The Story We Tell Ourselves | Life Coaching | katyarrington

Published 2018-07-12
It's totally possible to see things differently. Even if you can't see it yet, I hope this plants the seed for you to start practicing it.

Please write to me in the comments or [email protected] where you can practice seeing your past differently. You can show me how you used to or currently see it, and then you can practice finding the strength you found in these experiences. I would love to read it!

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All Comments (20)
  • @rthur.
  • @viko7272
    "Well it is about ten minutes long so I'll watch it before bed and comment tomorrow", I said to myself ten minutes before I wanted to hug you tight and talk a lot with you. I really have to go now and I plan on coming back to properly comment but I just had to drop by and give you the biggest virtual hug in history. You rock life.
  • @hi-bk6sy
    This was so empowering! I also had a lot of issues with my father, but this video made me realize that I can see things in a different light. You have no idea how therapeutic your videos are :D I really like your voice btw!
  • @guminelly5536
    This is so inspiring. I used to believe my first story much more than my second. When I moved away from home, I realized how good my life is, and how much I really appreciate my family. I am forever grateful of how supportive they were of me growing up, but there are also a lot of things they did that I will never implement as a parent or spouse...or as a human being. It wasn't until I got married that I stopped thinking "my parents really messed me up" and started believing that I am in control of my life and can start over. The second story gives me a lot of power over my circumstances and also helps me build a better relationship with my family.
  • @InamBhatti
    So much admire you for your brave stance . to speak and stay positive out is the biggest achievement
  • @SweetPigment
    I am lucky that the double trauma I went through as a child made my brain default to ignoring it and living the moment but this one is a real eye opener and makes me not fall into a dark place now that everything comes back. The message at the end is so sweet, makes it soo worth to buckle up and watch the video with courage!
  • @marshmallow0x
    Every video I listen or watch of yours makes me relate to you so much more! I'll definitely save these and come back to them. I've committed 2018 to taking more care of myself and really prioritising my mental health and happiness and learning how to reshape my thinking is a constant practice but I think it's starting to work. Thank you so much for taking the time to make these and be open with us! it's really inspiring 💜
  • @PTKieffer
    this was a great video. I found myself relating more to story one, its reassuring to hear that it doesn't always have to be that way. having perspective on things can really make that big change
  • @soodiangel
    My experience has been backwards. my whole life up untill now My approach to life was like the video number 2. I decided to not let the awful childhood I had slow me down and choose to forgot how much my parents ruined my life and look forward and leave the behind all the negativity . It basically helped that I moved to another country so I kinda started to build my life free from that and chose to ignore everything that happened to me. and now since two weeks ago everything is catching up with me. I fell into this depression because I realized I never validated the feelings I had towards everything. I never told myself how much I hate my parents and basically just kept lying to myself. its inspiring to see the both sides and I hope ill be able to walk ithe fine line between these two videos sometime soon
  • for me, at the moment, the right path lies somewhere in the middle between the two stories. it helps me to acknowledge the bad things that happened and the things my parents neglected to do - not to put blame on them, but to validate my experiences, to tell myself that the issues I still have from growing up are real. Because as kids we don't have much of a choice, the responsibilities lie mostly with our parents. I still liked the approche of this video a lot, it reminded me that sometimes I need a nudge in the right direction to not get stuck in negative thinking and appreciate the good things that happen(ed) :)
  • @blablablah12d
    Thanks for making this! I have a lot of family issues right know, and not gonna lie i did blame my parents a lot. After watchig this, i took a step back and look at my issues in a new perspective, and try to understand it from my parents point of view. Now the things that they did kind of makes sense to me, like if i was put into this situation and i have a kid i would do the things that they did.
  • @ita_qupo
    Hi! I'm a new subscriber and this was actually the first video I saw from you. First few minutes I was like... oh no, I'll unsubscribe as I finish it and then you changed my mind completely. I had few friends that are your first story type and I long tried to change them but if they don't want it, you can't do a thing for them. I know it's possible because I did it my self. All you need to do is change your mindset to positive and everything will succumb to it. Shake off the bad things and work with good you have in your life.
  • I understand the point of this, that being grateful is a much better outlook on life, however it kind of looks like your lying to yourself about abuse so you can live with yourself, rather than acknowledging a shitty situation and moving past it.
  • @MrAconfee
    How do you change your story for the better to avoid unnecessary suffering, but at the same time deal with the truth of the bad parts that shouldn't just be swept under the rug, and might be harmful if ignored? (Maybe DM if needed)
  • @Onthegoart7790
    I'm confused a bit. Was the beginning of the video a post, then the middle was an update? Your dad treated you really bad when you were a little girl, your mom went out partying all the time. Then I guess as you got older, your dad started to treat you like his little angel? I'm not complaining I'm just trying to paint myself a clear picture here. As for me, I didn't get along too well with my dad because he's extremely selfish and never cared when we needed him too. Like he got me my first car, then about 2 years later, he told me that I owe him for that car... that hit me super hard. Still, our parents go through things and don't know how to deal with them at times and make stupid decisions without thinking about who else would be affected by their choice. They divorced while I was in elementary and it still hurts till this day because I never knew the real reason why they did. Sorry for the long story. The glad things are better for you now though. You're very strong.