can still make up one heck of a personalized MC regardless of voice protag and small background history(NV MC has a background as well created by the devs). So despite all it's flaws 4 is a good fo game.
  • @curtisjang97
    its a good game with some unfogivable glitches. The one that made me hate this game is when trying to warn the railroad about the institue wanting to kill desdemona and you cant talk to her. Retraced my steps for hours to try and fix the glitch and nothing. Insane this bug wasnt fixed since online a lot of people had this issue. Its a solid 6/10 imo
  • fallout 4 is my favorite fallout... ..for the combat, main story sucks balls but its still probably my most played fallout game and the one i revist the most because the game at its core is fun if i wanna good story and real choice i'll hop on NV, but if i wanna bash a raiders skull in full power armor while hopped up on chems i'll play FO4, yk
  • @funnydude69
    i didn't notice much hate for fallout 4, more-so hate for 76, and from what i recently heard, a bunch of patches and updates fixed the main complaints, other than microtransactions ofc.
  • @pokebub367
    It’s my favorite fallout for one reason GAMEPLAY. New Vegas and fallout 3 have amazing stories but damn the gameplay in those games are straight ass
  • @Arc0w
    Fallout 4 was shit when it released, everyone coping in the comments just doesn't remember how broken and boring it was overall. At least as bad as Starfield. The Awards it got are the same bad joke as the high ratings of Starlink. Compared to other RPGs of the time it was already outdated and bad, the gameplay serves the purpose, the controls are ok and the story is decent. Compared to Fallout 3 and New Vegas coming before it was a huge dissapointment and there is a reason why after the release of Fallout 76 many declared the franchise to be dead. Only for someone, not being Todd Howard, come and revive it with a good TV adaptation.