Charleston White “Actions Don’t Speak Louder Than Words To Black People. They Are Stuck On Words.”

Published 2023-12-28

All Comments (8)
  • @Josiekins26
    I was taught as a child and I still apply it till this day not to listen to what anyone says, watch what they do body language tells you everything.
  • @kovarcoley8418
    Dr henrick clark said that the masses are now tired of the spoken word poet leaders what they are looking for are admimistrators, engineers, project managers, economist, visionaries and builders, the type pf people that can actually get things done. Our pain should not be treated as some type of rap battle. When we look at our people suffering in somalia, haiti, Sudan we are powerless to help. I just saw a news article saying black people are the most likely to be homeless in America and they are being pushed out of shelters in this winter to make space for illegal immigrants in nyc! What a travesty!
  • Pressure. From a collective standpoint, we have historically responded to constant external it social, economical, etc. Inescapable pressure gave us a stronger sense of urgency..such that words ONLY revolved around strategy, planning & action..rather than fluffy pep talks. This is why we progressed as far as we did (thanks to the Harriets, the MLKs, the Nat Turners, etc). Before & after slavery times, Our ancestors (especially us Afr. Amer.) have had every other culture in Our Ear (sabotaging & constantly interrupting our cultural development) trying to tell us who we are - and b'cuz of this, we haven't practiced high Culture Cooperation long enough to see it as the multifaceted tool that it really is. This is not to play the victim card, this is just an inconvenient truth. The Answer: Culturally self-imposed pressure (with NO outside interruption). But this would have to be targeted towards the younger generation (as the older generation is far too dumb, shallow, spoiled & undisciplined). Get the older generation's cooperation by using superficial incentives to motivate & instruct them on how to transfer stronger Cultural values (and more importantly, to encourage & REWARD Cultural Cooperation among the point where to be Black is to collectively empower One Another). ..Easier said than done, but..this is the answer.
  • @Gaim-Warden
    👨🏿‍🏫:Jeremiah🕯 17:1-4[1]The sin of Judah👨🏿‍🦱 is written with a pen of iron🛐, and with the point of a diamond🥇: it is graven upon the table of their heart🪞, and upon the horns of your altars🏚👨🏿‍🦯;[2]Will their children🌳 REMEMBER their altars and their groves📖 by the green trees upon the high hills.[3]O my mountain🗳 in the field🇬🇭, I will give your substance🇲🇴 and all your treasures🏠 to The Spoil 🇪🇺🦅🇺🇸, and your high places for sin🥷🏿/💃🏿, throughout all your borders👣.[4]And you, even yourself, shall discontinue from your heritage🏛 that I gave you; and I will cause you to serve your enemies in the land 🧭 which you know not: for you have kindled a fire in mine anger, which shall burn for ever🛐.
  • @EmperorDionx
    Yeah. Thats why i dont care what black people do anymore. Just do with yall want. Im going over there
  • @griffin9773
    Then, what you're saying is, deep down they don't honestly mean or aren't sincere about what they're saying. These people say what you want to hear but never produce, they're not reliable.