What If..... FireStar Didn't Choose To Go To The Forest?

Published 2021-12-20

Comment Below Any Ideas For My Next Video!

All Comments (21)
  • @3meraldskies
    WindClan might've come home. Bluestar (If she hadn't been killed yet) probably would send different warriors. But she probably would send Tigerstar, who would kill WindClan AND the cat who came with him.
  • 2:28 Featherpaw and Stormpaw would have never been born because their parents met only thanks to Fireheart.
  • At the end where it said “most importantly there wouldn’t have been any books,” I answered with “True,”
  • I feel like Cinderpelt would've still been hit, WindClan brought home, there are a lot of ways that Tigerclaw could've been foiled through sheer luck.. really a lot of it is speculation, Graystripe being mates with Silverstream still is definitely happening- just alot
  • @mintwidow883
    Firestar existing = Every single character in every series of warrior cats and every cat in that line must have a forbidden romance tied into them in some way, no changes.
  • @fennelherbbs
    Well, Brightheart wouldn't have her scar and she wouldn't be alone, and Swiftpaw wouldn't have died from the dogs because Tigerstar/Claw would have killed Bluestar and became leader so there was no reason to try to kill Firestar because he would still be Rusty. And Swiftpaw hated Cloudtail, and Cloudtail wouldn't live in the forest, so Brightheart and Swiftpaw would have been mates.
  • @bumblebeesba
    0:31 If Firestar and Cloudtail had stayed a Kittypet instead of becoming a Clancat, SwiftPaw and Brightpaw would most likely have become mates Reason bc, Bluestar (or if we are talking in this cenerio, Tigerstar) would have made SwiftPaw and BrightPaw warriors, meaning Swift wouldn't have gone looking for the dogs to prove that he was ready to become warrior (Bc Cloudtail isnt a Clancat) Bluestar would probably be dead bc Tigerstar would have killed her (and with no Fireheart in the way it would probably work) and he would have made Swifty and Bright warriors Leading to them being mates, Whitekit not being born aswell, and bc she wouldn't have existed, Ivykit and Dovekit wouldn't exsit And Squirrelkit and Leafkit wouldn't have been born either bc Sandstorm never met firestar, meaning the (og) Power of Three (Lionkit, Hollykit and Jaykit) would never exsit Yellowfang would probably have been chased off or killed aswell Thinking about it, the list goes on... Anyway ima continue to watch the video, thankyou for comimg to my tedtalk
  • @dead_accounttt
    Moral: Without a Firestar everyone would die and nothing would exist.
  • Some things would’ve still had a chance of happening, for example the writers probably would’ve wanted Greystripe to still meet Silverstream and he would’ve stayed in RiverClan for his kits if Bluestar was still alive by then, as Tigerstar(while he hates halfclan kits and whatnot) would’ve refused to give them up. Cinderpelt would’ve likely still gone as well because Bluestar couldn’t go as she had just lost a life a millisecond prior from greencough. I don’t think the battle that Whiteclaw would’ve happened, tho, as Bluestar probably would’ve waited and maybe sent Whitestorm and maybe Sandstorm if she became a warrior when Firestar did. Moving onto why she became a warrior, I think she would’ve sent Sandstorm and Dustpelt with the battle patrol to ShadowClan still, as Clawface would’ve still taken the kits and they would’ve still worked to get them back. If Sandstorm and Whitestorm brought back WindClan, I like the idea that Sandstorm and Onewhisker became friends just on the journey back, but break it off when they got back. And since Sandstorm and Whitestorm tend to actually think, they wouldn’t cross into RiverClsn territory and Whiteclaw lives, Sandstorm doesn’t almost fall and die, ya know. Cinderpelt and Brackenfur would’ve been made apprentices at the same time as Brightheart and Thornclaw(which I’m pretty sure that they were apprenticed a little while before Cinderpelt’s accident), and Cinderpelt would’ve likely still had her accident, no matter who mentored her. Brokenstar would’ve likely still attacked camp, but Sandstorm and Dustpelt were warriors now and probably on the battle patrol to ShadowClan so only Brackenfur, Cinderpelt, Brightheart, Thornclaw, maybe Yellowfang(I’ll explain in a minute), and Brindleface would be in camp, with the 4 still being apprentices and more than likely not knowing a lot of battle training. For the Yellowfang case, it’s a 50/50. She would still become ThunderClan’s medicine cat as long as someone found her, which also proves a high chance she was since Bluestar herself found them when Yellowfang was eating the prey Firestar had caught. She’d just be a lot weaker. Apprentices would be tasked with caring for her, and during the kits thing she would’ve gone to save them and probably recruit the elders before the battle patrol finds her. They attack first(obviously) but the elders explain everything and so they agree to work with Yellowfang(mainly this because Whitestorm is on the patrol and Bluestar would’ve told them to listen to Yellowfang if they find her). Bluestar would also be in camp for the Brokenstar attack, but recovering from greencough still. She’d go out and fight, helping them. I didn’t mention Swiftpaw earlier, as I’ve been trying to figure out if he was in camp or not(I have been researching like a mf trying to figure out where he was as his Wiki doesn’t say) and I’ll let you know when I find out. If he was part of the battle, he would’ve been the one to go after the patrol and brought back the warriors. Known for his speed, he would’ve been back fast enough to fight some and become a warrior. He probably would’ve gotten the same Swiftclaw or Swiftfoot, or anything that shows off his agility or whatever. If he wasn’t, he’d still be able to race back fast enough to join and still get his name. The other apprentices, I have no idea as I don’t know how old they are at this point just yet, so I’d rather hold off just a little bit longer until Tigerstar makes his move. He still manages to find some rogues to attack ThunderClan, and makes the succeeding kill of Bluestar. After her death, he acts all sad solemn boy and makes Brightheart, Brackenfur, and Thornclaw apprentices. Cinderpaw still becomes a medicine cat a while ago, so she doesn’t get her name. Darkstripe is very upset when he makes the young warrior Longtail deputy instead of him, because we all know Tigerstar really doesn’t like Darkstripe. Whitestorm is helping a lot and Sandstorm and Dustpelt become mates a little before. I thought of the idea of Sandstorm and Rusty having a forbidden romance, but I changed my mind as Sandstorm saw Firestar in a new light when he saved her from nearly falling into the Gorge. I also considered Sandstorm rejecting Dustpelt, which I’ll probably do 2 timelines where this happens as Sandstorm only showed interest in a friendship with Dustpelt, nothing more. If she did reject him, he’d probably try to convince her to get with him before going to Fernpaw, as Brightheart would probably get with Swiftpaw and Cinderpelt became a medicine cat. If Sandstorm did get with him, it’d probably be a Dovewing and Bumblestripe case where she isn’t interested but got with him just cause. And if there is a chance where Sandstorm is actually interested, I’d imagine they’d be a happy couple that’d have 2-3 litters as Sandstorm always wanted more litters with Firestar but both were always too busy while Dustpelt seems happy with having big families. Anyway, moving on, Tigerstar becomes leader so no; - Scourge - Dogs - Ravenpaw He wouldn’t have gone to Scourge in order to destroy ThunderClan, the dogs for the same reason, and Ravenpaw would’ve been exiled and killed. With no Ravenpaw, I assumed that Greystripe would still be friends with Sandstorm, Dustpelt, and Swiftpaw when they’re apprentices together for a short period. Also forgot to mention that Greystripe becomes a warrior some time in between the ShadowClan battle and before Brokenstar attacks again. He still meets Silverstream, but on his own when trying to catch a fish on the frozen river or something. Silverstream still falls pregnant and dies during childbirth, in which he leaves with RiverClan after burying Silverstream as Tigerstar exiles him right then and there(he doesn’t want halfclan kits near his obvi). The fire scene still happens, killing Yellowfang, Patchpelt, Halftail, and Bramblekit as Tigerstar is too late to the scene and Yellowfang didn’t know about Bramblekit. Because they didn’t keep Brokenstar, they have no conflict with RiverClan. Greystripe would’ve still been feeding RiverClan in secret before he officially joined RiverClan, so they do allow ThunderClan to stay. On the bright side, though, Runningwind doesn’t die to Tigerstar, yay! Downside, ShadowClan has no leader at all as Nightstar died and was revealed that he didn’t get any lives at all. ShadowClan is suffering so Tigerstar, seeing a chance for power, go over and gives em a little smooch. They view him as their leader and he offers over Swiftpaw and Brightheart(Cinderpelt teaches her some herbs still because why not) and Littlecloud takes and interest in herbs from Brightheart after she saves them from sickness with Cinderpelt’s guide. When ShadowClan is doing better, Tigerstar eases Blackfoot and them back into ShadowClan, as he wants someone he can control in power. Blackfoot becomes leader after they fake a sign or an actual sign comes in, whichever works, but Tigerstar stays in ShadowClan, forcing ShadowClan and ThunderClan to become TigerClan. When Crookedstar dies, he eases the idea of him and Leopardstar getting together, to which she agrees in joining TigerClan. Goldenflower doesn’t like what’s happening, so she breaks up with Tigerstar and leaves with Tawnykit, now Tawnypaw. Brackenfur still got to mentor her, even for a short time, while Sandstorm, Dustpelt, Whitestorm, and Mousefur were the mentors of Cinderpelt, Brackenfur, Brightheart, and Thornclaw. Ferncloud went to Longtail still while Ashfur went to Darkstripe(switched it up because I can). When Sorreltail, Rainwhisker, and Sootfur become apprentices, they still go to their rightful mentors and/or change of mentors. WindClan is last to join TigerClan, though, as Tallstar doesn’t agree with what he’s doing, but does so anyway as they can’t fight 3 clans. Mudclaw seems ok with the agreement, which is why he doesn’t become deputy after Deadfoot and instead Onewhisker does. TigerClan moves into Four Trees, and still have the bone pile. Greystripe, Feathertail, Stormfur, Mistystar, and Stonefur still become prisoners due to their half clan heritage, as Greypool still accidentally tells Tigerstar who still looks like Oakheart. They manage to escape with the help of Goldenflower instead, who does what Ravenpaw did and fakes being a RiverClan cat. Goldenflower was sticking around a little, living with Barley and never speaking of Tigerstar in front of Tawnypaw. Stonefur still dies in the same way and to Blackstar’ s claws, but it’s a breaking point for both Leopardstar and Tallstar, who try to convince one another that they have to do something. They try going to Blackstar but he just rats them out, causing Tallstar’s death and Leopardstar’s imprisonment. My god it turned into an AU, damn it. Sorry if you read this far.
  • 0:48 I disagree, Ravenpaw would have met Barley, when Bluestar visited Moonstone, Ravenpaw, tigerclaw, greypaw and firepaw joined. And when they returned Barley told them not to where the dogs are, but instead they got attacked by rats, Barley then saved them Conclusion: Yes, Ravenpaw would've died. But they did meet Barley
  • @lindawall5692
    I made a small lil thing for this, and posted it on Wattpad too. Rusty stared at Bluestar, Whitestorm, and Lionheart, and he was about to say his final answer, but he thought for a moment, and he knew he would miss his friends and his sister, who lived a couple blocks away from him. His sides heaved in and he exhaled his response, "No. I'm sorry, I truly am, but I feel that I would weaken your clan, and I would just be another moutn to feed, plus I'm a kittypet, no one in that clan of your's would want me, and my friends here would miss be dearly, I have a family here, and I don't want to leave that behind." He had spoken truthfully, and he almost regretted everything he had said, pain striking his heart as he forced himself to say these hard, yet simple words, and Bluestar's eyes darkened with disappointment. "Of course, Rusty, no worries, just don't trespass on our territory again, and definitely don't hung, or our warriors will turn you to crow-food." She spoke firmly, and her eyes narrowed, and she turned around, shaking her head, "What was I thinking? Once a kittypet always a kittypet..." Rusty stared at them with pain in his eyes as they stalked away from the fences, and Graypaw just stared at Rusty back, as if he couldn't believe what he'd had said, "We would've been good friends, you and I, are you sure?" He asked, double checking. Rusty looked away, nodding briefly, and he closed his eyes with regret, and Graypaw grunted, and his eyes flared with sadness and anger and he bolted away to the others. Rusty sighed, and returned to his normal boring life, and Smudge pounced on Rusty with joy in his eyes, "I knew you wouldn't abandon me!" He grinned, flicking his tail back and forth, but Rusty sighed, and ignored him, his collar made a ringing sound as he hopped off the wooden brown fence, and he looked back with regretful eyes. When he finally made it inside he went past his food bowl, he refused to eat any of that stuff, and he hopped up onto the counter, and saw a huge platter of food, there was a mashed potato salad to the left side, along with a huge metal spoon to scoop it out, and beside it was red wine, and kids soda. Rusty turned his head to the middle of the platter, to see a huge good smelling roasted Turkey laying there, and Rusty looked around to see Smudge giving him an amused look. Rusty turned his head back down to the platter and crept forwards, his highlight orange pelt kind of blending in with the dark orange counter, and with his teeth his sank it into the overwhelming scents of the Turkey, and he ripped off a piece, laughing with a purr of satisfaction he tore off another one, and jumped off the counter over upstairs quickly, and his Twolegs didn't even notice. He leaped up onto his Twolegs bed, and dropped the warm pieces of cooked prey, his mouth watered as the scents filled his nostrils, and with to big gulps he finished them, immediately filled up. Meanwhile, things were changing in the forest. A whole lot. StarClan was panicking, their prophecy cat refused to come to the forest! What would happen now?! Would this be the end of the clans? Redtail murmured as he arrived with the other cats, trying desperately to cope with the fact that his friend had killed him, but why? He didn't know what Tigerclaw even meant by, "Sorry, you were in my way." Redtail looked over to some more StarClan cats, who were looking down upon Spottedleaf and Bluestar. "Fire alone, will save our clan." Spottedleaf had mewed out, only somehow Redtail knew that fire wouldn't save the clan... He turned to the others who let out a fretful meow of alarm, and he saw one cat turn their heads to the direction of the kittypet houses. Bluestar said something about going to see a kittypet named Rusty, and suddenly a flash of his dreams and his possible future appeared in his mind, and fear surged through Redtail. That was the cat who would've saved the forest. That was the cat who would've stopped Tigerclaw. That cat would've been Firestar. Redtail felt his heart thump with fear, who would save the clans now..? No, nothing would save the clan. Moons later Tigerclaw had entered Bluestar's den, and he had told his warriors to leave for a patrol, a huge patrol. He had successfully killed Ravenpaw now, and no cat knew his secrets, and he knew now that he was to be considered Tigerstar, Bluestar was practically dead. He crept in slowly, and Bluestar was asleep when he had leaped onto her, sinking his teeth into her throat she yowled with pain. She twisted around and her eyes widened with fear and shock, and she felt his claws dug deep into her stomach, and she coughed, blood splattered to the ground as she fell, and she heard his words for the last time. "This was nothing personal, Bluestar..." "You were just in my way."
  • @OddJuniper
    So we can say that Fire had a huge impact by just coming to the Forest
  • Well, some of these are questionable, some aren't, but is no one gonna talk about how they called Mothwing "Mothflight"? Lmao
  • @Fizzmodeous
    It’s crazy to think that the smallest things can change EVERYTHING. This goes for real life too. For example, if I hadn’t watched Wednesday yesterday, I wouldn’t be here because I would’ve sat in my room, built with legos and stayed up really late, then sleep in super late and probably never have seen this video. Crazy.
  • @snoqueen75
    This is a great video! I think you should do something where you say cats’ last words in some series. Keep up the great work!
  • Scourge might’ve still come, his vendetta against tigerstar was due to him attacking him as a kit, seen in Bluestars novella
  • You missed a major part. If Firepaw (heart/star) hadn't come to the forest, he would have never rescued Yellowfang, and she would either die of starvation or sickness, or she would be killed by the rest of ThunderClan, convinced by Tigerclaw (star).
  • @raywarner4157
    No scourge would still come to the forest BUT after he killed tiger star Lion Clan would not exist and he wouldn’t actually be killed he will kill more cats until he reaches his goal ' ' Ruling the forest ' ' Unless bone found out his secret