Lava Farm Demonstration (MODDED)

Published 2020-12-20
Note: the mod is currently not released, as I really hope Mojang will add this feature. Either way, I * might * release it if there are enough requests (I'd have to port it to newer snapshots and fix a couple issues first).

A lot of people have been requesting Mojang to add the ability for Dispensers to empty and fill cauldrons, especially since they added Lava and Powdered Snow cauldrons.

A couple days ago I posted this contraption that allows you to farm Lava Buckets in the 20w48a snapshot, but requires the player to be there holding right click:…

This video is a demonstration of how the farm would be 100% player-less, if Mojang added the feature, tested by adding it myself with my own Fabric mod. I'm sure the redstone could be optimized for compactness too, I just threw this together in ten minutes.

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