Stalingrad | Perturbator God Complex | Soviet edit

Published 2019-10-26
Biggest Word War 2 and Great Patriotic war battle 1942-1943
One of the best Stalin era movie Stalingrad battle created in 1949 and show all battle from 1942 to victory at Stalingrad in 1943 Soviet force stand alone and know how win against axis forces(german, italian, romanian and hungarian troops)
with genius darksynth compositor Perturbator and his music God Complex


source: Stalingrad battle (1949)
song: Perturbator God Complex

old title: stalingrad.mp4, Thx for 25k subs 💪

All Comments (21)
  • @skymaster4743
    Fun Fact: Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus, the commander of 6th Army in Stalingrad who was in captivity in the Soviet Union, himself served as a consultant for this movie. Can't get more epic than that.
  • @PetroIv20
    When movie from 1949 looks much better than Stalingrad 2013 by Bondarchyk.
  • @lsq7833
    This movie was shot a mere 6 years after the battle... Many of the soldiers may actually be veterans of the battle. The equipment is real. German POW's were used as actors (iirc? need to confirm that though). That's why it looks incredible for a 1949 production. Waaaay ahead of hollywood war movies of that era. Soviet filmmaking was pretty renowned for a reason.
  • @centerice
    The hand to hand shot in silhouette at 2:00, and the following fighting inside a gutted building with only the stairways left while the camera moves downward 3 floors capturing all the fighting on each level, and moving from level to level is just utter photographic genius. Wish I could congratulate whoever thought of that shot. Imagine how much more compelling the action is with that downward moving camera than if they had used the standard hard-cut transitions from floor to floor. Wow. Inspired.
  • @kirill1376
    And after 17 years this country will make the first human flight in space...
  • @unkle_owl4347
    The man who matched video with the soundtrack is an artist
  • This movie was made in 1949 most of the equipment could even be real ;-;
  • I've never seen this movie before but it looks absolutely fantastic! The production value, and the amount of men, and vehicles used in it really makes it one of the most realistic looking War films I've seen so far.
  • 00:01 - The beginning of the summer campaign of 1942. The German offensive on the Donbas, incredibly heavy battles in the Donets region and the Don bend, the breakthrough of the South-Western Front, the Germans going to the Volga and Stalingrad. (The frames with black arrows at 00:01 and a woman with a dead child in her arms at 00:05 are very powerful symbols) 00:20 - poster "Revenge!" , followed by another symbolic scene: there are rows of tractors - machines of farmers, machines of peaceful labor, and next to them these same tractor drivers and workers are going to war. They ride in tanks, forced to change their plows to swords. 1:13 - continuation of the German offensive. The most critical moment of the war begins. The famous order No. 227 is issued 1:29 - the footage shows either the retreat across the Don or the crossing of the 62nd Army across the Volga. In any case, the whole scale of events is shown. 1:43 - a sharp transition to the battles in Stalingrad itself. The street fights in it were the fiercest. Assess the scene setting - the camera smoothly moves straight through the walls and floors. Real chaos and hell. Scene at 3:00 - the soldier takes out the last grenades and rushes under the tank. But the Nazis never achieved their goal, they got stuck in street battles, each house had to be stormed several times, spending several weeks on one street. This is the end of the first active phase, the battles drag on, winter approaches, early snow falls. 3:37 - The Germans are messing up logistics for the second time, they are not ready for the winter campaign. 4:09 - the frame speaks for itself. 4:33 - meanwhile, the Red Army's offensive is being prepared. Slowly, measuredly, the forces are gathering, which in 1942 was still not enough. 5:55 - the Germans guess that the end is near. Their front is on the verge of collapse. 6:23 - The Nazi will be torn apart in 10...9...8... 6:37 - November 19, 1942, the beginning of the Red Army counteroffensive. The most epic moment of the entire video, operations "Uranus" and "Little Saturn", the Soviet command believed that they surrounded 90 thousand people in Stalingrad... But 300 thousand (!) Germans and their allies ended up in the cauldron. 8:02 - the remnants of Hitler's 6th Army surrender on February 2, 1943. 8:11 - Children's fountain "Barmaley" - which was miraculously not damaged during the fighting, another symbol of that war. In general, this video has not let go of me for 2 years already, so much the music, images and content are intertwined. It was the greatest battle in human history, the turning point of World War II... P.S. The film "Battle of Stalingrad", the footage of which is used in the video, was shot in 1949, just 6 years after the battle itself. How amazed I was when I found out that in the mass scenes real German prisoners of war were filmed, and the film was advised by Germans - former participants of this battle. Also, the film has a massive presence of real combat equipment, damn it, we actually recreated this battle exactly. P.P.S. Even the name of the track has a symbolic meaning. "God complex" — "an unshakable belief characterized by an inflated sense of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility. A person with a god complex tends to refuse to admit their mistakes or failures, even in the face of overwhelming evidence." This is a direct reference to Hitler, who was the initiator of the German offensive on Stalingrad. He was warned about the adventurousness of this operation, but he considered himself smarter than his military leaders, thought that he had invented a plan to finally defeat the USSR. The defeat was stunning, mourning was announced in Germany, and after Stalingrad, Hitler was even more in conflict with his generals. Truly a "God complex".
  • Мой дедушка Райтмджан из Узбекистана Андижанской область бил освобождения Сталинграда. Он в составе краснога армии воевал против нацистов. Я его внук. Я горжусь своего деда. Он жил до 1986 года
  • Soviet film technique was pretty good. With this music it almost looks like Terminator
  • @ilnigromante666
    The Battle of Stalingrad was like two Mount Everests colliding at super sonic speed.
  • @jjjjc5999
    Pay the highest respect to the Soviet soldiers who died to resist the Nazis. . From China
  • Reading about Stalingrad is just so freaking amazing, and equally terrifying. On the eastern front, those soldiers had to fight battles like none other. It was borderline apocalyptic.
  • @edvard8449
    Russians surely know how to depict large scale battles
  • @dapperfield595
    The Soviets were so obsessed with realism that most of the soldiers depicted in the movie were the same soldiers that fought in that city during 1942-1943. Edit: This is likely false, so please don't consider this as a matter of fact.