My daily heallthy menu for lunch

Published 2024-03-08
Today I'm sharing my daily healthy lunch menu of the past few days.


Lunch 325-400 cals

Ramen soup (1/2 package)
French baguette
Chicken breast one portion
Cooked cauliflower in soup

Snack 150 cals
1 piece of chocolate egg
BBQ chips
grapes (10-12) and an apple

Breakfast 378 cals

2 slices of whole wheat bread
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 cookie
1/2 banana
Grape jam
Small piece of french baguette


Chicken breast sandwich (light mayo)
Baby carotts
BBQ chips
1 cookie


2 cookies
Small piece homemade banana bread
Coffee with milk


The videos I share with you on « how to lose weight » is based on my own journey, my own struggle I should say.

Over the years I've become sort of an « expert » on the matter.

I've tried many kinds of diets and workouts as I'm sure some of you have as well.

It's become my mission in life to help women feel better about their body, be more confident.

One thing that help me a great deal was to consult a nutritionist.

They are the best health professionals when it comes to meals and workouts.

I hope your learn something new each time you watch a video.

Sound advice that will last you a lifetime.

Thanks for your support!

Katina Diep

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