Different Kinds Of Warframe Players You Will Most Likely Meet

Published 2024-03-28
This video is intended as a joke, you most likely will meet these kinds of players while playing this game.

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All Comments (11)
  • @ulysses11
    Just the other day I met a Dante main who shouted every spell he cast. I never knew one man had the lungs to shout “MAGIC MISSILE” thirty times in a row.
  • @okdah7098
    1:52 dude... Me and my friend are playing netracells right... And then there's this one fuckin revenant with a meta setup (i bet that mf got riven to all of his weapon) so that mf use revenant, torid, laetum, and a glaive prime. BUT, this guy dont do shit. This guy is just following us between mission and be the slowest mf ive everseen and met. when me and my friend look at the scoreboard and noticed that mf got less than 5 kills for each netracells... In conclusion... Dont be that mf...
  • @Rajclaw
    As a Xaku main I do my best to be as active as I can be, I’m there to play the game not AFK
  • @almeidathiago23
    I'm the Fashion Frame player. I'll run towards you or stand on the objective with my fashion and you NEED to see me, if you don't, I'll be mad.
  • @xcali9x808
    i rarely afk when people are nuking the game.
  • @kaminarinko1037
    I personally prefer just taking things as far as i can go. I have an imperator vandal with a really mid riven (+58%) firerate and ive gotten it up to 54.7 firerate without buffa from frames. Also love making my iron skin as much as i possibly can. Normal casts give me around 16k overguard and i think the highest ive gone is over 140k, since the ironclad charge mod makes the rhino charge give you armor rating based on how many enemies you hit, so you can theoretically stack it infinitely.
  • @TizonaAmanthia
    Hmmm...I often play tank...but...since I'm hildryn main. I guess I'm the "buffer/primer tank" lots of blazing pillage to strip armor, keep people's shields up. but...for offensive. I'm a wierdo. the "tank sniper" I soak damage so I can focus on getting those sweet head shots. love my big numbers...and...for me, it's lessa bout the "meta" and more about...fun builds that do crazy scaling, like the tiburon with it's critical precision. tryin' to get max stacks on it; that kinda thing.
  • My person hate is the big brain people. They think warframe is a 900IQ experience and only the biggest of brains can understand the game XD