How I was arrested for handing out blankets to refugees | Sarah Mardini | TEDxLondonWomen

Published 2020-01-06
When violence erupted during the Syrian Civil War, Sarah and her family, like so many decided to flee to Europe. However, Sarah’s crossing to Europe made international headlines, when the overcrowded boat they were travelling on to Greece started sinking. As competitive swimmers, Sarah, her sister and two men, managed to save the 18 people onboard by swimming the boat to shore. A year later, Sarah returned to Lesbos as the first female Syrian volunteer to work with the Emergency Response Center International as a search and rescue swimmer and translator. During this interview with Kajal Odedra, the UK Director of Change.Org, Sarah speaks in depth about the experiences of returning to Lesbos to volunteer and what happened when she was then arrested after completing humanitarian work. To Sarah’s horror, she was charged by Greek authorities for human smuggling, being part of a criminal organisation, espionage and money laundering and spent 3 and a half months in jail before being released on bail. Although Sarah’s arrest and incarceration was heavily criticised by the Human Rights organisations and the press, Sarah’s arrest amongst other humanitarian workers reflects a hardening attitude of European authorities towards humanitarian activities that assist refugees and migrants. From a young age, Sarah and her sister Ysra, were competitive swimmers, coached by their father and hoped to compete on an international level. Sarah was also a law student when violence erupted in Damascus during the Syrian Civil War and the family fled. When Sarah eventually settled in Berlin, she decided to volunteer with the Greek non-profit, the Emergency Response Center International (ERCI) for 2 years on and off, putting on hold her university studies at Bard College in Berlin. Despite the case against Sarah still being open, Sarah has now resumed her studies at Bard College, where she also runs SHORE: Students Helping Organize for the Refugees of Europe, a student group collecting donations and raising awareness about refugees. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

All Comments (21)
  • @Kenadames
    Who is here after watching the movie?🤓
  • These are the human beings we should be admiring and looking up to not the ones looking to collect a $$$ she does what she does bc she is human and values life!! Not just her own everyone's!!
  • @AnnikaWithAk
    Watched the movie yesterday and it had me being in tears most of the time. Knowing that it's the reality for many people every day is hard and makes me appreciate my life and how privileged I am. From growing up in a country without war, not needing to flee, being allowed to love whom I want and live and work where I want. I am so touched by Sarah's story and I think the Issa sisters portrayed them really well. Nice to know that that the actresses are actual sisters in real life as well.
  • @RaprapDy
    After watching their story in netflix now i was here. Their story are so inspiring.
  • These sisters are incredible. Sara is a true gem, if only the world would raise up to the occasion and treat them well
  • @Latinmonalisa
    I wouldn’t know about them if it wasn’t for the movie, how come this story’s do not make the news! Wonderful movie! Wonderful history! Your father must be very proud ! We need more of this movies to bring awareness about the dilemma of the refugees
  • @chupeauxx
    I love this lady so much! Met her and her sister, they are beauties as well as they are smart, brave, superheroes...really, this story makes you cry a lot and after that, makes you stronger!
    Damn i went through the same journey as her, but in a boat though. Respect for her she's a hero.🙏❤💯
  • @Hardil
    It was a great movie "swimmers" but the interview is epic . Salute to the mardini sisters and all syrians who are suffering . We are there for you always
  • @lttlejordan23
    She's a beautiful human being. Dedicating her energy to helping others and vowing to keep doing it, even after all the legal issues she has faced. Individuals like her should be admired in our society. Doing the decent thing in a time that decency seems to be disappearing. I saw the Mardini sister's story on the news a long time ago, but it wasn't until the movie on Netflix came out that I got to see how remarkable their journey was. And it happens for thousands everyday. So glad that they dropped the charges against her and the other aid workers. They were ridiculous charges to begin with, but I hope they won't get re-charged in the future. We need more people like her out there doing the right thing to help people simply seeking better lives!
  • @ssa5875
    Here after watching the Netflix movie! The movie was amazing but this interview is so inspirational, better than all the motivational videos that we watch everyday hoping to learn a thing or two and feel better! Hats off to both these brave sisters!!
  • @elvisbz
    I just watched Netflix moviesThe Swimmers based on Yusra autography "Butterfly". I watched with my 12 year old son, we liked it very much, very admirable couragous girls Sarah and Yusra. Hugs to all Syrian people who are suffering.
  • @ritalahoud4082
    I met you the year you returned to Mytilene. You are an inspration for refugee children and adults like me as well. Great job!
  • @chaseabster
    So glad to see her story rising to the surface with this video and the Swimmers movie. These stories must be told and shared widely. We are all human and must help each other ❤
  • @jy2044
    So inspiring! Thank you Sarah for all that you have done; we should all aspire to care for others like we care for ourselves! <3
  • @ali_tantawi
    روحي ربي ينصركم ويعزك ويعز قدرك يا سارة انتِ ويسرى وأهلك وكل المظلومين في هذا الكوكب اللي عم يحكموه قذارة البشر ❤
  • @sisbou
    Sarah is a great human being ❤ was lucky to dance with her one day in berlin...mesmerizing energy she has! take care habibti and shine on. May all people be liberated and free to move safely - wherever whenever! 🙏🏾💜✨
  • @faldeek2462
    I’m speechless. You are a true inspiration. I felt with with you in every word you said. You showed the world that nothing is impossible.