Google Ads: Sizing Options Explained Plus Examples

Published 2022-06-21
Are you using Google's Display Network?

Then you should be aware of the different ad sizes available...

Watch this video to find out what they are — or for the guide, see

Here's a quick summary...

For example, different ad sizes attract wildly different click-through rates. A large rectangle ad (336x280) attracts over 8x the CTR of a 468x60 banner!

Remember too that some ad sizes are just for mobile, like the 300x50 mobile banner.

And in some locations, some ad sizes are way more popular than others. The 580x400 ad positively rocks in Norway!

The most popular ad sizes include the following...

1. 728x90 leaderboard.

2. 336x280 large rectangle.

3. 300x250 medium rectangle.

4. 160x600 wide skyscraper.

5. 300x50 mobile banner.

Or if you don't want to worry about ad sizes at all, consider Google's Responsive Display Ads which adjust to fit anywhere.

For lots more ad sizes plus examples, go to

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