This is HOW TO SURVIVE Getting Jumped

Published 2024-04-06
This is HOW TO SURVIVE Fighting Multiple Attackers
As high as 90% of #selfdefense Coaches out there are full of S*&t When they talk about this subject Because they simply don't have the real world experience. I have lived it more than once and this is how I survived. Some of you guys out there have experience with it as well. Drop your wisdom down in the comments if you have lived it too.
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All Comments (20)
  • @ronm3671
    I got total F-up by multiple attackers outside a shady nightclub in the 90s. I was taking down to the ground and stomped and kicked. I had No chance of getting up, I just curled up and took it. When it was over i had a broken jaw, bumps and bruises every where ,ribs face all f-ed up. If you can run, then run.
  • @awalton9024
    Exactly as he says they will come back, with reinforcements. If you get in a fight or altercation with somebody do not stick around. Don't finish your beer, don't pass Go just get gone.
  • As someone who has been in far more fights than my name would suggest, every word he said is 100% accurate. I’ve dealt with multiple attackers three times in my life and talked my way out of two, while using my brain and some brutality to get out of the last one. The first time I was about 19 and a huge hit head. About 15 guys were messing with my friend so I went out there with a screwdriver. I told them that they were going to win but I was going to kill the first three that got near me. I asked if they wanted to vote on who those three were, or draw straws, I didn’t care but let’s go. They all left. The second time, a buddy pissed off this guy and when we walked out of the bar, there were about 12 of them waiting for us. The main guy’s girlfriend was yelling at him not to fight and I used it to my advantage. I told him that they would win, but I was going to wreck him until his friends dragged me off. So basically, he could go have sex with his smoke show girlfriend or end up in the hospital bed next to me. He walked away. The last time, I was in my late 30’s. A little wiser and less of a hothead. Three guys decided they wanted to fight me in a bar. The most aggressive one started to push me and I let him push me until we were about 8 feet away from his two friends. Then as he came in to push me again, I timed it so he walked into a crisp right cross that sent him through their table unconscious. The other two weren’t very excited about fighting after that since it was clear I was well trained and they weren’t. Long story short, use your head and stay calm. If you get an out, take it. Otherwise, give the aggressor an out and single him out as the one who is going to get hurt. This shatters the tendency to feel what’s called “diffusion of responsibility” in the group because the most aggressive guy now knows he’s not getting out of this without taking a beating. Usually, that will be enough. However, when it’s not and a fight becomes inevitable, hit first, be brutal, and don’t give up. Most guys don’t want to get hurt over someone else’s problem. Most of them are there for the fun of stomping you out. If you start really hurting people and use movement to set up one on one’s, a lot of people will not want to be in that situation. If you seriously hurt a few guys, most of the rest will start to rethink the fight. The looks on the faces of the two guys after I shattered their bigger, stronger friend’s face and left him lifeless on the floor in the middle of a broken table with beer all over him, made it clear they wanted no part of me. So I just walked away. Three times I was in a really bad situation and all three times I walked away untouched by using my head, staying calm, and when I had no choice, using my training to send a message that I wasn’t going to be easy to bring down. Bottom line, you can walk away from those situations or at least not get terribly hurt if you can keep yourself together and not appear weak. Predators thrive on the weak. If they know you will gladly take an ambulance ride so long as five of them are coming with you, you became a far less appealing target. And finally, if the fight happens, they are no rules. There is no pride in an “honorable” defeat. Punch guys in the balls, kick out knees, gouge eyes, bite, and do whatever you have to. You’re not in a ring, you’re in a fight for your life, so fighting dirty is fine. And as he says, never go to the ground. I fight best on the ground, but against multiple attackers, going to the ground to choke one guy out just means 11 guys start kicking you. Stay on your feet and NEVER kick above the knee. Finally, if they have weapons, do whatever you can to avoid a fight and get out of there. I always carry a knife but even with it, I’m not doing anything to a bunch of guys with weapons. Don’t get surrounded and get out of there, even if you have to run away. And if you do run away, you’re likely not outrunning them all so run until you find any place that is open, get inside, and have someone call the police. It all seems like a lot to remember, but if you can remain calm, the best course of action will usually make itself clear to you. Stay safe out there.
  • Never, never, never give up. You’ll want to. Best advice ever and 100% true.
  • @nothingleft3473
    If you are merely looking to survive getting jumped, this is how. - Lose your ego. You can either be dead or alive and making a difference in people's lives. Nobody is going to remember how tough you were fighting for your life. - Cardio, if they can't catch you, they can't jump you. - Don't put yourself in situations where this could happen, ie clubbing and bars.
  • @Dan.50
    30 years in public safety from bouncer to firefighter to cop I've seen many attacks go down. If it's a group, all you can do is hope to survive without much damage. First order of business is to get the heck outta dodge. I don't like and try to avoid large groups because of this.
  • @tmrb7600
    As someone who grew up street fighting this guy is 100% accurate. Do not go to ground and do not get surrounded. Most fights aim to ground but you must pop up quick.
  • @bobadams7654
    Yes, so important to practice getting up. Sounds simple, it is ...for kids. Try it 10 times as an adult and it's a workout! Nice work.
  • @wstan1410
    Here's my story about surviving multiple attackers. It's the mid-90s, and I'm on the bus on the west side of Chicago in my sophomore year of high school. The previous year, I attended a Catholic high school and got kicked out. (This will come into play later.) I hear these guys talking about who will swing on me first. I get up from my seat and go to the back of the bus. I figured my chances were better if no one would attack me from the back. I'm telling myself to think, and that's when I remembered I had this little Bible in my backpack from Catholic school. I pulled out the Bible and started reading it like it was the most interesting thing on the planet. I noticed one of the guys slapped his friend's leg and nodded at my Bible. I was spared.
  • @leelunk8235
  • @Chipchase780
    I can't run or fight much, (20 years plus since I saw 40)so my weapon is humour, which has served me well. My most powerful strike is making an aggressor or aggressors laugh, perhaps consider me a harmless fool. Only thing on the floor is my dignity, but I walk away.
  • @kz5058
    What I've used effectively in the past is constant movement. Positioning myself at points where the attackers were then forced to adjust their position. Move quick and often enough for their brains to be unable to formulate a plan of attack. Throw them into each other and strike when opportunities arise. A high level of conditioning is important. You don't want to get tired in the middle of a fight. As the man said, avoid ground fighting. It may be useful against one person, but puts you at a major disadvantage when fighting multiple opponents. Also, be aware of your surroundings. There may be things you can use against them, but also things that may be used against you.
  • @bradauto
    As a British martial artist I have it easy, we are a nation of queuers- we love a line and baddies will patiently and politely line up in front of you . Nice chaps.
  • Best advice I've learned is to run away. If you can't, then fight like it's your last moments because it might just be. Grab and use anything and play dirty ie eye pokes, nut cracker, etc. Don't stay down, keep moving and don't get surrounded. Always keep everyone in sight because of back attacks.
  • Even the Spartans made it clear Never let your back hit the ground
    You may call me childish but this is what Koga, character from my favorite game said: "Lesson 1: Always strike first" "Lesson 2: Use every tool to your advantage "Lesson 3: Never fight someone you know you can't beat"
  • @timcoolican459
    ANECDOTAL - 3 ON 1 SCENARIO I had been in this situation, several times in my youth. What he says about getting right back up, always moving around, is exactly what you have to do. The one fight I was in, with three guys, I remember doing exactly what this guy did...kept moving around so they could not get behind me, or attack me simultaneously. Now I knew they would not give up, so what I did was try to wear them down a bit, picking the weakest of the three to concentrate on. My thought in that moment was to eliminate one of the attackers. This meant that I had to go to the ground. What I did was knock this guy on his ass, jumping on his legs to try and break one. I actually broke one of his ankles...but it worked, he was no longer in the fight. Then I applied this tactic again, eventually getting another from behind, choking him out. I took a lot of hits and was very sore the next day. One thing is for certain, if you fight you are going to get hit. There's no avoiding it, especially with multiple attackers. Hopefully your adrenaline and stamina can outlast theirs? If nothing else, work on your cardio!!!! But remember, there is usually one guy in the fight who is weaker than the rest. The only reason he is in the fight, is because he has his buddies to back him up...use this, if you can. Terrorize that individual as much as you can, or try to take him out. It will be one less asshole to worry about.
    „Because in real world: they’re intent on killing you - they WANT to kill you.”I’ve been thinking bout this & it’s damn true 💜