Here Are 7 Heroes You MUST AVOID! | Hero Wars Dominion Era

Published 2024-07-04
00:0000:24 Disclaimers
01:11 Tanks
03:54 Marksman
06:33 Mage
09:09 Control
12:08 Healer
16:43 Warrior

Every hero in the game can be a Rank 1 Arena Hero!
This video is about the heroes that have the least opportunity to be successful, or has the fewest team options.

With the right heroes paired with them, however, they can beat any team in the game.

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All Comments (21)
  • actually since polaris was introduced in the game, Phobos got a new life. And that energy burning skill is highly effective. also also his ultimate works independently of the hero, so he can do his attacks while his ultimate is doing damage. it will even continues if he dies and it will not let go even if the hero will resurect. What he needs now is just to get ascension skills to become more interesting. Dark star is a physical hit hero and that include her ultimate ability. so with all those dodgers around she will have hard time to hit. and of course with sebastian and khorus around, her stuns are way less effective. What talks for her, that she is actually a dodger as well (also not as good as most of other dodgers).
  • @Altlifestyle
    Want to add some more to the 'avoid list' and also some pointers. Take these from someone who regularly wins vs red patterned teams on buff buildings in COW: 1. Helios is useless these days too because Yasmine (whom he is meant to slay)as a crit hero is severely outclassed by Ishmael who does well vs Helios. Yas is also destroyed by Corvus and Iris. Dante who is often with Seb and Jet making him act as a crit hero is also strong vs Helios. Bench this guy and build Amira instead. 2. Phobos is way too good to be avoided because he is needed for Ishmael/Dante especially if you are the one in your guild who needs to take 2-3 Dante/Ishmael teams in COW so having heidi, aur, arach is not enough. He stops Ish from doing anything entirely if used in the right set up with Amira, Corvus, Morrigan and Jorgen for example. Darkstar is the worst control hero easily because she does not gain enough useful stats from the control branch and does not synergize with most mages/ctrl. Polaris with her to lengthen the control effect is weird because her freeze effect impairs Dstar's dps. 3. Karkh is no longer the fearsome alien/pirates monster he was in the first 3 years of the game. Agree. Trash and outclassed by other warriors. Elmir still sucks and needs to be reworked as a dodge weapon wielder not armor pen. 4. Markus needs huge investment to be good as a tank vs magic teams and even that I still prefer to lead with Arachne. 5. At the high end of the game Jorgen needs to be built quite high to be useful. I have seen too many orange builds get smashed before they do a second ult, so the old advice of him being 'ok at weaker levels' is passe. Fat Jorgen is extremely good vs tank teams at the Foundry too. 6. Cornelius is useless in PvP and I recommend building him if only if you can have the luxury of using him solely against Osh at Asgard. His ult will ALWAYS miss vs Heidi/Aurora centric teams so no, he does not 'squash/OHKO mages' reliably. An old man who is only good vs teams who dont dodge is not a wise investment for players on a limited budget. In all my time at GW and COW I have not seen a strong opponent field him in defense.
  • @SamuelHDyga
    Strongly disagree with you on Ginger! After the introduction of Vex, not only is she a good ode remover, she deals a TON of damage . Combined with Dorian and Fafnir, she can be very hard to kill. She is not great against Aurora or Dante, but she works really well against Rufus/Amira teams, especially with Jorgen tank. Also, I know you didn't pick her as worst mage, but Peppy is a good/necessary hero to use with Julius on the facebook/web version, since her shield keeps Julius alive, deals damage, helps Julius recover from status AND increases his physical attack! Thought that should be mentioned since you didn't talk very highly about her. As for Dark Star, her mind control makes the enemy unable to use their ult, so they can't target their own team with their ults, only the other abilities. I've also seen some fun Aurora/Tristan lines, where Tristan spams his ult because of Aurora's increased energy gain. Works pretty well when you need armor penetration for an agility hero that wants Fafnir. You can use something like Aurora/Tristan/agility DPS hero/Fafnir/healer, and it can work pretty decently. Let me be clear, I don't neccesarily disagree with all your picks. I don't think Tristan is a "must-have" hero either, and Phobos, Dark Star, Ziri, are defintively not on MY priority list. I just thought I should mention these things for players that do level these heroes, to let them know there are still teams that work well enough with them! Also, loved that you mentioned Alvanor for the Osh battles, I've started using him there recently on my third/fourth team, and while it isn't a team that deals massive damage, it does way more than it should since Alvanor just blocks the spheres completely
  • @venomnbk3326
    Phobos is hella popular right now, almost everyone has him as a main.
  • @user-nu3ps3mj1s
    I think Phobos is not to be dismissed because he adds a great stat boost for the undead because of Corvus's passive to add 10% stat boost for every undead on team plus he deals great damage against Dante and Yasmien teams. I slept on Phobos for a very long time but he is the one who helped me climb Tower.
  • @andeeharry
    7:58 Mojo/ Yeah, I am surprised by this. I seen the ranking list and he is ranked bottom, yet, he has a lot of high power. He does a lot of damage, He is a dangerous enemy, so I am surprised that not many like him. He is one of my top forms and can do well when the game works.
  • Imagine if having clever, peppy, judge, kharkh and kai in the same team and somehow working. that would be a really fun to play if peppy actually healed.
  • @Mortlock2204
    Question: how does this listing hold up for Hero Wars Mobile/Hero Wars Alliance? Because there are some notable differences between the PC version and the mobile version. Several abilities are changed/edited in the mobile version and the Hero Polaris does not exist on Mobile so just curious is all.
  • @hvymettle
    The synergy between Tristan and Galahad is great as they complement each other. Add in Nebula, Sebastian, and Jet, and you have a solid PA team. Sub in Martha for Jet and it's a good defense team. Aurora also works well with Tristan, her dodge driving his energy gain crazy.
  • the Problem with Zirir is that she does not do much damage nor is she good at protecting her allies from damage. The only thing she can do good is surviving. So she works best for Players that have a Problem with loosing their Tanks. In the campaign for example and they would like a tank that heals itself back to almost full health. So you just put a somewhat tanky hero behind Ziri like Maya and you are good. But if the survival of the Tank is not the problen than Ziri can´t do much.
  • @MarioCindric
    Great video, I wish you made this video year ago when I started playing and didn't know how big difference is between heroes of Web version and Mobile version. Very useful video for new players, I absolutely agree with every pick.
  • @vucalurv362
    Completely disagree with the choice of Phobos. Maybe he's not that good in long term - true, but on a beginner/mid level, i had crazy-good fights, where I managed to absolutely cancel out opponent's most formidable weapon until the end of the fight** and win the entire fight, that I would normally lose. That was often Dante or Yasmine with 3x power of my strongest hero. ** Phobos also zeroes energy, so by the time targeted hero has energy to ult again, you strike them with Phobos once more, and this repeats. He's incredibly backrow, but you can activate him faster with resurrection from Asta, or Axel's ult. My choice in this cat is def. Dark Star. I'm not a big fan of Lian as well, since she doesn't synergize well with the rest of the team. Yeah, she can time-out the entire team on her own, but you have to be v. lucky for that to happen - Lian has to be the last hero on your team. Plus, no team needs a hero that does not contribute, and is a secondary option for TO, should other 4 heroes get killed. Ishmael is my fav. TO hero. And ofc Arachne. If the opponent does not have decent pure dmg dealers*** or Phobos (another Phobos' great use), Ish will easily timeout them. * Corvus won't work, sorry :) Corv is great for Yasmine, Orion (as long as Orion in question does not have Dorian), won't do the trick against Ish.
  • @miguelpanta
    judge is one of the top mage heroes to beat the current meta around amira, neb, heidi. tristan is the hidden star in the new physical attack teams, there is a way to make him work.
  • Hey Charlie, i have been thinking Tristan could be a really good fit standing between Aurora and Ishmael, gaining massive energy from Aurora and giving AP for Ish. Tristan standing in front of Ish also allows the use of Nebula boosting Ishmael:)
  • @MikeWolfMan
    Ginger is the one hero that it doesn't matter if people don't like her, many of us (myself included) absolutely love Ginger. She's like the hot sexy woman in Halloween costume contests. She's always going to get the popular votes based upon appearance. A well dressed redhead with a gattling machine gun. What's not to like about that? As for Dorian; I heavily invested in Dorian. I believe he's the best healer in the game. He goes beyond expectations.
  • @Lucas-yc9wb
    i need some help.. My maxed heroes are dante, yasmine, celeste, astaroth, martha and iris and i don't know where to put nebula to make her work
  • @justb1012
    I see some comments with Heidi being a good counter to Jasmine... with Heidi maxed out, Arachne maxed out, Dorian in the back, Galahad maxed out and Asteroth 4th level in ascension I get beaten by Jasmine 150k Corvus Morrigan Thea Seb < 150k because of Jasmine poison. Is there any hero that can debuff Jasmine poison?
  • @coolshah1662
    Please, do a video on aiden. I'm levelling him up, so I need some help. Thank you for your videos!