Gender Reveal Parties Are Out Of Control

Published 2024-05-10

All Comments (21)
  • @RainmimiASMR
    You wanna know the saddest thing? The woman who started gender reveals didnt actually care about the gender of her child, but she had multiple miscarriages and was just excited to show that she had been able to carry long enough to the point where she could show the gender because she had never had a viable pregnancy last that long. She says she regrets starting the trend and also her kid is nonbinary i think.
  • @TheUltimateCap
    spends 100000 dollars on a gender reveal The baby being trans: 👁️👄👁️
  • @bugzzykatzz
    The only reason I’d throw a massive pink and blue party would never be for a baby, only for the worlds largest tv girl reference 🤞
  • It's not even correctly named! It should be a sex reveal, not gender because the babies sex doesn't always equal gender. Also, I'd hate to have millions of people see what my birth gender is.
  • @Xoxo_Rori
    he's like if kurtis conner and film cooper had a child. And Funky frog Bait is the older cousin who takes him on “walks” at family reunions
  • I honestly have no idea why people care so much. IT’S A BABY. What difference does it make if it’s a boy or girl? It’s your child and you should love it unconditionally no matter what. It’s ridiculous 😭😭
  • @mckenna_L_
    i wish the beige moms fully committed to their aesthetic for gender reveal parties. pink and blue? too much color, hun! that'll ruin the entire look of your neutral insta page!!
  • @lisx3353
    Unrelated but this man looks like that one character from a series that everyone would love
  • Gender reveal parties are so stupid. The only one I’ve ever willingly attended was a joke one for one of my trans friends. It wasn’t anything big, just a cake that hade blue icing inside. That is the only gender reveal party I’ll ever participate in.
  • @aidanyelsma7762
    Jenna Karvunidis, the woman who did the first public gender reveal party in 2008, had a pink layer of frosting in the middle of a cake. She's been campaigning against them since like 2018. She did an interview on the Daily Show in 2020 where she said she made a massive mistake and how her daughter is super embarassed by it. If you want to throw a gender reveal party, limit your budget to like $100.
  • @Amey2810
    THANK YOU for sayin the truth. Not only do these events fuck up the environment, but I hate how show-boaty they are. You’re spending $15,000 on just the GENDER REVEAL??? God forbid their kid turns out trans ….
  • also... if I found a video of my parents hating that I was born female, then I'd probably think that's the only reason they accepted me as trans.
  • @l3ahmags
    It's almost as if gender is something a person defines for themself and is practically a social construct The crazy gender reveal people: "COME WATCH PINK OR BLUE BALLONS COME OUT A FEDEX BOX IN MY BACKGARDEN!!"
  • @babywigeon
    I have yet to see anyone with purple paraphernalia celebrating an intersex baby 😤
  • The gender reveal party for me was a poster that said “It’s a girl” and for my little brothers it was a box with a blue balloon in it. Nothing needs to go to that extent.
  • @xanthippe6825
    Okay, I've told this story on a Snerixx short before but I'll repeat it: Back when my mom was pregnant, she and my dad didn't wanna know. But I was the first kid, grandkid, etc so everyone around them wanted to know so bad. My dad thought that was the perfect opportunity. My mom gives birth to me, my whole extended family in the waiting room, my dad bursts through the door and yells: "It's a baby!!" And runs back inside. He said it was so worth it for how mad everyone was that they had to wait even longer. Even better, I'm nonbinary. So it really was "just a baby" 😅 Obviously my dad didn't know this (but people have accused this story of being fake bc I'm nonbinary) he just wanted to play the ultimate dad joke on an entire waiting room of family. Best. Gender. Reveal. Ever. 😂
  • @jayking2228
    My birth mother vehemently wanted a boy so much so that it refused to learn how to actually take care of us, girls, and just relied on making us the perfect housewives for our imaginary husbands which included basically baying our brother and ignoring the obvious favoritism