Inside the Most Muslim Place in America

Published 2023-10-31

All Comments (21)
    Appreciate you representing us in a respectful manner brother Let’s collab next time tho🫡
  • @benreynen8739
    I recently started renting a basement apartment from a Muslim family and they are all so kind and welcoming. They are constantly making me food and just generally treat me like part of the family. Growing up never experiencing what they are really like it is awesome to see how they really are.
  • @oskarnss3555
    The segment debunking the Iraq war with the veteran confronting Bush had me in tears. What an unbelievable disaster that war was!
  • @izzthewizz6
    As a Sunni Muslim in America who is also from Milwaukee, I really appreciate you making this video. The muslim people featured did a great job of portraying the best parts of Islam. I think the differences between Suni and Shia are notable, but shouldn't be a means for division as the core beliefs are all there. May Allah unite the entire Muslim Ummah and help guide Tommy in his path towards riotousnees. Very genuine guy.
  • @Syrupyraptor
    I love the respect you have for everybody no matter race, religion, or “class” people fall in. You honestly seem like a genuine human being.
  • @ediesaffron3593
    4:00 I love that you included this part as well as the explanation on why you said this was “a made up war.” It makes me happy to see that so many have woken up or are in the process of waking up to the fact that we’ve been lied to by the government en mass. For so long I was labeled as a crazy “conspiracy theorist” for simply asking questions & not buying into the propaganda. I was young and naive when 9/11 happened and sadly I bought into the government approved mainstream media narrative. It wasn’t until I got a bit older and wiser and decided to do my own research that realized everything we’ve been told to believe was untrue. Seeing so many questioning things gives me so much hope, however there’s still many who’re still living with their eyes closed but I hope this video will inspire them to think critically, ask questions & educate themselves! Great job per usual Tommy! ❤
  • @HelloEarthling
    As a canadian who lived in both Kuwait and Lebanon, I can tell you that good Muslim people have a angelic soul. But as with everything there are bad characters that ruin people's images.
  • @turner_yuh
    Tommy G puts the work in for real investigative journalism
  • @TommyGMcGee
    With it feeling like WW3 could breakout at any moment, I thought this would be a great video to show. In fact, when you watch this video and my "Jewish Purim" video, I can't help but notice how similar the 2 groups are in a lot of ways. With both sides I was impressed with their kindness, hospitality, strong family units, and focus on education. The optimist in me believes the vast majority of people on this planet are kind and I hope the world can figure itself out. Peace and Blessings to you!
  • I felt a little hurt when that cute little girl said she wants to become a housewife later on in life and other kids laughed at her. Ah, why? That's the most important role in human societies! Why would someone be laughed at for saying something like that? It's like if little boy said that he wants to grow up and marry and support his family and kids. Why would someone laugh at something so necessarily needed in our societies? These laughter and jokes would discourage that cute little girl in her early life and she may choose to follow a different path altogether, only to regret later on in older age.
  • @dl1388
    I am traveling into Turkey for the first time, and this video helped ease all the hate I've been getting just because I wanted to visit. People tend to fear what they don't understand.
  • @cr6nk
    The girl speaking about liking someone for their character is such a wholesome person
  • @bryanchase9529
    i am the furthest person from religion as one can likely be, so my personal feelings are irrelevant. But what is driving me to comment right now is the content delivered in this video. It is honestly moving. Its thought-provoking, as direct as it could be & shows an underside that we sadly do not see. To everyone in this video, you are beautiful. So happy this exists.
  • @RecordsMiguel
    Dude I randomly started watching your videos not too long ago and you did not have too many followers but honestly you are so great at what you do and have such an open mind , you are more than well deserved of everything you have not and will have in a short time
  • @H2o3G2a
    This really made me feel fucking sad honestly. But obviously happy and grateful. I think we can all relate to this in one way or another, that feeling of not being in control, having people hate you without knowing you. I studied in America and I honestly never expirienced islamphobia or any of that shit and I think it has a lot to do with character, I probably ran into people who have biases against me but I can comfortably say that I was decent enough where they let go of these views atleast for the time I was around them. I do get death threats on instagram for having somewhat of a following and supporting Palestine. I've been called a terrorist in the past 2 weeks more than every other time in my life. All for trying to stop the death of innocent people... It's geniunely crazy that I have to defend something so fucking logical.
  • @realtonyd
    Growing up not too far from Dearborn ive had many friends who are Muslim. I would always tell ppl how misunderstood their religion and culture is. This video is the proof i need to show them so they can see what ive seen. Great work!
  • @willwyatt259
    It's crazy how much propaganda is being pushed by governments all over the world. These are good people with great values thanks for the video.
  • There’s nothing wrong with being a housewife. It’s an extremely important and valuable and difficult Job. I commend that young lady for saying as they laughed at her. Little do they know what a challenging role it is to be a housewife/homemaker. Hope that young lady knows the role she chose as a job is one of the most important and needed above anything else! Who will care for all the things around the home if we only focus on the exterior jobs…we must give more understanding to the role of a housewife/homemaker.
  • @zainabahmed10
    I'm not a person to watch vlogs generally, but oh my god I am SO happy that I watched this vlog and I highly respect you for being so open and respectful to the rules, customs, and traditions of Islam! You are incredible!