Why Gen-X is Awesome for the Workplace

Published 2020-03-02
Everyone knows Gen-X kids had the coolest childhoods, but how did those experiences evolve to make Gen-X in the workplace so awesome?! Join executive coach Stefanie Krievins as she looks back to the staples of her own childhood to discuss the workplace skills Gen-Xers rock.

See the full blog post at stefaniekrievins.com/why-gen-x-is-awesome/
(Transcript available)

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All Comments (21)
  • @bentmercer
    genx, don't need supervision, management, praise, etc, we are self sufficient
  • GenX workers: Just give us the goddamn objective, then GTFO our way and leave how we achieve it to us.
  • @hatinmn
    Gen Xer here (1967). We have a large of entrepreneurs because the Boomers would not give us a chance. We gave them the finger & started our own companies. And I hate group projects!
  • @tanyamonk1280
    I'm a gen X'er, Born 74. I've worked since I was 14, my work ethic is top notch, my patience is top notch. I can problem solve like there's no tomorrow and able to tackle multiple tasks at the same time, while getting my tasks done timely. I get asked all the time how I do it and so effortlessly. All I can say is, I know what needs to get done and I do it. I don't sit there and whine about it, I just do it and miraculously, it gets done. I don't get upset when others don't get stuff done, that's on them, not me.but it does irritate me when I'm working and co workers (at any past jobs) just stand around waiting for their time to go home,playing on their phones, complaining to me about how hard their job is while I'm actually working. Don't be surprised if I tell you to go somewhere else so I can get my work done. I ain't got no time for that! :)
  • @mikeg3439
    Watching videos of people describing Gen X makes me realize another odd thing about us: we really know and understand exactly what our generation was and how to describe it. There are exceptions in experience, for example I can't speak to what it was like growing up black in Gen X, probably being the biggest one, and perhaps just behind that, what it was like growing up part of the LGBTQ community. I do, however, remember that we had black friends and if anyone messed with them, they had to face us too, without question. And that there was always at least a couple kids who were LGBTQ, and for the most part, no one cared much.
  • @Stefan-
    As a child of the early 70´s i think you were more than spot on ! It was like you were talking about my actual childhood.
  • @mollyesther1
    We’re the Goonies generation, and Goonies never say die!
  • @lizard928
    What I love about being a GenX is that were independent thinkers and hard workers. We could figures things out in the workplace but we also brought to the table ideas that could make a project better or time saving and if we didn't have answer we would do research. We were definitely into different genre's and open to other cultures so we can learn more and incorporate into world.
  • We Gen Xers in Australia grew up on a music Genre called Pub Rock, it was a style of music played by bands in pubs in the 80's.
  • @MicahScottPnD
    Omg, im seriously tearing up over here. Everything you're saying lines up so well with my experience. I just feels so damn good to hear a long-time unspoken thing said out loud. It feels so validating, like "maybe all that strangeness, growing up the wsy we did, has a real value to it". Ok, leave me alone now while I go shed some long-awaited tears of joy
  • @Schwerpunkt
    Well, other than listening to the most awesome playlist while I work, it has to be the ability to independently work and problem solve. Seems my Millennial colleagues require somebody to resolve things for them before they can pass hurdles.
  • As a Gen-Xer I have a work hard at work and play harder while not a work approach to work and life balance, as do state this from time to time while at work.I think that can say hey work hard but also remember to take time to have some fun as well.
  • @istvanpraha
    Thank you for keeping it positive and not bashing younger people! I am a young X and feel like my main benefit right now is helping people navigate the inflation and cost of living crisis going on. My younger coworkers remember 2008 but didn't follow the news yet. I explain using various data points that the current way stuff is may not be permanent, and give them hope. I try to get my older managers to give more flexibility and raises, their idea of what good salaries are are low/dated
  • @830jps
    I'm Gen X. Outside was inside for me, barefoot in the fields
  • @davemiller6055
    We don't need meetings, micromanagement, or praise. Tell us what needs to be done and get out of our way. If we need something we'll come find you. Leave us alone.
  • Problem solving because I was on my own after school and it was up to me and my neighbourhood friends to figure it out. I also appreciated the trust my parents had in me. My Boomer execs certainly give me this, but the couple of Millennial bosses I worked for absolutely did not.
  • I'm in my late 50's, and we absolutely rock!! These kids now a days, are spoiled rotten. They need trigger warnings and safe places. We have, sort of, a sick sense of humor, and some common sense. That's what these kids are lacking. Real talk.