December light dry powder day for Mt Bachelor

Published 2020-12-12
3-4" of very light and dry snow greated us today for whom got up to ski at Mt Bachelor for those that were lucky to get a parking space this December 12. Don't get me started on that. However, after hiking over fromt he Dutchman's flats lot the mazes were full. And I mean full. All the mazes. Outback was packed. The only one that wasn't busy was the Red Chair. However, it's still very sketchy in the trees, so don't go in there unless you have rock gear and really know what you are doing.
Also don't think about parking in Dutchman's Flats and skiing over at Mt Bachelor. The Sherif was there today giving out tickets if you didn't have a Sno Park pass (can get at REI or Gear Fix in Bend), and were towed if not parked properly. They were really nailing people coming down from their first Day light laps. Same people that used to early morning Cone Laps with their pass to Mt Bachelor
that they cannot now. Upset people...
Now if people cannot handle me sticking up for my fellow Veteran's, Disabled Veteran's, Active Duty Military, and Gold Star Familes well too bad. These individuals have a right to access to Mt Bachelor that POWDR
is so Cowardly denying them.
Now heavy snows tonight.
Semper Fi
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