Chris Rosebrough Calls Dr. Michael Brown - The Sins of Martin Luther

Published 2024-03-15
Chris Rosebrough Calls Dr. Michael Brown to discuss his video on the Sins of Martin Luther.

All Comments (21)
  • @pudpuds3185
    I admire that though both men have strong opposing views and debate freely, they are so enthusiastic to meet together privately. Brothers in Christ.
  • We can’t in anyway downplay what Luther did. And this is coming from someone who respects many aspects of his theology.
  • @kburdett
    Here are my issues. I will admit that I have not watched much of Michael Browns stuff, but what I have seen is concerning. When watching the round table, he was shown evidence of the blasphemy that Copeland and Hinn consistently speak, but would not rebuke them. He won’t call them out by name for their harmful teachings, and uses the “I haven’t watched their ministry” and “I don’t know their heart.” Lines to defend his reluctance to call them out publicly. However, when Chris posts a video to explain the perspective of Luther in his time in order to add further context to the discussion, while being careful to say that Luther was sinful. Brown is quick to publicly rebuke him, and makes plans to do a video on it. It reveals a double standard and shines a light on what he values most. Blasphemy and Spiritual abuse take a back seat to what he falsely perceives as Chris perpetuating antisemitism.
  • I can fix this whole argument with this assertion: Martin Luther appeared at the foot of my bed playing a Saxophone.
  • @claudiaa2854
    Brown always says that he doesn’t watch videos of his critics but then he knows what they say.
  • Truly amazing. Michael Brown, who refuses to call even Kenneth Copeland a false teacher, will happily mischaracterize and condemn Martin Luther. 😮
  • I find it amazing that MB can spend all this time on someone who lived 500 years ago, yet hasn't the time to research one single false teacher today, who defends the indefensible, who says he has been friends with Sid Roth for 40 years, hosted his shows twice, yet hasn't had the time to watch his show., yet knows everything Chris Rosebrough has said. That makes him either a hypocrite or a liar.
  • @mko2853
    Thanks for sharing AGTV. I enjoyed the recent round table with Brown, Storms, Peters and Osman. I’ve enjoyed hearing from the charismatic side and them providing a defence and how they view things.
  • @LetHimSaveYou
    All I can say is Pastor Chris Rosebrough has helped me and my daughter so much. We have learned discernment and what the true gospel means. We went to a Vineyard church for years and they were wonderful and lovely and that time was blessed but we weren’t taught the true gospel or about repentance, at all. It was more focused on gifts and signs and wonders and self. It was an empty seven years. Once we learned the full truth, thanks to watching Pastor Chris Rosebrough’s videos, where he explains how false teachers twist scripture and lead people astray, we were set free! I didn’t know what being born-again really meant or that we are born sinners. I was once a slave to sin but I’m not anymore! Burdens and sins have been lifted off. Praise the Lord! Thank you, Pastor Chris Rosebrough. And I pray for Dr. Michael Brown. He seems like he wants to get it right for the Kingdom and I can appreciate that. I just know, from experience, how detrimental it is listening to teachers who twist scripture. God bless.
  • @BGotten
    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Great exchange. Thank you CB for calling in and identifying yourself. DMB thank you for being gracious with hearing out CB and responding so respectfully.
  • @lisfong
    Dr Brown I disagree about your interpretation of Pastor Rosebrough's video. It wasn't anti- Semitic and if someone finds reason in it to hate the Jewish people then they were already going to with or without his video.
  • @de1623
    I don't get it when Dr. Brown says what Luther did was far more destructive than Copeland, Hinn etc. If these guys are preaching a false gospel message and sheparding people to hell how is that not as bad as what Luther did?
  • @llewellynGS1
    I find it incredible that Brown says he “doesn’t watch Christian TV”; so that means he’s never seen Sid Roths show. Really? He’s been friends with Sid 40 years, even hosted the show. If he hears what critics like Justin Peters says about the show, you’d think he’d want to go see for himself.
  • @Foreknown_
    Soooo... He still can't find the time to watch one show of his friend of 4 decades (Sid Roth) or any false teacher to see if what people are saying is true, but he has time for this?
  • Well Dr Michael Brown wants to zero into Martin Luther but never addresses the behavior and racial views and actions of the fathers of the Pentecostal/Charismatic/Assemblies of God/Church of God denominations that held those beliefs all the way to mid to late 19th Century? I think we need to address both if your going to point one out.
  • @somemedic8482
    I totally agree that Luther’s antisemitism was reprehensible and he needed repentance “to be right with God”, but Michael brown blaming Luther for the Nazis murder of millions of Jews is just silly .
  • @kevinevans8892
    Martin Luther, despite his glaring flaws, was used mightily by the Lord to spark the greatest spiritual awakening since Pentecost in Acts 2. It is important that the church keep its eyes fixated on the Author and Finisher of our faith; Jesus Christ.
  • @Saratogan
    Why are we talking about Luther's antisemitism? Michel Brown says that it calls into question his salvation and therefore his theology. Chris Rosebrough cannot accept the question of his salvation because the taint on his theology is not an acceptable conclusion. Cannot the theology be separated from Luther's personal salvific state? For example, Balaam, whose Messianic prophecy is one of the most beautiful in the Old Testament. Yet the New Testament rightfully uses Balaam as an example of apostasy and does so without any taint on the Messianic prophecy. I have no idea as to Luther's salvific state. Only God knows. However, I do know that the reformation in which he was a prime actor was a Divine work.