ULTRAKILL - All About The Screwdriver (Green Railcannon)

Published 2022-06-11
In a previous video I said that the green railgun was the worst weapon in ULTRAKILL. Unknowingly, that was like opening Pandora's Box. So here is an objective look so I don't get slaughtered.

If you like it, use it. If you don't, don't

Mindflayer Instant Kill guide videos
   • ULTRAKILL | Mindflayer Instakill Guide  
   • ULTRAKILL Guide - The Mind Flayer [CC]  

Music Used
Melty Blood Actress Again - Encount
UNIST - Forceful Step (Jazz Style Cover - Guest San)
OMORI - Tussle Among Trees
Melty Blood Type Lumina - Spirit & Technique & Body
Bayonetta 2 - Gates of Hell
Pikuniku - Free Money
Final Fantasy VIII - Waltz For The Moon

All Comments (21)
  • @Ya_boi_jiyu
    The screwdriver is the gigachad of the rail gun variants. It gets bullied all the time but it’s always there if you need it
  • green railcannon carried me through minos prime, it's purpose isn't for dps but for survivability - giving you a constant and reliable stream of health against harder to hit enemies like minos prime and v2
  • @popp4546
    2:17 is legitimately the first and only time i've ever seen glu actually railcoin successfully
  • I agree, the screwdriver is objectively bad in terms of damage. However, I still believe the screwdriver has its place in both beginner and advanced play. The blue railgun excels at single-target damage, the red railgun excels at CC/AOE, and the green railgun excels as a utility/survivability tool. Players need to be very close to enemies in order to heal off blood, and the green railgun practically turns an enemy into a temporary health fountain. Whilst I agree with the concept that the healing may be wasted due to hard damage reducing max health, keep in mind you can still technically increase your effective health to 200 or more depending on healing and how much hard damage you sustain, and even beginner players should have learned by their introduction to the rail cannon that standing still is not a good idea, hence why the screwdriver's healing radius is rather generous compared to conventional means. I find it most effective in rooms with a few major threats supported by fodder: I personally have a hard time micro-managing so many enemies in such a fast-paced game: I often employ sticking a slow or big enemy with the screwdriver so I can dance around them, healing off the stray fireballs I didn't see off-screen, then shifting my focus to the more important threats in the room with less enemies to distract me. Whilst I could use the red railgun, I often doubt myself without a large collection of foes to evaporate and I personally prefer core-eject instead due to the railguns' cooldown. Personally, I think the green railgun is fine. The healing isn't insane, but I see it as a way to enable calculated recklessness and allow players like me to begin considering what resources certain enemies may offer and engage in enemy layout and design with a deeper understanding, because in the end a regular player can beat the game by just considering enemies as things to kill: the green railgun may not wield terrifying power, yet I hold a respect to the weapon for getting my mind involved in ULTRAKILL.
  • @ink535
    The screwdriver getting clowned on while it practically gives you insane regen for tanky enemies, allowing you to do basically do any close-ranged attack without the need to look out for health.
  • Fun fact: The screwdriver is the only weapon in the game that gives absolutely ZERO style! Even screw parrying! This is a beginner tool and hakita knows it. With that in mind i don’t think it should be changed. I think its very good at being a beginners tool without making players overly rely on it.
  • @notrod5341
    I was going to make a silly joke for the sake of the algorithim, but I didn't realise you only had 1.21K subs. You deserve so much more, keep it up.
  • @bentley014gt7
    I don’t know why everyone hates on it i personally love it for Bossfight I wouldn’t have defeated the Secret boss guy if I didn’t have it consistently healing me
  • @Glitch-Artist
    I agree with a lot of this when it pertains to the cybergrind. But I want to say it's pretty helpful in boss fights if you want to just facetank them to pound shotgun shots for a while. I also used it a ton when I was new to the game... so maybe it can be considered more of a noob friendly weapon? Certainly easier to use than railcoining or cannonnuking
  • green rail cannon does more damage, heals you so much your basically immortal while it's active, wipes your ass, and does your taxes, but you see it's bad because if you never miss a rail coin shot you can get slightly more damage, and no healing
  • Green screwdriver is great for bosses as it lets you stay close to them. Made beating Minos, v2, and Gabriel wayyy easier.
  • @dandyspacedandy
    green railcannon has a gurren lagann reference, so that immediately makes it the best railcannon. cant wait for the custom color palette update
  • @xonxt7479
    This weapon is really good for high mobility melee-focused fights, were it's hard to keep track of the enemy as they move around, but they also have to get close to deal damage. I wonder what boss, hits hard, but mainly goes in close quarters to deal damage. very curious. Judgement Intensifies
  • @ajdude9
    Screwdriver is definitely meant to be more of an assist in bosses due to the amount of healing it can pump out. If you're low on health (Let's say around 15), you could get in close to try to deal damage and get blood that way, but that puts you closer toward your enemy which makes it easier for you to hit. Now, of course, the best way to heal is to parry an attack, as it will fully heal you if you're successful. But this relies on both the boss using a projectile attack before you die and also you being able to parry the attack which will likely kill you on failure. Thus, the Screwdriver provides a strong alternative to both, allowing the player to quickly heal to full with very little risk involved (Just aiming and firing at midrange). Sometimes I like to pop Screwdriver if I'm low on health and don't trust my ability to parry. It's a safety net for newer players, but it's also a support railcannon charge rather than an offense or crowd control one.
  • The drill is hella underrated, not only does it heal you like crazy, but it’s loud as hell and cand give you an idea of where enemy’s are, it single handedly got me through Minos and Sisyphus prime
  • I personally like the screwdriver. Since if you move a lot in Ultrakill, there's less of a chance for you to get hit by something. With railcoining you have to stand still for about 4 seconds, which is a lot. The screwdriver however, while very hard to aim. Provides you with a shot that you can just shoot and keep moving. I like to parry the screwdriver and hope to catch some big guy with it, it's actually much easier than it looks like. And if you do land it, the screwdriver becomes op. Another thing is that - sure, you can insta-kill the mindflyer if you get the right timing. But again, what if you have to move a lot to avoid damage? Well the screwdriver is perfect, you can shoot the mindflyer giving you 8 sec of peace allowing you to get rid of some different enemies. Like angels, that simply will always make you keep moving. I use the railcannon for insta-killing angels if they're in a row, you can get a sweet tripple kill if you're lucky with the way they spawned. Angels require only one shot of the railcannon to immediately die. I also use it for killing big enemies quickly like for example malicious face, i punch a coin hoping for it to go to mal face. And if it does i shoot him with the railcannon to deal a shit ton of damage, sadly doesn't insta-kill. I like to try some railcoining occasionaly but i suck, it's difficult, and i don't see any real purpose to this. Beside speedrunning. My favroite mod for the railcannon is the green one, the screwdriver. That's just my opinion, loved the video. Thank you
  • @TravTravYT
    5:37 I choose the healing, because sometimes you need a lower rank tool that's a confirmed safety net while you're still learning or in a really tight situation for a P Rank. Sometimes you just need something to do damage over time to Flesh Prison while you're still learning why the Normal Charge Pistol is actually better than the Alt Charge in this specific context.
  • @kerbonaut2059
    It's very much a 'noob player utility' moment to help the player get accustomed to Ultrakill. An anti-frustration mehcanic that provides leniency in player movement and dodging against bosses. As the player naturally improves against a boss, it's use will drop over time. As such, it really is peak game design, perfectly viable for its role and i will NOT BE ACCEPTING SCREWDRIVER SLANDER. IT DOES WHAT HAKITA WANTS IT TO AND EVERY NEW PLAYER APPRECIATES IT DURING THEIR 1ST BATTLES. ITS THE FUCKING GIVING TREE OF RAILCANNONS AND DERIDING IT BECAUSE IT DROPS OFF AS INTENDED IS FUCKING STUPID. Also Cybergrind survival tips when? Killing enemies is fine and all but what's the point when they start swarming?
  • @Tyrus-jq8qk
    I feel like the green rail has the potential to become more valuable without any additional balance, considering the railgun recharges even when the screw is out means you can just have screws be a perpetual source of DoT on heavy enemies as long as you keep parrying the screw (given there are 2 or more heavy enemies at a given time), however until the new difficulties come out its unlikely that anyone will put the time into doing this because the use case of having to use 2 railgun charges in a single encounter is so damn niche, especially given that the other options are 1: Remove big enemy instantly or 2: Remove all small enemies instantly. Its paradoxical, the use is there, there could be genuine value, but the value is still bad.
  • The screwdriver would be useful if: It gave style Healed hard damage (at a slower rate than normal) It dealt slightly more damage