Uncle Lucius - Keep The Wolves Away

Published 2013-04-02

All Comments (21)
  • Parents divorced when I was 4. My dad gave my mom a chance to be in our lives, she chose not to. But our dad, he raised me & my sister by himself he got some help every now & then, no child support. Took us to & from school, whatever school activities that schools was doing he was there. He even had to work nights for a few years, something that he really didn't want to do but did it. Sad to say we grew up without a mom and times were tough, but we pulled through because of him. I love you dad.
  • I’ve been a single mom for 14 year’s and my daughter is 14 my son is 12. I’m a concrete finisher in the union. I work so hard to provide for my kid’s. Went through cancer a year ago still went to work pouring and finishing concrete sick as a dog. Thank you God for healing me. I’m still here at 35years old still working like a man being mom and dad.
  • @codycraig6006
    Son turns 1 year in 2 days. 5 months ago I broke my spine in 4 places, broke my shoulder, tore my labrum and rotator cuff. Epileptic, beaten, battered or broken, I'll get you through. -We do recover. I'll never understand why my father chose to leave, but I'll always appreciate my grandfather for making me the man I am today. Keep going dads.
  • I heard this song when I was homeless; lost my house and job while trying to help my own sister. Resulted in a depression that even two civil wars couldn't do. Hearing this song while getting some rest behind a random garage made me realize what others (grandpa) have sacrificed for me and got my ass right back in gear. I was still hurting but I went to therapy, got into business school, met the love of my life and now again listening to this song with my son and daughter. Thank you sir.
  • @Benny1581
    Never understood why my dad missed so much stuff. He worked 12 hours a day. I get it now.
  • It’s cry night men. Let that shit out and get ready for work tomorrow. Love you gentlemen. Stay strong.
  • My dad raised me and my siblings in Louisiana while fighting my mom’s addiction. He worked himself to the bone until his blue collar job cost him nearly everything. He was injured so bad he was permanently disabled. We fought like hell through homelessness and hardship till that settlement came and we moved up north a ways. He passed 5 years ago and he is still the strongest man I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing.
  • @86prime
    Working 7-12’s as a pipe fitter, or 7-13’s as a foreman on turnaround in refineries and chemical plants all over the country was normal 8 months out of the year for me. Wife of 24 years, four amazing kids, but now I’m fighting Sage 4 kidney cancer, probably from the chemicals, fully disabled, trying to keep the wolves away. Still, I’m blessed!!!
  • Song reminds me so much of my baby brother. He had his first child at 16, and immediately got a job on a shrimp boat to provide for his new family. On his 17th birthday, our father signed for him to enlist into the Marine Corps. He did three tours in Iraq, and was even wounded in fallujah. After the service he got a job offshore drilling, and worked countless hours every week to build a comfortable civilian life for his family. I watched as he deteriorated when he got sick. He beat it, and went right back to work to continue to provide. He overcame so much in life only to be hit by a stray bullet at a gas station half a mile from our fathers house in 2014. Rest in Paradise baby bro u were double the man anyone I know could ever be in half the time! You were always able to keep the wolves away. I’m so proud to be your big brother. Miss you so much man.
  • @jackk8093
    I just buried my father yesterday. He always kept the wolves away. His last few months of battling cancer I tried to keep the wolves away best I could. I’m sorry I couldn’t do more. I love you dad.
  • As a single mama I have completely resonate with this song. After surviving severe, narcissistic abuse and raising my three beautiful daughters on my own on one of the most expensive states in the nation. This is my daily tasks keeping these wolves away from my daughters, and I I’ve never experienced in a spiritual battle like this 🥹praying every night to get through. I have so much to be grateful for the health of my children and my sobriety, but let me tell you this wolves surround around us.
  • As I sit on my fathers bed side as he is slowly dies of liver failure this song really hits me. He wrecked his body for years to provide for us. I used to get upset that he worked so much as all I wanted was his time. Now that I have kids of my own I get it. I love you dad. Relax, I’ll take it from here.
  • @Cultureking_23
    I’m a father of 5. Oilfield salesman. Former drug addict. Trying to keep the wolves away.
  • @texasted73
    I remember my dad would come home after 10 hour shift we live down an old dirt road so I knew when Dad was coming cuz I can see the dust I would get so excited to see my daddy, I can see how tired he was but he never showed it sometimes at night I can hear my dad in bed hurting because of his back but he always got up and went to work!!!! We never went without thanks Pop! ♥️
  • @No.1Blues
    If you're listening to this type of music even if you're still young that's mean you have a wonderful taste of music, have a good day.
  • @tylerkelly9788
    My ole man raised me since I was 9 months old all by himself I’ve watched him give me my last dollar for lunch at school.. I’ll never stop loving and looking up to my dad 62 years old still works his ass off everyday. I pray I’m half the man he is! If you have a hard working dad that loves you and will do anything for you call him and tell him you love him it’ll make his day..
  • @Damonh234
    12 hours a day, 7 days a week. Only hoilday he took off was Christmas. Didn't appreciate it until I had a family of my own.
  • @andrewhull388
    I'm on a turnaround in a plant working 7-12's and reading everyone's comments while listening to this song hit me down to the soul. Early mornings, late nights and weekends can wear you down but being able to provide a better life for your family makes it all worth it. Nobody knows your sacrifice better than another blue collar worker. Keep up the work everyone.
  • I am myself a recovering addict And by and with the Holy Ones help , I'm Learning to live again. Because I hungry for the word and it's My desire to know this man who protected me when I couldn't protect myself or my children. And though my eyes wide open I can see his glory through my children my grandchildren he has brought and bring family members back into my life making me whole again and if no one else understands my praise I pray the Holy One does..... Staying...