Quark Gluon Plasma Stars ( a hypothesis )

Published 2023-09-14
The understanding of the formation of celestial objects under extreme astrophysical conditions has been a central focus of astrophysics and cosmology. Among these enigmatic objects, black holes have long captivated the scientific community, characterized by their intense gravitational fields, spacetime curvature, and the intriguing but unresolved question of singularity formation within their cores. Traditional models suggest that massive stars, upon nuclear fuel exhaustion, collapse under gravity to form singularities, giving rise to black holes.In recent years, an alternative hypothesis has been proposed by amateur astrophysicist William Cochran of WILLTEC for a new type of Quark-Gluon Plasma, or (QGP)-Star. These celestial objects are proposed to form through the collapse of massive stars, similar to traditional black hole formation, but with a crucial distinction. Instead of culminating in singularities, they are theorized to transition to a QGP-like state, effectively avoiding the singularity problem. QGP, a state of matter in which quarks and gluons become deconfined, presents an intriguing alternative phase in the core of these collapsed stars.Central to the formation of QGP-Stars is the concept of the critical energy density threshold (εc). This parameter represents the point at which matter within the collapsing core reaches a critical density, triggering the phase transition into a QGP-like state. The study of εc in neutron capture core collapse is the focus of this presentation. In this investigation, I delve into the theoretical framework underpinning the formation of QGP-Stars and their relationship with εc. I explore the conditions under which εc is surpassed, leading to the formation of QGP-like matter. Additionally, I discuss the implications of this alternative hypothesis for astrophysics and cosmology and consider avenues for experimental verification in the challenging realm of high-energy astrophysics.

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