The Prison Factory | Fault Lines

Published 2017-04-05
The US state of Alabama has the fifth highest incarceration rate in the world. Its prison system has become so dangerously overcrowded that in 2016, for the first time, the US Justice Department launched a federal civil rights investigation into the entire state's prison conditions.

Meanwhile, prisoners have been taking matters into their own hands. In September 2016, inmates at Holman Prison went on strike to protest what they call cruel and unusual forms of punishment - including labour, for little to no pay. Inmates used smuggled cell phones to spread the word about the strike, which took hold in about two dozen states.

How did a group of prisoners calling themselves the Free Alabama Movement organise the single-largest prison strike in US history? Fault Lines' Josh Rushing traveled to Alabama to find out more about them - discovering two of the group's leaders are now in solitary confinement. Despite their isolation, through letters and videos they are still finding ways to get their message to the world.

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#AlJazeeraEnglish #USCivilRights #FaultLines

All Comments (21)
  • @papi55
    The Thirteenth Amendment (Amendment XIII) to the United States Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime>>>EXCEPT AS PUNISHMENT FOR A CRIME!!!!!>>>> This is the best legal loophole to make money for any state in the union. I'm pretty sure even the federal government gets a piece of the pie!!
  • @danniaddams5502
    What with all the "do the crime, do the time" comments? The inmates are not complaining about being in jail (though one said he was innocent), they're complaining about the living conditions in the jails and the disregard of their rights as human beings. Of course jails are not supposed to comfy and cozy, but if you're locking away HUMANS, they shouldn't be treated worse than ANIMALS. That is the point of this video. No one is rallying for their innocence, therefore there's no need to talk about the crimes that landed them in jail. Also, let's not act like there aren't innocent people behind bars. There are, and some don't get exonerated until 30, 40 years later. So, that means innocent people are living in inhumane conditions for no reason, and possibly could for the next 30 years or whenever someone takes a second, hard look at their case.
  • @MiturBinEsderty
    I believe that we should employ inmates in all types of work. Pay them the going rate. so they can support their children, be able to pay for an upgraded cell and food. Allow them to eventually with perfect behavior the opportunity for overnight weekend family visitation. If you made prison human with just some basic things it will incentivize inmate to refrainy
  • @anongirl559
    When prisoners are forced to work for free/slave wages, that encourages corporations to lobby for more laws that infringe on our personal freedoms to ensure more people get locked up! Non-violent crimes like drug possession, prostitution & petty theft should not be clogging up the system & resulting in free labor for corporations. Just because a person is in prison doesn't mean it's okay to rape, assault or torture them either. The loss of freedom IS the punishment.
  • @phoenix5054
    "If you put a dog in this cell, you would be charged with animal cruelty." Well, men have less rights than a dog so....
  • @Allthegoodones
    You do not work voluntarily. If you do not work they will keep you in prison longer. They call it non compliance and will take your good time, the time you earn by law for good behavior, forcing you to be incarcerated longer. Alabama is not the only state. They all have similar practices.
  • @sharktv3000
    These aren’t food shoplifters or people writing bad checks for school clothes. They aren’t awaiting trial for misdemeanor offenses- They’ve been convicted of serious crimes in a court of law and reprimanded to custody.
  • @Dafold4life7
    The Thirteenth Amendment of The Constitution of the United States Ratified: November 18, 1865 by 3/4 of the Several States SECTION 1 – All persons shall have the right peaceably to assemble and Worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience. SECTION 2 – The use of the Public Press shall not be obstructed; but criminal publications made in one State against the lawful institutions of another State shall not be allowed. SECTION 3 –The right of citizens to free and lawful Speech in public Assemblies shall not be denied. Access of citizens to the ballot box shall not be Obstructed either by Civil or Military Power. The Military shall always be subordinate to the existing Judicial authority over citizens. The privilege of the writ Habeas Corpus shall never be suspended in the presence of the Judicial Authority. SECTION 4 – The Militia of a State or of the United States shall not be Employed to invade the lawful rights of the People of any of the several States; but the United States shall not be hereby deprived of the right and power to defend and protect its property and rights within the limits of any of the States. SECTION 5 — Persons held to Service or Labor for life, in any State under the Laws thereof, may be taken into any Territory of the United States south of north latitude 36 degrees 30′, and the right to such Service or Labor shall not be impaired thereby, and the Territorial Legislature thereof shall have the exclusive right to make and shall make all needful rules and regulations for the protection of such right and also for the protection of such Persons; but Congress or any Territorial Legislature shall not have power to impair or abolish such right of Service in the Said Territory while in a Territorial condition without the consent of all the States, south of Said Latitude, which maintain such Service. SECTION 6 — Involuntary Servitude, except for crime, shall not be permanently established within the district set apart from the Seat of government of the United States; but the right of sojourn in such District with persons held to Service or Labor for Life, shall not be denied. SECTION 7 – When any territory of the United States south of north latitude 36 degrees 30′ shall have a population equal to the Ratio of Representation for one Member of Congress, and the people thereof shall have formed a Constitution for a Republican Form of Government, it shall be admitted as a State into the Union, on an equal footing with the other States; and the people may, in such Constitution,either prohibit or sustain the right to Involuntary Labor or Service, and alter or amend the Constitution at their will. SECTION 8 – The present right of representation in Section 2, Article l, of this Constitution, shall not be altered without the consent of all the States maintaining the right to Involuntary Service or Labor south of Latitude 36 degrees 30′, but nothing in this Constitution or its Amendments shall be construed to deprive any State south of Said Latitude 36 degrees 30′ of the right of Abolishing Involuntary Servitude at its will. SECTION 9 – The regulation and control of the right to Labor or Service in any of the States south of Latitude 36 degrees 30′ is hereby recognized to be exclusively the right of each State within its own limits; and this Constitution shall not be altered or amended to impair this right of each State without its consent; Provided, This Article shall not be construed to absolve the United States from rendering assistance to suppress Insurrections or Domestic Violence, when called upon by any State, as provided in section 4, Article 4, of this Constitution. SECTION 10 — No State shall pass any law in any way interfering with or obstructing the recover of Fugitives from Justice, or from Labor or Service, or any Law of Congress made under Article 4, Section 2, of this Constitution; and all laws in violation of this Section may, on complaint made by any person or State, be declared void by the Supreme Court of the United States. SECTION 11 — As a right of comity between the several States south of latitude 36 degrees 30’the right of transit with Persons held to Involuntary Labor or Service from one State to another shall not be obstructed, but such Persons shall not be brought into the States north of said Latitude. SECTION 12 – The traffic in Slaves with Africa is hereby forever prohibited on pain of death and the forfeiture of all the rights and property of persons engaged therein; and the descendants of Africans shall not be citizens. SECTION 13 – Alleged Fugitives from Labor or Service, on request, shall have a Trial by Jury before being returned. SECTION 14 — Alt alleged Fugitives charged with crime committed in violation of the law of a State shall have the right of Trial by Jury, and if such Person claims to be a citizen of another State, shall have a right of appeal or of a writ of error to the Supreme Court of the United States. SECTION 15 – All acts of any inhabitant of the United States tending to incite Persons held to Service or Labor to Insurrection or acts of Domestic Violence, or to abscond are here try prohibited and declared to be a penal offense and all the Courts of the United States shall be open to suppress and punish such offenses at the suit of any citizen of the United States or the suit of any “State”. SECTION 16 — All conspiracies in any State to interfere with lawful righ6 in any other State, or against the United States, shall be suppressed; and no State, or the people thereof, shall withdraw from this Union without the consent of three-fourths of all the States, expressed by an Amendment proposed and ratified in the manner provided in Article 5 of the Constitution. SECTION 17 — Whenever any State wherein Involuntary Servitude is recognized or allowed shall propose to abolish such Servitude, and shall apply for Pecuniary assistance therein, the Congress may, in its discretion, grant such relief not exceeding one hundred dollars for each person liberated But, Congress shall not propose such Abolishment or relief to any State. Congress may assist Free Persons of African decent to emigrate and colonize Africa. SECTION 18 — Duties on Imports may the imposed for Revenue; but shall not the excessive or prohibitory in amount. SECTION 19 – When all of the several States shall have Abolished Slavery, then and thereafter Slavery or Involuntary Servitude, except as a punishment for crime, shall never be established or tolerated in any of the States or Territories of the United States, and they shall be forever Free. SECTION 20 – The provisions of this Article relating to Involuntary Labor or Servitude shall not be altered without the consent of all the States maintaining such Servitude.
  • May I grab your attention please and take time out of your life to read some of this, would be greatly appreciated to get the ball rolling. If someone were to start a "fan project" of in a "fictional" world spanding different games exploring and experiencing the different and vast sides of underhaning corruption throught multiple parts of society, exploring falt and loopholes being exploited in systems. This world would mirror ours in many ways except being "more" corrupt. Some such settings these would take place in would be the political, social, economic 'worlds'. The prison and medical setting will be a special addition as well as exploring the other more subtle who exploit things far more in the shadows, like food companies, oil factories, and other such industries. The substories would be the characters themselves as while they provide important viewpoints they themselves wouldn't specifically be the center focus but as a means to deliver the overall story as well as the personal snippets of stories of those around them and they themselves. The biggest challenges would be researching, execution, funding, and more. If this would to happen perhaps the plots could be tested by basically creating novels and books to teat out the script, delivery, and as roughdraghps for the games themselves. Allowing for more than one community to experience the work and arouse awareness of what "potential" harm corruption may bring. Funding may come from investors who may wish this to come out, funders that preferably aren't big corporations that this may include. Now if only I can gather the people, recoursees and knowledge available I could do it myself but I am more than hopping someone else may tackle this. Besides, "the more the merrier" so more people doing this the better. ( ▪ > ▪}€u Anyway thanks for taking the time to read this. Maybe with enough motivation, lack of selfpreservasion, and a good dash of people in power not trying to tear this and stuff like this down, patience, perseverance, friends, and living long enough I may actually really try to scrap somethings together for someone because I know that I myself don't have what it takes right now to anytime soon to create something like this.
  • @willk8687
    They are criminals in prison. What do they expect? Taxpayer money should be prioritized towards law abiding citizens.
  • These al jazeer documentary there brilliant every aspect covered ive see numerous documentaries
  • yes have the inmates build housing and learn a skill or two, build the thing for the taxpayer and train them for a good way of life and to stay out of prison NOT SLAVE LABOR FOR A PRIVATE COMPANY
  • 50 cent an hour?in the UK prison wages are 60p half a day or £1.25 full day.. the best paid jobs in the prison are £16 per week and 7days long in the kitchens.. so they havent got it that bad at all
  • @AlaskanAndie
  • @MHiggins
    There are no perfect individuals fighting for reform. The problem with the criminal justice system is tied in with a lack of economic development and investment. The lack of job creation and decent paying wages. The use of prison labor to artificially depress wages. The irony is that these jobs that the prisoners are doing could be done by non prisoners or free people at living wages. But the prisoners at there lowered wages are generating massive profits for the companies and the government.