Satisfactory: An Unlikely Masterpiece

Published 2021-09-30
Satisfactory isn't the type of game you'd expect to be as amazing as it is, let alone be a complete time sink but alas, here we are. This essay was written and designed to highlight what makes this game great but also bring to light what other games could do better to give their players the experience they deserve.

Please follow:

Edit: I made a mistake saying that a Mrk 1 miner can mine 120 ore per minute. It’s only 60. It should have been the Mrk 2. The math isn’t wrong, just the info. Pardon the mistake. I’m kinda dumb.

Second Edit: I make a remark regarding the 0.5 updating representing that the game is only halfway done through development and not realizing that it only means it's the 5th substantial update and is in no way indicative of indicating the games development progress. As stated above, I'm kinda dumb, most of the time, and apologize for my ignorance. Thank you to everyone who's reached out and corrected this. I honestly do appreciate it!

All Comments (21)
  • Coffee Stain has a huge advantage not needing to cater to the demands of a publisher and their ownership group pretty much lets them operate independently how they please which is a very rare privilege to have in game development. On top of that their team is incredible and they care about quality, fun, and cool game design vs. your average AAA studio that's looking at how they can monetize every mechanic of a game.
  • @Kevin_Kyle
    Who EVER in their life thought a factory game would be so absorbing as this.
  • @maggeemoo7494
    "Who the f*ck brought an algebra quiz to my videogame?" Is easily the best way I can describe my experience with this game. I've only played Satisfactory for 60 or 70 ish hours, but I'm already in love with it, nightmarish math and all.
  • @HeHasNoName
    You need to be a certain type of person to play these games but man, if you are satisfactory is about as good as it gets. Its my 'have a beer or two and mess about for 6 hours on a friday night' game, and it changes depending on your mood. I have sessions where I just go out to pick up slugs or hard drives, I have sessions where I build entire subfactories, I have sessions where I just 'pretty' things up like Im building houses in The Sims, I have sessions where Im like 'idgaf just get it done/built' and I have sessions where I sperg out because that one power pole is half a tile out of position so I better rebuild that bit. If you want it to be, every project is a rabbit hole. I set off to get some silica one session which lead to laying railways, expanding power, building paths etc etc and 50 hours later im like 'cool, got that silica, now I can start aluminum'. Its like crack.
  • @Citydada
    I still remember the first time I met one of the spiders. It was about 2 am IRL and all lights were off in my room. I was out looking around for hard drives, since I was waiting for more concrete to be produced in my factory and suddenly I just hear skittering tippy taps behind me. I turn around and just straight up let out a nearly inhuman shriek. I immediately press escape, save and go to bed. Didn't log on until I had thoroughly researched the spiders and seen images of them online, so I knew what I was gonna see when I logged in again. I'm a 28 year old guy and I was almost reduced to fear-induced tears. So thanks Coffe Stain. Thanks for nearly browning my pants.
  • @ADRIAAN1007
    The one thing that stands out about Satisfactory is the devs are wholeheartedly invested in the game it feels like everything was a labour of love, that and they listen to what the community wants and welcome constructive criticism.
  • @zoranvujovic998
    "Who the fuck brought an algebra quiz to my video game?!" Instant like!! I find Oxygen Not Included to be a great comparison for Satisfactory. Both scratch the same itch for me, despite being so different.
  • @BLAndrew575-
    I have 4000hrs in Satisfactory and have been playing since March of 2019. You 100% nailed it with this video. It just keeps me coming back. Making videos, streaming it, interacting with the community, promoting it, and even in my down time, coming up with newer and larger builds with a paper and pencil. One thing I think that really separates it from other games is the developers. They are constantly interacting with their community. Taking notes, dropping randomly into streams, commenting on videos, and highlighting players and accomplishments in their weekly dev stream. Another huge thing is they actually listen to the players. They take suggestions, bug reports, and will even add features people request. A team that actually listens to their community these days all the way down to 1 on 1 chats is absolutely refreshing. Thanks for the great breakdown. Now it's my turn to share it everywhere!
  • I have spent HOURS making spreadsheets and solving complex maths to make prefect production and logistics just to reflect and realize the game is so God damn good I'm willing to do homework to play it.
  • @AndroidA258
    when I started playing it, got me amazed how an indie game is so polished while in early access, 0 bugs and runs so smoothly and very optimized
  • @mromg8282
    First playthrough: "Snails make your machines work faster? Awsome!" After first playthrough: "Everything I did was wrong..." Second playthrough: "Let's use what I've learned, optimize, and go for nuclear power!" After secong playthrough: "To fix the radioactive problem I'd have to re-do the whole factory..." Now I'm waiting for update 5. I need to start making vertical segments.
  • @vmb6822
    The Moment i placed down my first portable miner i knew that this game would be one of the best games i've ever played. The way it moved, the way it sounded everything about it was executed so perfectly that it actually felt like it would be alive.
  • @fxck626
    even tho i have hundreds of hours in Satisfactory and know almost all of the aspects of the game, I still watched the whole 31 min video. This video was really well made and showed exactly why and how this games manages to amaze all of us that play or have played it. Very well done. :)
  • I ignored this game for about a year while it was in early access and then decided to try it out. Now I have almost 1000 hours in the game and I absolutely love it. It is probably one of the best games I have ever played.
  • @LIA-52
    I am kinda 50/50 on how to do things, some parts of my factory I have optimised perfectly, while others I built with the mindset of "fuck optimisation, it makes the thing I want, however slow, but at least it's being made, so it's fine by me."
  • i remember the sream, where they showcased the update 4, everything was fine and nice and everyone was exited, but then, at the end, another video and BAM, pipes are coming to satisfactory... and everyone in the chat was freaking out...i mean, in what other kind game did the playerbase freak out because pipes are coming in the next update?! i just love it!
  • @Mynervas
    One tiny thing I loved, and it'll only happen once in each play through, is when you unlock the xeno basher. When you place it in your hand for the first time, the Pioneer will look at it, stroke that little dangling key-thing, and then open up the basher. I love that! I love that the pioneer takes a moment to appreciate this new item they see for the first time, touching that key-thing and probably wondering what its for. A tiny moment, but it shows the love the developers have for this game, imo.
  • @Fleato
    This game really makes you feel like you are improving your brain function in some way. It facilitates creativity and critical thinking and I just love it. This game is nearly perfect.