I decided to make my own custom skylanders because why not?

Published 2024-06-08
#activision #skylanders #toysforbob #vicariousvisions

Music used in this video:

Junkyard Isles main theme (Giants)
   • [♪♫] Junkyard Isles - Main Theme | Sk...  

Arkeyan Armory - lights out (Spyro's Adventure)
   • Arkeyan Armory - Lights Out | Skyland...  

Woodburrow main theme 1 (Swap Force)
   • [♪♫] Woodburrow - Main Theme 1 | Skyl...  

Elven Kingdom | Celtic fantasy music (Jonathan Segev)
   • Elven Kingdom | Celtic Fantasy Music ...  

We Named Her Ku (Ori and The Will of The Wisps)
   • We Named Her Ku  

All Comments (21)
  • Link to the original creators character creator picrew.me/ja/image_maker/711597 I know that some of the stories are rough around the edges, but I’ll hopefully be able to improve on the next ones, but before I go, I want to ask which one you like the most? Would you rather have shorter stories like Vine Glows? Or longer tales like Sylences? But no matter what you think, thanks for watching!
  • @WillstoneWorks
    I never realised how big the self made skylanders scene was. It's so cool to se everyone be so creative with their stories and designs.
  • @dragonking1418
    Just as a suggestion, you should make a mini series where you cover fan Skylanders from the comment section and read there backstories
  • I love seeing people making their own fan-made characters in the skylanders universe. I like how both your skylanders are connected to other skylanders and like to see what kind of backstory the other two skylanders in the next video will have.
  • @marekbabb9072
    It’s nice to know other people still enjoy skylanders
  • @abthedragon4921
    Funny I actually made my own Skylanders as well! Back in 2018 and 2019 I made my own team of Skylanders called Skylanders Skirmish Squad. Since we didn't get a seventh game (and we probably never will) I took my hand at making a fan-made Skylanders 7. Part of me even had the thought of pitching my idea to Activision but I decided not to because I knew that wasn't going to happen lol. Regardless, I had a lot of time brainstorming Skylanders and coming up with their designs, backstories, gameplay and even their upgrades! As for the Skirmish Squad themselves, basically they were going to be this team of tactical geniuses who would lead other Skylanders into battle against Kaos. Like in Imaginators where sensei unlocked a new ability for Imaginators, members of the Skirmish Squad would unlock a new tactic to unlock during levels. I don't have any art of them but honestly, I do enjoy going back and looking at what I came up with.
  • Another own skylander name Tree trunk the life elephant skylander Tree Trunk is a majestic and powerful African forest elephant with a robust and muscular build. His skin is a deep, earthy gray adorned with intricate green tribal markings that glow faintly, hinting at his connection to the life element. His large ears and his tusks giving him a regal and ancient appearance. His trunk is not only strong but also versatile, capable of shooting seeds and emitting powerful roars. Tree Trunk wears a harness made of vines and leaves, with a small sapling growing on his back, symbolizing his bond with nature. Tree Trunk is wise and calm, embodying the spirit of the ancient forest. He is a gentle giant who protects the natural world and all its inhabitants. Despite his peaceful nature, he becomes a formidable warrior when his friends or the environment are threatened. His deep, resonant voice reflects his age-old wisdom and connection to the earth. Tree Trunk hails from the ancient and mystical Verdant Forest, a place teeming with life and magic. As the guardian of the forest, he has spent centuries maintaining the balance of nature and protecting it from those who seek to exploit its resources. When the call came from the Skylanders to protect all of Skylands, Tree Trunk answered without hesitation, bringing his immense strength and deep wisdom to the fight against evil. GO BIG GO WILD! 🐘 🍃
  • @aracharsley7357
    I have these 2 Imaginators, Revenant and Freakazoid, who have intertwined backstories. Might as well share if others have, maybe you could even do a fan skylanders lore episode. Revenant was once a great boxer who was brothers in arms with Freakazoid, until Freakazoid was possesed by a being of pure evil and struck Revenant down in the ring during a rigged match. Revenant managed to revive himself through sheer rage and decided to join the skylanders to track down the man who struck him down (and actually adopted the name Revenant at this point). Freakazoid, meanwhile, was so stricken with grief he had killed his brother in arms that he managed to singlehandedly overpower the evil force possessing him, but it still remains as a fragment of him. He also joined the skylanders after this in an attempt to redeem himself, meeting again with Revenant and reconciling with him. I have backstories for all 10 imaginators I have but theirs is just the most interesting.
  • I wish I'd gotten a chance to see your Acolyte video. I'm sorry it got so much hate and your effort making it went to waste. People need to learn to respect other's opinions.
  • @mikerenois2220
    I actually made alot of my own skylanders as well. My personal favorite skylander I made was a fire element named Meltdown. He's a really buff crocodile how can manipulate lava and turn his body into obsidian. He's also got many anger based attack because his rage is immense
  • @Depresso2012
    I might as well write My own skylander. His name is whit. He was Confined mind was once a ghost that was framed for doing horrible things that he didn’t commit. They were terrible enough to land him in cloudcracker prison wrongfully. He pleaded not guilty but never had evidence of him being framed. He was one of the villains that got broken out during the events of sky team. His powers were being able to absorb elemental attacks and release them as his own. Which would basically make him be every element. He was one of the first to be captured in a Trap made from the shards of skycracker prison. Which was a magic trap. He would be stuck in there for so long and lose his sense of time from going insane in there. Soon after weeks of him being trapped in the magic trap, the skylanders figured out that he was framed for all of his crimes and was wrongfully trapped. He was able to broken free from the trap, but he was not the same friendly ghost. He became a lunatic that lost his sense of time and believed that he did those crimes he was framed of. Though he could not be fully taken out of the magic trap. His upper body to his middle was still stuck in it and somehow could mot be released. The color of his body was changed to the color of the magic trap also. He decided to join the skylanders all in a hopeful attempt to redeem himself for things de didn’t do. He was so broken mentally that he didn’t believe any of the skylanders that told him that he was framed for his crimes by someone. So he is forever chained or just trapped inside of the magic trap for eternity as a ghost. Him becoming broken from the time he was spent in there. Though through becoming a skylander he seems somewhat happy for doing things for the greater good. Or it’s just his insanity
  • That Sylence moc looks very dope! I love Hero Factory and Bionicle so its awesome seeing this custom ccbs creation as a fanmade skylander. I should note that Sylence controlling a floating is something he shares with Krypt King from trap team, but I'm okay with it because its properties work differently since all Krypt King's floating sword could do is slow down enemies doing moderate damage. Awesome video!
  • @99b0f5qiz
    I would love to see someone out there eventually make a skylanders clone. I doubt it would be easy to get painted figured, but and NFC card type of system to start out with could be cool
  • Believe it or not. 4 attacks for a Skylander and how you described Sylnes move set is basically the same as deep dive gill grunt and smash hits move sets
  • huh thanks for reminding me to getting around to finishing my fanmade skylanders cuz I'm working on making my OCs as skylanders with movesets here's what i have so far Noodle: undead dragon no backstory so far (like most of them) but his moveset is attack 1 a quick jab of the tail that can work as a combo (think like 3ds dark spyro's basic attack) attack 2 here's where it gets interesting Noodle shoots out a blast of "fear" magic takes a wile to charge up, but if it hits a foe they deal less damage and take for damage attack 3 not sure rn Bobert magic human? well his a psychic brawler relying on psychic powers to boost his attacks (think like Ness and Lucas from smash bros/earthbound) attack 1 Bobert punches forwards with a simple combo think like normal Terrafin's combo. attack 2 PK teleport bobert turns invisible and can still move around when the button is held down and when the the button is let go he reappears wish a fancy show of psychic energy (will deal damage if upgraded) but it's uses as a get in/get out tool. attack 3 he shoots out a ball of psychic energy at his foes just in case if you can't get in to deal damage.
  • @potatoofmemes
    I have my own concept water giant based off the yetis within skylanders. i called him "Yeti King" but thats a work in progress. He wields a giant battle-axe and has 4 arms like the other yetis. His backstory is that he used to rule over a kingdom of yetis, he was a very good and peaceful king. However one day the neighboring kingdom of cyclopse and ice ogres attacked and destroyed his beloved kingdom and captured most of his people. He seeks justice and wants to reclaim his folk but they nor their king was at the cyclopse kingdom. Luckily he found hints of an arkeyan precedence was truely behind it and got recruited as a giant sometime after they were formed, in hopes he can save his people.
  • My own skylanders is Frostodon he’s a woolly mammoth skylander of the water element Frostodon is a massive, imposing mammoth with a thick, shaggy coat of icy blue fur. His tusks are made of translucent ice, shimmering with a frosty glow. He stands on powerful legs, each step leaving a trail of frost. Frostodon’s eyes are a piercing blue, exuding a cold, determined gaze. His ice axes are large and jagged, looking as if they were carved from a glacier. These axes are strapped to his back when not in use, crossing over his massive shoulders. Hailing from the frozen tundras of Skylands, Frostodon is a legendary warrior known for his strength and bravery. Once a guardian of an ancient ice temple, Frostodon took up arms to defend his homeland against invaders. His ice axes, forged from the heart of a glacier, can shatter the toughest of foes and create walls of ice to protect his allies. Recruited by the Skylanders, Frostodon now uses his mighty strength and frosty powers to fight the forces of evil and bring peace to Skylands. BREAK THE ICE! 🦣
  • @treyharn3824
    I love see fan made skylanders I have a large collection of my own
  • @averyseldin8485
    I remember that I gave all my imagintor created characters their own backstory as if they were real skylanders.