Why Is The BUG TYPE So Bad?

Published 2024-07-05

All Comments (21)
  • Those are some strong words for someone in the range of Heracross's Megahorn.
  • @MrGust-wc2jo
    i fell like it was stupid to make fairy resist bug, its so unnecessary and makes the type worst for no reason
  • @astropult9377
    Bug type should resist fairy type moves and be immune to powder moves. It’s not much but it’s something that could make a handful of bug types viable. If that isn’t enough for you, make bug types resist dark, ghost, and/or poison. If that still isn’t enough, make it immune to being trapped. If that STILL isn’t enough then idk what is. We want it to be balanced not broken.
  • Bug/ Steel is much better than mono Steel as a typing. Offensively, you gain STAB U-Turn, nice, but defensively, you get rid of the Ground and Fighting weaknesses. You only have one weakness, and still eight resistances and an immunity. You gain no additional weaknesses, but the Fire weakness becomes a 4x weakness. But so what? 4x weaknesses are not bad, you would not have stayed in against fire Pokemon anyways. compare this to Water/ Ground as a typing, where, again, you remove the Electric weakness but gain a 4x weakness to Grass. Pokemon like Gastrodon or Swampert are used precisely because of this great typing
  • @cradiculous
    I think bug should have a full immunity to fairy. The worst type being able to switch in for free against the best type would really shake things up
  • The biggest thing I don't like about beetles is that they are treated like ordinary beetles in typing (For a second, Caterpie is larger than the largest butterflies in our world, not to mention Genesect, which is a force of mass destruction) Therefore, the beetle's capabilities are almost equal to those of an ordinary creature - it can trample fire or slam the Flutterr Maid.Insects differ from others only because of their exoskeleton. I would like to remove the ineffectiveness against fairies, steel, ghosts, poison and flying, leaving the Fighting type (Machamp will block Butterfries Lunge) and put a rock in same way (Steel bends, while stone can only be split with bigger effort.). And,I will repeat like others, adding the Fairy type in efficiency, while not giving resistance to them.And most importantly - WEAKNESS TO POISON. Lol,it would be funny,return of Parasekt's 3rd 4x weakness, and now it hits us even harder than the fairy)) (probably,fire need resistance to Bug...)
  • @nabi7701
    To make bug types more viable (while nerfing some OP types) I would personally make it super effective against fairy while making ot resist fairy. But I know they probably won't ever change type matchups unless a new type is added again. But being able to counter the dominant fairy type would give them a great niche.
  • for me the problem comes from defensive overlap, bug resist fighting, grass and ground which is good, but it completly overlap's with flying, they resist fighting, grass, bug and total inmunity to ground (and spikes too). you almost never need a bug type because of this.
  • I always felt like what made the Bug type so fun to use was how it sort of felt like the underdog (where you have to use creative strategies or think outside of the box to win). Butterfree and Vivillon are good sleep setters that can abuse Quiver Dance to sweep a team, and Ninjask can use Sword’s Dance and recover most of its hp by using Leech Life (which is both powerful and can heal any damage you taken while setting up). This is mainly talking about a regular playthrough, since obviously competitive is a whole different story.
  • Early on it was on purpose that was the point the games were balanced around singleplayer not multi-player but at least 3 gens now have been built from the ground up with pvp in mind their isn't any excuse to simply remove a not very effective or weakness. Or a give a fancy effect like ghost being immune to getting trapped.
  • @M3rtyville
    gamefreak probably fears that a certain buff could make u-turn overpowered. To be honest, bugs need better unity abilities that are worth using. Like how annoying real life insects are. You can't make something great again if it was never good to begin with.
  • @VestedUTuber
    It doesn't help that bug type Pokemon as a whole are the weakest type of Pokemon on average, due to all the early-game bugs that evolve early, nuke the first gym leader or two and then drastically fall behind afterwards and the fact that you can count the number of bug type evolutionary lines that don't do that on one hand. Honestly, for bug types to actually be good in any way, there needs to be good bug types first. You can make the bug type itself the best type in the game offensively and defensively, and all that would do is bump the already good bug types up a tier while leaving everything else in ZU or even untiered.
  • Nintendo could be more generous to but types with abilities. Personally, I would like Compound Eyes to be more widely distributed. This will allow bug types to reliably hit with hard to hit moves like Megahorn.
  • @nabi7701
    Volcarona and Scizor hard carry the bug type imo
  • @paulbond8828
    Easy fixes for the Bug type: Full immunity to confusion and redirection effects. Swap the weak/resist it has with Fairy, change the effects of the Swarm ability from its pitiful state to something which ignores evasion boosts of foes and accuracy drops on the user. Oh and bring back both Steamroller and Powder, give both to more pokes. Even sticking with butterfly, moth and other flying/bugs for Powder eligibility and Steamroller for an acceptable enough physical option, perhaps boost the move's power and decrease its usage total down to 10. Powder though would upend the everpresent terror of Fire type coverage into one of strategy while leaving the Rock weakness utterly alone to still offer viable threat response and would immediately see an uptick in both bugs and rock types while thinning out the constant litany of Fire types. That or start using secondary typings that actually have a chance of decent resistances.
  • @jacobbrown9894
    Honestly I think the two biggest problems with bug are the types that resist them and the designation as the early game type. I actually think it was a fucking travesty Game freak even still has early game and late game types past gen 3 like they still think this is a fuckin three stages removed DnD rip off where you start against giant rats and spiders then build to dragons and liches and not its own franchise. Not only do too many types resist Bug (and Grass) but a lot are like nothingburgers in vibe but just brutally hurt it. Personally I’d not only nix the fairy resisting it but also ghost because I cannot see a single reason ghost would resist it that doesn’t just become “Ghosts should just be immune to all physical or at least contact moves if we’re really doing that.”
  • @TaLeng2023
    I want Grass and Bug to resist Fairy while they hit it for neutral. Would give them something to do. For Bug specifically, I want them to have 2 separate type quirks. 1. They ignore the opponent's Evasion and DEF/SDEF boosts. Imagine being assaulted by mosquitoes that find ways into your clothes. 2. Priority Pivot moves. If they use U-Turn, Flip Turn, etc, it gain +1 priority. An indirect buff would be to lower Stealth Rock damage so that it does only 1/3 damage to a Pokemon that's 4x weak to Rock.
  • If bugs resist or were effective to fairy they could see more use they are polar opposites why is fairy resistant if poison n steel are dangerous to beautiful nature invasive pest should also be on that weakness scale along with fire. Would love to see a pokemon like araqanid get a mega &get more bulk and speed and become a orge face spider or net trapping spider, I know we technically got a very similar pokemon in spidots but it was bad because it wasn't a araqanid variant, that keeps water bubble and become a dark bug type make it look like a upside down version of dewpider. 90 HP 112 atk 92 def 50 satk 120sdef and 100 SPD. this should give it offensive potential while still having staying potential. Was even thinking of reducing special to 30 for 120 attack and 100hp or boosting speed to 120. With moves like grassy glide, poison jab, liquidation and leech life/ crunch they would have good coverage and one less weakness add a weakness policy or leftovers or life orb they could be quite good. Would like to hear other people's ideas to make new mega bugs with stats abilities and design ideas.
  • @diegoxavier9107
    I'd say Bug's not the worst type. Rock and Ice, for example, are probably worse