When is it time to quit collecting?

Published 2021-11-18
When is it time to quit collecting?

All Comments (21)
  • I only collect sci-fi pieces and keep it in one room in my house, so space dictates how much I have. To me, its more of having a nice representation of Big Chap, Jungle Hunter, T800 etc. then to worry about obtaining everything new and exciting coming out. Having the impulse to buy every new piece would stress me out more than its worth (as we see in certain YouTube channels that shall remain nameless) Cool intro btw
  • I do know when I plan on quitting statue collecting. I'm fairly new and I have 7 statues so far. I have a list of my favorite characters (15 total) and I plan on having only one statue for each with a key issue comic book. I work in game design and I want to surround myself with characters that have inspired me to continue loving art, animation, and comics. Awesome video, keep up the good work!
  • @superm1guel
    awesome video, I always thought of passing it to my kids when I peace away out of this planet earth, and not only my statue but I have a big video game collection as well. Its always sad to see collection being sold of people who have passed away.
  • @samkim6535
    Nice intro! Upping the production quality. Funny, cause I’ve been thinking about when I might quit. Can’t imagine losing my passion for collecting, so I figured when I start to lose my health I might hang it up as the reasons are two fold. One, I probably won’t have the strength or energy to lift those huge 1/4,1/3 pieces. Two, I need to start selling them off to leave money for the wifey. Sorry for the sad response.
  • I'm currently 44 so I may tap out at 80 so I should be able to still pick them up except for maybe 3 of my 30 by then do great video man and happy collecting
  • @Ms.HistoryBuff433
    I’m a grandmother and almost 71. Besides a brief bout with breast cancer, my health is fantastic. And I am young-minded. I collect Apple OEM Watch Bands and watches. I have recently decided to put collecting at a halt because of the cost and the chase. I have to be happy with what my collection is now. Not an easy task. Good luck with everything, and believe me, you have many good years left. 😊
  • @genefactor007
    Maiden Mike! What's up man! I'm quite late to answering here but I'd like to throw my two cents in. I honestly think finances is the top reason many retire from collecting. I think this even extends out to those who can still afford it. It's as you've said, this hobby isn't getting any cheaper. Hell the jumps in price is pretty staggering at times. And don't get me started on shipping which is another topic altogether. Another reason I think is space. I feel some collectors get to that point where they look over their collections and think, "Okay, I've got everything I need." At most if space is an issue, collectors may opt to be super selective of future purchases than retire completely. There's a ton of reasons one would quick collecting but I think finances is the top reason.
  • @cyberfox843
    i never quit for need of money but i have cut down 90% sold it and kept 10% of my favs when i needed cash and rebuild the collection again in a different direction - i dont think i ever quit i think i just cut down or change the direction or interest of what i collect.
  • @gary69gary
    NEW HOBBIES is one reason someone may stop collecting a certain type of item. I used to collect 4k blu ray earlier in the year but when i discovered statues, i sold half my collection as it didn't seem important to me anymore. I think that may be because when you collect, you start getting carried away and buy things you don't need, so right now i'm fighting the urge to collect everything and only collect what's right for me, the size of my wallet helps to in making that decision too lol Nice video, only discovered your channel a couple days ago, keep up the good work, subscribed!
  • @johnblackmouth
    Bro you’re making 70 seem like you’re 100. At 70 you’ll have enough strength to pick up those statues. But anyway I just started myself at an older age and buy when it’s in my budget to do so. That being said I may have to put a pause on the hobby due to inflation (hyper some say) coming next year. Putting my eggs in another basket as a precautionary effort. But I won’t be leaving the hobby any time soon. Like others have stated I’m also liking that new intro bro. And your collection is 🔥.
  • I think space is the largest factor in this. Usually, if you are collecting 1/3 or even 1/4 scale they can be space hogs. But another reason is when do you feel like enough is enough? I feel like the collection is a representation of the individual collecting. If you feel as though the collection perfectly captures the essence of the collector then that's when a collection is complete.
  • @devobarro8534
    Just stumbled on your channel sir, new sub 🤙🏼
  • @asb1619
    I have 9 statues in my collection and I'm more than happy with that. If something, which I think is unbelievable comes out within the next 1-2 years I may add another piece but apart from this that's about it for me; I'm content with what I have and because of this I don't need to sell as the outlay is limited and I haven't gone over the top; I know this is realtive to each person. I would say I've almost spent the same money on custom wood/acrylic cabinets as I have on statues because I wanted them to be displayed in a way which is befitting of them. I never make a decision quickly and mull it over and over before I pull the trigger; I find this is a good way to filter out the stuff I don't really have a strong conviction for. I wish you all the strength to deal with the loss of your mother brother; I can feel it's been a really traumatic time for you. May god bless you brother.
  • I will probably stop collecting if I run out of money or I get every character I always wanted on my shelf.
  • @RIJIT
    OH SHIT what up bro! its your old neighbor from Sherman Oaks! DAAAAAAAAAAMN your Moducases came in and this shit looks FANTASTIC!!!! Glad to see the setup looking so damn good in the new house!
  • @zeroblade9800
    Besides financial I think my own head will talk me out of it. I got a lot of figures/model kits and there be times of some regret. Is this too much? What can I spend money on? I wonder if its an addiction even. But I still like what I see, so for now I keep going.