The BEST WAYS To Heal Chronic Pain & Trauma WITHOUT Medication | Howard Schubiner

Published 2022-11-09
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Headaches, migraine, back, neck or joint pain, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), fibromyalgia – they’re just some of the common causes of chronic pain, which is estimated to affect between a third to half of all UK adults, or just under 28 million of us. Emerging neuroscience tells us our brains actually create what we experience in our bodies, through a process called predictive processing. Pain doesn’t come from the body part where it’s felt, it’s created by our brain, signalling that something needs attention.


Show notes available at:

Find out more about Howard:
This Might Hurt (documentary)

Howard’s books:
Unlearn Your Pain: A 28-day process to reprogram your brain US UK
Unlearn Your Anxiety and Depression: A self-guided process to reprogram your brain US UK
Hidden From View: A clinician's guide to psychophysiologic disorders

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All Comments (21)
  • @user-wg7bx4zw7d
    My parents were alcoholic’s, my father got a brain tumor and my mother committed suicide the day he died at the age of 17 in 1979. I witnessed it all. I raised my siblings ….I can’t believe to tell you how hard my life is with fibromyalgia, chronic pain, tingling in my hands, etc. in 1979 you were on your own so I had no choice but to hold in my sadness, feelings, emotions. Medical community at a lose. I have had every test,. This interview helped me so… much! Thank you.
  • @lalipod
    I was in extreme and chronic pain, have autoimmunes, etc., and was sleeping whenever not forced to do something else (all while getting myself through graduate school). My healing began when I left my emotionally abusive husband. I have done the work these men are talking about and continue to do so. These docs and Gabor Mate (mentioned in this vid) have helped me become the best me I’ve been so far! As a 50 year old, I’m beginning to live my life, let go of my trauma, heal my CPTSD, and pursue a meaningful career.
  • @jackiecoley7936
    Yes absolutley. The organs weep the tears the eyes refuse to shed ❤
  • @jeanmailloux9397
    Lord please heal my stomach pains and suffering in Jesus holy name I pray Amen
  • Can you imagine what it would be like if most doctors were like these men? It would be a radically different world.
  • @lady-t402
    When Dr Schubiner was explaining the situation and pain of the hypothetical female patient, it sounded like my life story! Started off with a chronic cough as a child, migraines started in my mid teens, back pain by the time I was 16 that worsened over time, combined with agonising hip, leg and neck pain that would reduce me to tears just by walking by my early twenties, by my thirties add in severe acid reflux and top it all off with endometriosis. The only thing my doctor suggested was paracetamol. I’m now 36 and after over 20 years of chronic debilitating pain, thousands of pounds spent on different treatments in desperation to find relief, I have recently reduced my pain by 80% in 2 months with TRE (trauma release exercises) and meditation (Joe Dispenza meditation) I haven’t had even a touch of acid reflux in weeks and my menstrual cycles are completely normal. I thought I’d never feel normal or go another day in my life without pain, I feel like sitting here and crying with gratitude! Thank you Dr Chatterjee I love your videos, they’re always so helpful and inspiring. Keep doing what your doing, you’re amazing 😊
  • @Moonie787
    Omg…. He told my whole story… including the car accident and back and neck pain 😭 ❤ thank you for this 💔 I am crying here, and I have been so emotionally numb for so long — endometriosis, sciatica, psoriatic arthritis, chronic lower back pain, painful pelvic pain, hormonal imbalance, insomnia (it’s past 3am as I type this), the list goes on… Had a very painful/severely abusive childhood, followed by an abusive marriage, miscarriage, and now dealing with all the fallout. God bless us all dealing with and healing from this difficult hand we’ve been dealt x
  • @butterfly7624
    I 100% agree with this. This is what EFT is based on. Releasing trauma in the body so that you can relieve your body of chronic pain. I've been dealing with health issues and part of my healing journey was to tell family members that they hurt me so that I could release it, emotionally and physically.
  • @storkdoctor11
    These men are phenomenal. If every MD were like this …. Trained like this …..our medical system would not be nearly as toxic as it is .. excellent interview and information .
  • @Tampatsmi
    OMG... What the Doctor said about a young lady going through a lot of drama and stress in her life and having chronic pain with no real physical injuries 😟. This really hit home for me. I've been through a hell of a lot. Childhood drama, relationship abuse, military ptsd. I feel like my whole body is shutting down at age 47. I eat healthy and exercise, but the pain is becoming dehabilitating. It's everywhere in my back, neck, knees, ankles. Every part that has a joint. 😭and no one listens to me because I look healthy on the outside.
  • Wow! At 18 min. in he completely described my wholee miserable life, I guess i'm not alone, the world's full of very broken people!
  • @miomen
    As I woke up with chronic pain in my neck and shoulder looking for solutions YouTube played this video and it felt like God was answering my prayers. I have RA and Fibro so pain has been a part of me for a very long time. I have always said that it meant that I was alive but being honest it has been a difficult way to live. This video tells me that I can look at my pain in a different way. I've left so many Physicians' offices crying and helpless with just a script for more meds and an overwhelming feeling of not being heard. I see 10 doctors and none of them care why or what the other is doing. i have felt hopeless for far too long but that feeling changed today. Don't know where this journey to overcoming my pain will take me but I'm ready to change my relationship with my brain. Thank you for this revelation.
  • @san.magic007
    Once, I was told by a ‘’health professional’’ that my back can not completely heal because ‘’it’s not a 20 years old back’’. I was about 45 years old at that time and it was really disheartening to hear that. However, I did get better! Thank you so much for speaking about this topic as it’s very important! 🙌
  • @_xanna
    Listen to your body when it whispers or you’ll be forced to hear its screams
  • I have suffered with bad pain for years ive had both knees replaced now my lumber spine is so bad surgery is too risky. I was stressed and in constant pain , i was at an all time low and dr just prescribed painkillers. I started to study this subject and now 3 months later i ditched all meds started walking eating good food and dealing with my pain mentally ,.it works my pain is at least 80 pcent less my head is clear and i am enjoying life ... these guys are great ... make peace with your body .. good luck
  • @slowdown3787
    This is probably the most profound interview I have ever heard. Every single sentence holds truth and value, with so many revelations spoken beautifully. Thank you to both doctors. To all who have chronic pain I'd say that you're past the largest hurdle if you are here, and send you strength and support in your journey.
  • As a chronic pain sufferer (73 yrs old) of migraine/headaches, Fibromyalgia and auto immune gastritis, I only had to listen to 5 minutes of this Podcast to know my answers for miserable daily PAIN lies in what you are about to tell us. I have had pill after pill after pill, CAT scans, And chiropractic help all to no avail. Thank you thank you thank you and say
  • @elisabethkorn17
    As a massage therapist, I can say I don't treat bulging discs. I treat human beings with bodies that store charge which our repressive social systems prevent people from understanding, discharding, and regulating. I facilitate discharge and regulation of the central nervous system and emotional body. People's bodies just need to be reminded that aware emotional regulation is their native birth right.
  • You guys are convincing me that what is missing from my life is love. I need to go out and find someoneone new.