Is Reality a Controlled Hallucination? - with Anil Seth

Published 2021-12-02
How does our biology give rise to the experience of consciousness?
Anil's new book "Being You" is available now:
Watch the Q&A:    • Q&A: Is Reality a Controlled Hallucin...  

Anil Seth argues, using innovative combinations of theory and experiment, that our brains are prediction machines inventing our world and correcting our mistakes by the microsecond. Anil's new perspective on consciousness has shed light on the nature of the self, free will, the intimate relationship between being alive and being aware - and the possibility of conscious machines.

Anil Seth is Professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience at the University of Sussex, where he is also Co-Director of the Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science. He is also a Wellcome Trust Engagement Fellow, Co-Director of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) Program on Brain, Mind, and Consciousness, and Co-Director of the Leverhulme Doctoral Scholarship Programme: From Sensation and Perception to Awareness.

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All Comments (21)
  • @dougg1075
    I noticed I don’t remember my dreams lately unless I wake up around 3 am and fall back to sleep . The second round dreams are vivid big time.
  • @DrSpooglemon
    "Consciousness is like, a feeling or whatever." ~ Science
  • @infonode1783
    The academic conversion on consciousness has matured so much in the last 15 years or so. Very inspiring.
  • THANK YOU for describing these ideas without using the terms "incomprehensible" and "mysterious". The hype has gotten way out of hand. Such a refreshing presentation! I'm glad you brought up the concept of identity. That one is tricky. I'm pretty sure that identity is a complex illusion. I sure wish I knew people I could discuss these ideas with.
  • I hallucinated from a medication when I was about 13. I saw and talked to friends from school. They were completely normal looking like they were actually right there in front of me. Blew my mind that my brain could do that and gave me insight to kids having imaginary friends that are very real to them.
  • Consciouseness is neither wooly nor elusive, but what we are. I see many many science and theoretical channels on youtube, all trying really to address, just who we are and where we came from. When I was quite young, I too had all these questions. I did come to the conclusion that the mind was too small to understand something so vast as to how everything came about. I used to say to colleagues and friends, how can I stop thinking? and was told, it's ok, you're just creative, or something like that, but I knew it was something much deeper, I knew that I was not in control, and I desparately wanted to be quiet inside. I was so fortunate to a little later, be shown, that inside me is a beauty, a quiet place, this was my true self, the me that was me before I was christened, the one that looks out of my eyes and percieves. I was shown a light within, so beautiful that it blows thoughts away like the sun blows away the darkness. For once in my life I was able to be still, and feel a love within me, without having to use a trigger from this world. The most beautiful thing is that it is always there, every moment. What I have been shown is the infinite part of me, where I have come from, and where I shall return, pure infinite consciouseness, pure love. Science will not find it with the mind, because the mind divides, only will the heart embrace the whole, only with the heart one can find the true self. It is not theory, it is not religion, it is not meditation, it is real, it is within us with every breath, we just need to know where to look, it is home, it is where we all need to be.
  • Also recommended is a book called “The mind Illuminated” by Culadasa (John Yates). He was a professor of neuroscience and trained in Buddhist meditation for over 40 years.
  • "Even the perception of whether things feel real can change"....I've had depersonalization/derealization for the last 9 monthes, and, let me tell you, that...that right there, is very true
  • My brother had cancer. They put him on morphine in the hospital. He was still in a lot of pain, so I asked the nurse how much he's allowed. She gave me a figure and I said well he's really hurting, how about you give him half of the full amount. She did that, and I made sure that for the time I was there, (6 hours) that they gave him that amount on time. So 2 hours later, we're talking and he's clearly pain free. But abruptly, h asks if there's a giant spider in the corner, near the ceiling. I looked and said, no, there's nothing there. OK, he said, then I'm hallucinating. Too much morphine can do that. The amazing thing is, that he became aware that he WAS hallucinating, once I confirmed that there really wasn't a giant spider in the room. That blew me away.
  • This massaged my brain just the way I like. Really got me thinking about the autistic brain vs the neurotypical brain. Also knowing my brain is different from the majority makes me doubt if I will experience things the same as others. If I would stand in line to do the rubber hand experiment I would get less and less likely to trust that the experiment would work on me as I witnessed more and more people reacting accordingly to the hypothesis. I also really liked the mention of how noticing change is it’s own sense of perceptiom in a way. My brain is wired to be hyper aware of change because it gives me anxiety. People with autism also often has lower or higher interoception. The dynamic feeling of existing in my body is a constant change of signals and the need and stress involved with keeping it balanced to avoid highs and lows because it steals all my attention is a nightmare. I often find myself wishing I was a robot just in order to be able to not get stuck in the perception of my own biology so that I can be present and fully involved in my surroundings. I am hyper aware of everything stimulating my senses both from my inner and my outer and since I can’t filter out or choose what to focus on life is generally extremely overwhelving for me and it has me drained and almost burned out as a baseline state. This leads to a lot of isolation with the occational insanely vibrant interaction with people and the world.
  • @yahronmills7404
    Incredible. We all stumble through life, and we “think,” we are ego, we are nothing but a speck on a speck, on a speck. Insignificant and yet significant. The ultimate expression of complex duality in apparent “living,” life.
  • @gustav4539
    Kind of weird that matter (table, glass of water etc) in itself has no consciousness, but if you arrange materia in a certain way (our brains), consciousness sort of appears out of nowhere. A magical leap right there.
  • @powerdude_dk
    This is the 2nd lecture I see about him talking about consciousness. And it's very satisfying seeing his progress between the two. I think the first time was in a TED talk.
  • I'm pretty confident after 69 years that their are alternate realities we experience depending on what we project or expect in our conscious states. Much like dreaming. I've had it happen many times. Great insights. Thank you. Now if I could just mind meld the winning lotto numbers... but World Peace would be better. We are one, only separated by our perception of possibilities. Whoever dies with the most LOVE wins! :D
  • @becharasaab9500
    That was refreshingly interesting. As a neuroscientist, i rolled my eyes at the title, but decided to give it a watch while packing for an upcoming flight. Beautiful talk. I would like to clarify that we can label three sources of information for the brain: i) the outside environment, ii) the body, and iii) the brain itself. The last source is fundamental to medicine since the ability for the brain to send itself information is critical for neural circuit training. We can train our brains via imaged (instead of actual) experiences.
  • @galalon2417
    This is the best lecture i have seen , ever. Words cannot express my gratitude. This brilliant professor got it right/correct/accurate down to the most important. The mind is a constant cyclic prediction machine. Reality is a semi controlled construct of the consciousness. You constantly predict reality into a subjective existance/perception. This lecture is dedicated to every person who practice augmented conciousness/augmented sensory/ extrasensory perception. Claircognizant, precognition, remote viewer, psychic, esp, super recognizer, face shifter, colour shifter, mind mirror practitioner, script imager, mind reach practitioner, multiple sensory predictive mixer, moded enhanced sensory modulator... The same predictive machanism that enable perception in ordinary people, extend itself in enhanced/augmented people. I dont know how the professor got it right/so accurate, unless he was assisted by an enhanced person.
  • @petrairene
    Yes. Because we live in a mental interpretation of the limited input about reality we can get from our sense organs.
  • This video made me feel like I am eating with my brain. The quality of this knowledge and the curiosity and the necessity of obtaining understanding of this concept for my personal growth made me feel better than I've ever felt in my entire life.
  • @freeusa18434
    I found this lecture extremely interesting. Anil Seth is on the vanguard of understanding perception, sentience, consciousness, new patterns, and intelligent breakthroughs. As with all new inventions and studies, the information could be used for good or evil. I hope such progress will be used to help society as a whole, rather than harm others for short-term profitable gain.
  • @jamesglass4842
    I was near death when I was 27 in October 97 from a burst brain aneurysm. I was unconscious and survived an operation that I wasn’t meant to survive. When attached to the life support machine I left my body but I only traveled out of the intensive care suit and floated in the corridor in front of my older brother and the German nursing sister. This was in Germany and I was a British Soldier. I know what my brother said to the nurse and what she said in reply. The first thing I said to my self was what is going on..this is weird. Th way I was was like I was looking out of Orb..I a floating just below the flashing red light above the room door..I remember looking at this and I saw from my advantage point my RSM with two other people a bit further down corridor. I could see, think and hear..but I wasn’t breathing the mechanism of respiration I was away from and the body I didn’t even think about. When I came out of my body it was like being in a jet black room then the blind gets pulled up on a window..and I was that blind coming out of darkness into light. I am interested in NDE and OBE. Read Peter Fenwick’s books and listen to is talks. I have been face to face with spirits and have seen my pas over family and passed cats. Peace and love.