Boys Don't Cry (Except When They Do)

Published 2021-07-01
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Since we all know that boys (and men) do cry, this video focuses on the relatively narrow set of social circumstances where those tears are permitted.

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Writer/Editing: Jonathan McIntosh
Outro music: Rick Lopez

All Comments (21)
  • Lord of the rings handled this so well. The male characters openly showed affection for one another, whether it be a kiss on the forehead or verbal appreciation. Their tears were never shunned by others. "I will not say 'do not weep', for not all tears are evil" - Tolkien
  • i'll die mad about how marvel played thor's weight gain & alcoholism in response to losing everyone he loved for laughs
  • @AceHBK972
    This makes me think about how Marvel handled Thor'a grief vs how they handled Wanda's. Thor's was for laughs & jokes while Wanda's was taken more seriously.
  • @boiledelephant
    "Movies tell us over and over again that if men allow themselves to feel vulnerable, they will be rendered useless." oof
  • @snowpocalypse69
    From Phineas and Ferb: Isabella: "Buford, do you... have something in your eye?" Buford: "No, I'm just crying!"
  • @willeo8371
    I have an advice for parents. When your young children cry a lot, it can be exhausting, so you might be tempted to tell them ‘stop crying so much’. But in my experience it is WAY more efficient to sit down with them and invite them with a warm voice to cry as much and as loud as they need. Often they stop within a minute. Trying to fight back tears is in fact causing more later.
  • @Quarter_Turn
    Wait, I never noticed that--- fathers can cry at heir daughters' weddings, but not their sons'. That's so weird.
  • @deepa2690
    thor was literally depressed and people made fun of him :( he lived hundreds of years beforehand, having fun with his friends and not having any major responsibility. then in under 10 years he had his brother betray him, lost his mother, lost his father, had his sister who he didn't know existed try to kill him, lost his home, lost his closest/oldest friend, lost his brother right after they fixed their relationship, and was SO close to killing thanos but didn't, resulting in half the universe being wiped out and feeling the guilt of all of it. thor in endgame deserved better
  • @Felixia33
    I hated that Thor grief's was played as a joke. He lost everything, his home, his family and then he does even get to cry when seeing his death mother after years?
  • @mayazc7553
    This culture weighs so heavily on men that I remember how my boyfriend (now husband) used to thank me for letting him be himself in front of me. But I have to admit the first time he cracked in front of me it kinda felt awkward because I didn't expect a guy to cry. It's unfortunate that women, also, propagate this culture by considering men showing emotion less manly.
  • Thor became a sort of comic relief when he was going through a deep depression after losing his family and his community. People taking to drink and breaking down after such tragedies isn't funny and shouldn't be used for laughs, even in kids' movies. Specially in kids' movies.
  • @ninjahunter101
    Why am I not surprised that The Big Bang Theory had a perfect example of a man tearing up being used as a cheap joke?
  • "Fathers teach their sons not to cry, so little boys learn to hide their feelings. And society likes that, so in that way when they get to be eighteen they will be able to go overseas and kill strangers without feeling anything." George Carlin
  • LISTEN, I clicked because the title was interesting, not because I wanted a deep reflection into my own relationship with crying and anger as a man. Very good video. Instant subscription.
  • @midnight9178
    When I was 17 my grandpa passed away after a long battle with cancer, my entire family was sobbing at the funeral but I held it all in, not letting myself look weak in front of them. Not shedding a tear for one of the greatest men I’ve ever known is still one of my biggest regrets.
  • @UnfilteredMay
    something that i noticed everytime "are you crying?" was asked is the accusatory and kind of shocked tone, rather than a tender and loving show of support
  • One of the first things I ever noticed when trying to consume media critically was how cheap men crying in film/tv usually is. Like it tells the audience "Do you get how important this scene is, he's crying!" a lot of times without earning it!
  • @cyncynshop
    As a woman I hate my tears. People just trializes my problems as "Typical women" if I cry.
  • @artmoryoo
    I wonder if the whole "boys don't cry" thing is also responsible for the reason why most strong women in media don't cry. Many movies have included the roles of strong, competent women (girlbosses, if you will lol) and one thing that many of those roles have in common is that they are stripped of all traditionally feminine traits. Rather than showing that a woman can be both strong and feminine, she primarily, or exclusively, displays masculine traits (personality wise of course, they still have to keep her looking sexy). This includes the strong woman not crying unless those same windows of opportunity for men occur.