Krimson KB Reacts - A Crap Guide to Final Fantasy XIV - Ranged DPS

Published 2023-04-14

All Comments (21)
  • @KrimsonKB
    Edit: Reassemble + Drill. Shut up I'm old and I do not accept your "actually".
  • "And everybody knows when the opening kicks on you deal more damage." every anime fan can confirm this
  • They should give Monks a Blitzball to toss in reference to Wakka from FFX.
  • @TheIvoryDingo
    Personally, when I'm playing a Physical Ranged job in a Trial, Normal Raid or Alliance Raid, I will generally only use an LB3 if: 1. I know the fight doesn't require a Tank LB3 2. The party is in good enough health so a Healer LB3 isn't needed 3. The boss only has 15-10% health left and the Melees/Casters take too long And the surprising thing is that I still get to see my LB3's pretty often (disregarding MSQ roulette).
  • "If you do bad, it's a skill issue." Truer words have never been said. Between having no downtime whatsoever, freedom of movement, and arguably the simplest rotations among the DPS, (except maybe SMN, the hidden 4th Ranged Phys) there's really no excuse. It's literally just hit buttons and watch what the boss does so you don't get one-shot.
  • @animegx45
    Melee takes priority on LB, then the ranged, but if you're a BLM like me, you'll pop it because caster LBs are fun to watch and I like to laugh manically as I drop a meteor that deals little damage on the boss's head.
  • @coleslade
    Krimson saying he plays Machinist because of the lack of RNG. Meanwhile I'm over here having flashbacks of maining it when it first came out. Oh you sweet summer child.
  • @ogre589
    Yah know its ironic that DNC is seen as a supportive dps because they have one of the hardest hitting attacks in the form of Technical Finish. Fully charged thats a 1200 potency hit and with Devilment, thats an easy critical direct hit. I've seen 26k to 27k direct crits and im not even lvl 90. I expect to see over 30k by the end of it.
  • @cparle87
    1:03 "Give monks a hadoken!" Preach it! 1:49 Cannot argue. 6:25 "Ohh, the reassembled chainsaw, Batsy!" 7:25 Sadly this is not wrong. Been playing dancer for months and tried to make my own flowchart like this. Spent all afternoon, failed, didn't understand it any better. Then saw Jocat yesterday and realized I was doing it wrong. 7:33 Jocat is a bard. We have all seen the evidence of Jocat being a bard. And here he does it again. 8:00 You actually went crosseyed in the video watching that in case it was subconscious.
  • @Gsoda35
    I still remember my first experience with all the ranged jobs. always so excited when an ability blinked.
  • Only just now found your channel because I love JoCat! You are very funny, and I can't wait to watch more of your stuff!
  • @DarthZ01
    i once had a tank get made at me for not doing my aoe rotation right as a machinist because he saw me spamming just one ability over and over... no, he had never played machinist before.
  • As a DRK main (off tank), can confirm, opener & burst window makes my range DPS static members sad. May look at picking up a Ranged DPS as something when I get bored of tanking, they look fun.
  • @darthmarth87
    surprised at no mention of the single best skill in the game. I'm talking Peloton, of course.
  • @soltymc172
    yeah KB i´m a simpel man to MCH is my fav. Range Dps 😆 but a Samurai at heart 😉
  • @shiroyuma2876
    yeah it be nice to have multiple LBs to use instead of 1 per 8 group party of LB3