A Racist Cop Doesn't Realize He's Being Recorded

Published 2024-03-19
This is Officer Ashlynn Pluff, and she just punched this black woman in the face. What’s worse is that this is a pattern for her, and she’s well known for using excessive force on people of color.

These are times racist cops didn't realize they were being recorded...

All Comments (21)
  • @rubykelley5581
    The female police officer who hit the professional boxer better be glad she was in cuffs.
  • @luvaubrie9251
    “You live here?” “Ya” “ok arrest him” WTF ⁉️⁉️⁉️
  • @markmatlick8500
    Put that female cop in the ring with the Olympic boxer and see how tough she really is.
  • @lisaamerson1547
    A criminal with a badge is the worse kind of criminal , An Authorized Criminal .
  • @RayPaganJr
    If the police were raised properly, their parents would have made sure they got a proper education. Instead they got a six week course on how to be a tyrant.
  • @wcbbsd
    And they wonder why they are hated.
  • @maxpowers9129
    If a citizen "jokes" with a police officer then that joke can be taken as a confession of a crime. Therefore a cop's joke should be used just as hashly against them in court.
  • How in the hell can a cop tell someone not to go in their own house? These people are crazy!!
  • @EricalWatson333
    Ugggghhhh!!!! 😡😡😡 That female cop needs to be off the streets. I cant believe that she didnt get punished for punching someone that was already in cuffs!
  • @bigdoze172
    Sickening behavior. Just imagine what they got away with before bodycams were required. Jeezuz
  • @Eldonlemete
    If being a “good cop” means remaining quiet while other cops abuse their authority, I could never be one.
    Say it right, put a “R” at the end. Just straight up wild.
  • @kevinkila9152
    In my country, a cop acting like this,with this attitude and character will definitely learn respect the hard way. We don't take disrespect lightly.
  • @CantStopGazza
    Getting charged for assaulting a cop when the cop was the one being aggressive is crazy
  • @KizaruKizaru
    "if you're not shopping here they can put a criminal trespass on you". On a fucking mall??? Bruh 90% of young people in my country go to a mall just to hang around not shop.
  • @SaintJohnCS
    "i don't have patience, people go to jail when i am around" that's power tripping!!
  • @Corliss-bl7bl
    I believe these types of cops were bullied as kids. Now they are the bullies.