Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) hacks! 

Published 2022-09-18

All Comments (21)
  • I am pregnant and found out eating a raw celery stick really helped the acid discomfort
  • @mgdubya27
    I was on PPIs for a few years and I ended up having nervous system issues due to a prevention of magnesium uptake. I stopped drinking alcohol and cleaned up my diet. Problem solved.
    i’m only 20 and I have horrible GERD, It’s been burning my throat like crazy, im always in pain. I don’t drink any caffeine, not even sodas or anything; all i drink is the occasional juice. Nothing relieves my symptoms, my esophagus is so inflamed that i’ve begun to wheeze and the hoarseness in my voice gets progressively worse everyday. I don’t know what to do, GERD is ruining my life. I am so hopeless
  • @spyro37
    It hurts like my insides are on fire 🔥
  • @marvinegreen
    I stopped eating milk, sugar and much less wheat - problem solved.
  • @cdavis6897
    Losing weight helps, my husband lost a few pounds and his stopped.
  • @lottidd6037
    good to know - this shorts needs to be shared. thanks!👨‍⚕️
  • @roblovegreen
    My GERD went away when I quit drinking coffee and started eating smaller meals. Caffeine exasperates GERD because the caffeine relaxes the esophageal sphincter. If I start drinking coffee, my GERD comes back.
  • @driaalove9968
    I think I have GERD. Actually I was diagnosed a few months ago in an ER. I found out that I was anemic and then out of the blue these issues surfaced. Now I’m miserable everyday and I have high anxiety and panic attacks now. I wish I could live my life as I did before. With no issues no doctors no nothing. I need an EGD done but it’s so expensive and my insurance is playing games smh. As bad as I feel while and after eating, I binge eat now because of depression.
  • @mollyram2997
    When it happens to me, it's usually(for whatever reason)right before my cycle. It comes if I eat 3 hours before bedtime. Last night I ate exactly 3 hours before, it came but not as heavily(thank goodness). When it comes on hard, which is nearly every time, It wakes me up by feeling a sloshing of the acid/vomit tasting liquid, into my throat or back of nose. I immediately sit up. Usually my pets are wide awake and know it's happening before I do.. they all circle around me and stare like they are nervous. Then I sit there and have a horrific climbing of burning that takes my entire breath away, feels like my chest & heart will explode from the spicy/heavy pain. I also have to swallow over & over again this entire time.. over and over. Usually it reaches a"peak",at that point I'm usually trembling all over from the pain. That lasts about 2 mins but it's super scary. There's nothing to stop that climbing up.. after the initial splash that wakes me up. I am upright the whole time.. it all lasts around 20 mins to 40 mins. When it settles, I am finally able to lay down on my left, highly elevated. I take tiny sips of cool water moments before trying to go back to sleep. Every breath is painful. When I wake up in the morning, I have asperated bc I have a WET, heavy cough every time. I usually cough all day and can taste vomit when I cough(sorry, tmi). This whole ordeal is super scary.. but your advice is the best I've seen thus far on YT shorts.
  • @StudyMD
    Sorry, can’t give up those 4 things. Will have to go with not eating before bed 😅
  • @jamesarooke
    Medcline wedge pillow probably saved my life. It certainly helps me sleep at night, and I have no more GERD issues. I've been using one for years now.
  • Strangely I found cutting certain preservatives. No Oreos or Pringles and absolutely anything with MSG. Cut that stuff and no more acid reflux. Some of my favorite foods will never be touched again.
  • I might try this for a week or two to see if my asthma goes away