What is TF2's Worst Mechanic?

Published 2022-10-16
TF2 is an incredibly deep game with its vast array of interesting mechanics. Blast jumping, air strafing, and even basic stuff like Overheal and hitsounds add a lot of depth and enjoyment to the game. But this ain't about the cool stuff. This is about THOSE mechanics, you know the ones. The ones that make you so frustrated that you throw a $2,183 computer across the room and punch a hole in your main monitor, only to regret the choice minutes later and spiral into a deep depression from your anger issues and how they've ultimately ruined something that once made you happy. Or something like that. These are what, in my opinion, are the worst mechanics TF2 has (or had) to offer, as well as why exactly I find them so horrible. Let me know if you want a part 2!

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All Comments (21)
  • @Great_Blue
    HONORABLE MENTIONS BECAUSE MY EDITING SOFTWARE HATES ME: - Unboxing tiers (arbitrarily affects rarity of items) - Skin wears (cool in concept, lame when you consider facnew is usually the only good one) - Halloween ghosts (pain) - Crit pumpkins (I LOVE DYING TO CRITS I LOVE DYING TO CRITS) - Random crit snowballing (yes let's let the Soldier on a 28 killstreak one-shot you more often) - Slowdown effects (this is TF2, not Overwatch) - Explosion truncations (hard to explain, but it's what makes your explosions do no damage on stairs) - Sniper (Sniper) - Manual interp adjustment (telekinetic backstabs are for losers) - Physics differences for throwable reskins (ah yes, the $20 item that gives you a 3% upgrade) - Snowballing weapons (I don't care what you say, fighting a Sniper with 5 heads is annoying) Sorry the list wasn't in the video, I got hungry and ate it :(
  • I think it's worth noting that Truces were not originally added when the Halloween bosses were introduced. They were introduced in 2015 when Merasmissions were added as people complained that it took too long to do the boss contracts because people would just kill each other instead of the boss. I remember the general attitude at the time was that people were for this change but that did not last long.
  • If you want a hilariously bad example of Tf2s melee Hitreg, boot up a Zombie Survival map and watch as the last survivor is unreasonably immortal because the entire team of zombies can't stop punching each other on "accident" because Hitreg logic
  • @icsx
    Due to popular request, i'll be adding skeletons into every future halloween map I make. Thanks for the feedback.
  • fun fact about melee hit registration: In MVM, the robots you faces doesn't get registered as "players", therefore, when several of those are gonna melee you..well..you end up more mashed than a potato purée in no time. this also applies..to the infamous skeletons.
  • @RdTrler
    "At least it's not as bad as real life, where killing one person gets you put in Dominant status for 80 years." This is why I watch your videos. I can't unthink jail time like that now, thank you.
  • As an Engineer main, the thing I hate most about truces is how you're forced into two bad corners: you either wait for the truce to end to rebuild any destroyed sentry nests destroyed by the boss OR rebuild your nest and have a Demoman notice this and set up a sticky trap, causing you to restart or quickly move everything out of the way depending on how much time is left
  • @nugget0928
    Surprised that you didn’t mention another frustrating part of truces: your temporary teammates still collide with you, and so any attempt to cooperate just results in unintentional bodyblocking and ceaseless anger.
  • @FrogInShorts
    I love the melee hit detection actually! So many times when playing soldier I land an epic multi rocket jump market garden and get that nice satisfying hit sound, but then the hit doesn't register anyways and I close tf2 and go outside. Melee hit reg has really helped me with my life goals.
  • @RealNikoPlush
    The more advanced version of taunting your enemy is spraying after a kill. Now I know that you can do it consisti
  • @ZebbyD
    Great Blue, if you must know, the only reason the Dominant status exists is because SolarLight broke the mode in one of his videos, so valve nerfed him in response.
  • @kerbonaut2059
    CTF Capture crits are one of the few reasons why youd want to cap in the first place, in a game mode notorious for having no incentives to cap in the first place. It also makes lopsided matches end quicker. Like, if you backcap you can coordinate with your team to crit roll through a spawn camp. Or the enemy is competent and you can die with crits but atleast someone's capping. Oh and the Mannpower Dev is Dario Casali. Yes, the creator of Plutonia. You ain't gonna get past him ever. He's been trolling fps players before half of tf2's playerbase was even born.
  • @SolarLight
    Melee blocking teammates does have some benefit in that it prevents you from instantly dying when 3 or more people attack you with melee in a swarm. The risk of accidentally hitting a teammate is meant to force you into attacking one person at a time. A lot of fighting games work specifically because when you're in a swarm, only one opponent is allowed to attack you at a time. I guess the TF Team wanted to make the melee system work more in that way? It's a mixed bag, honestly. On one hand, you have badly designed maps and bad teammates which can make this mechanic an annoyance. On the other hand... Imagine trying to play Spy or Demoknight, only for 2 or more enemies to swing a melee weapon in your general direction, killing you instantly.
  • The problem with Halloween bosses is that they're just slapped haphazardly into existing modes and shut the whole game down for a while to make you fight them. I think they should be given more complex sets of abilities (especially Monoculus) and given their own mode where there's no truce and you're fighting to deal the most damage. You could even have some sort of secondary objective like dropping a Payload cart on them or capturing a control point to deal extra damage, which would compliment the primary objective of the mode rather than be an awkward side dish to it.
  • @kingslim3853
    Autobalance literally leaves me with a gaping void in my soul
  • @emeraldnickel
    SUGGESTED CHANGES TO TRUCES: - Make the capture timer and capture progress pause instead of reverting to neutral. It feels unfair, both to a team that already owns the point and a team that had nearly captured it. - Make stickies fizzle out or have a cooldown after the truce, and potentially disable sentries for a moment too. Having 2 classes that can use the truce to set up is STUPID and unfair to other classes (even though I main engie myself).
  • @nino7771cp
    8:00 Imagine walking into a walmart and hearing the intercom come on and just "A GARGOYLE HAS APPEARED SOMEWHERE ON THE MAP!", and 5 minutes later it just comes back on and "THE GARGOYLE... IS GONE!"
  • The thing that really does irritate me is how TF2 registers hitting someone from behind where in some cases, going for a backstab against someone who is clearly not facing you won’t die to a backstab while in other cases, you die to a backstab even though you’re directly facing them. Same goes with other weapons like this such as the Backburner and the Back Scatter.
  • @SaucyBoy
    i still think truces are a good thing but they definitely need to lower the timer to 3 minutes like normal, and limit boss spawning to 1-2 times max per game (not sure about the specifics of when)
  • There was a time when the Halloween gift functioned like the gargoyle, where one would spawn specifically for you that nobody else could get, which was a much better system than having it be a free-for-all for who got it.